View Full Version : Air Leak or gremlins

03-09-2002, 07:17 PM
Ok my micro Emag is now leaking air out the barrel so i replaced the powertupe o-rings and that worked for 4shots then it started doing double shots when i pulled the trigger once while leaking air, when i hold the trigger down it goes full auto. It might be the powertube spacer but i have no way of replacing that right now. Also in E mode it will not fire at all the board works since the timer and shot counters are all on and every time i pull the trigger it still counts the shots its not firing. I dont' know if its a electronic error or something wrong with the retro valve. Any idea's what is going on?? i'll be phoning AGD monday maybe they can help. I was so happy when i bought the micro emag now its just one big problem after problem with it :(

Once all the gremlins are removed from it i'm sure its a nice paintball gun just need some magic elves to help me :)

03-10-2002, 09:04 AM
ow great the safty just fell out why would they even make a cheap gun like that.