View Full Version : looking for players friday nite....

03-08-2002, 10:59 PM
I amthinking of going to try out playing at Executive Paintball at the Hampshire MAll next friday (15 Mar). Anyone interested in going? Post and let me know. I would like to get to know players in the area.

03-09-2002, 12:41 AM
hmm.... if i take time off from work i could go.....

seeing how i am worin my manadtory ot this sat... i should have all of next weekend off.... and i got 61 hours of vaca to burn b4 june 1st..... maybe... i'll let ya know but i think i could do it.... what time about were you thinkin of getting there....

now as for the prices there so ya know in advance......

field fee $10
air $1.50/1000psi (this is subject to change depeing on weather they have the tanks for the weekend there yet or not and what kind of mood they are in... wont be higher though but could be lower....)

paint rps/pmi advantage $80+tax/2000 45/1000 20/500 (i think its only 20/500 but i could be wrong)

field- 55gallon drums.... evently they said they should have ultimate air in there.... but over all fun to play

i think there is still an atm in the mall.... food choices in the mall - arbys, china panda, taco bell, subway, sabaros(sp?)(stuffed pizza and stuff like that)

like i said.. i just would have to get the time off from work... and i will let ya know... if i think of it i'll pm magmonkey and ask him if he'll be there though i should see him the sunday.... or you could pm him also

well... time for me to goto bed... i got mandatory ot tomorrow/today as it is 2am and i have been drinkin.... thats gotta be the only good thin about 2nd shift... i get to close a bar any nite of the week......

03-09-2002, 07:37 AM
Cool Let me know one way or the other. I am taking my 9 y/o nephew down to watch. He has never seen a game, and I want to introduce him to it so he can start playing next yr. Email me to let me know for sure.

03-11-2002, 03:39 AM
Virus, email me at [email protected] to let me know if you are playing fri nite.