View Full Version : Z-Grip pic/me playing/WARNING camo

03-08-2002, 11:40 PM
Pics from my a college tourney last year.
Yes, I'm right handed with the Warp on the right, but the way I hold the Z-Grip I wouldn't be able to see otherwise... trying to come up with a solution for that.
Yes too, I AM wearing camo, but it was free and I didn't care if it got messed up... I can't speak for my friend in the background :)

03-08-2002, 11:41 PM
That is an odd position. I have a warp and a z as well, but it doesnt pose any problems for me. What about the way you hold your gun makes it necessary for you to do that?

03-08-2002, 11:43 PM
I hold the marker right next to the side of my head... pretty much so the valve is touching my ear... guess you can't see it too well from that angle.

03-09-2002, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Mantis
I hold the marker right next to the side of my head... pretty much so the valve is touching my ear... guess you can't see it too well from that angle.

Are you deaf in your right ear yet? :D

03-09-2002, 11:06 AM
Do you not like holding it in front of your right eye (while sighting with your left) cause you confuse the two images? Holding it by your ear you would be aiming with your right eye most likely. You may be extremely right eye dominant.

When I shoot right side off of bunkers I use my left eye to aim and my right eye when I lean out to shoot left side.

03-09-2002, 01:11 PM
Eh? What'd you say? :)
I think part of the thing with having the warp feed on the left right in front of my right eye, is that I can't see the end of the barrel - I use that to aim I think. But, I'm going to try the warp on the left side on my new RT Pro and see how it works.

03-09-2002, 06:57 PM
thats looks like an odd position, but hey whatever works the best for you. the gun looks nice, what place didnt you get in the tourny?

03-09-2002, 07:13 PM
Heh, the only part of that gun I still own is the warp feed and Z-Grip, but those are both going on my RT Pro.
As for the tourny - well, there were two brackets, novice and advanced. My team included 2 people who had never played paintball before (at all), and 2 people who had played 4 or 5 times, and me. Since I was a regular at the paintball club, and (I guess) everyone thought I was fairly good, we got placed in the advanced bracket. So we mostly got our clocks cleaned.
We didn't come in last though, and we beat the team of the frat that my friend didn't like, and most of all we had a lot of FUN, so it was all good in the end.
The funniest part was when one of the guys who had never played before was the last one in (like 1 on 3), and actually goes charging up the field into a small bunker a ways up... which promptly falls right over, leaving him completely exposed.