View Full Version : Paintball.. one of the simple pleasures in life

03-10-2002, 11:42 AM
After a very long hiatus I finally got to play again yesterday. It was one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played, and it makes all the tinkering, money spendin, sittin around waiting, all worthwhile. It was in a rock quarry that a friend owned and everything was cover. No, it sure as hell ain't one of those newfangled speedball fields (I have no problem with playin on those either), but it was one of the greatest playing grounds ever. I think I got hit the most of anyone, but thats because I had the most experience of anyone there and I wasnt afraid of rushing and trying to bunker people. Like when I charged a guy that was on top of a dirt hill. I had to give myself covering fire, as my teammates were (usually) never around when i needed them. I kept moving up from rock, to concrete block, to rusty metal thing till I got close to him. Thats when I charged for the bunkering. I may have got lit, but I took him with me.
Also after about a half hour of work, and changing all my orings, and messing with my velocity adjuster and other things, my gun worked flawlessly for the day (except for the time I ran out of paint in the one game i decided to not wear my harness, but that ain't my guns fault). I know I got all sentimental here and stuff, but I'm just so happy. All these things combined to make it one of the most enjoyable paintballing days ever for me. It really didnt matter that at some points I was running thru ankle high mud. Paintball is truly the greatest sport. Hopefully I can make the drive to sacramento when Tom is there in a week or so.

- A sentimental windbag Matt