View Full Version : rain play

03-10-2002, 04:46 PM
i was wondering if playing in the rain with like a hyperframe or a mako storm grip frame is safe or will the rain fry the electronics


03-10-2002, 06:39 PM
if its not storming dont worry. we have a angel a e matrix and some bushys that play in rain all the time. if its storming they wont play tow cuz of the electros. i love my rt. it keeps up with the electros and it is all micanical;)

03-10-2002, 06:54 PM
Just played w/ my Emag through Skirmish's 10 hour scenario game.. rained the entire day. Found myself belly crawling through rhododendrums and chin deep in mud. Never took the gun off electro mode, never skipped a beat. Can't say the same for the guy w/ the angel that fell and dunked his marker in a puddle. Took 3 hours to dry out, clean and tech back to health. Not a dig at Angels, just pointing out that sometimes.. it happns..

03-11-2002, 03:25 PM
It could fry it if it gets too wet. I think you will be alright as long as its not raining too hard you will PROBABLY be alright (just don't want you messing it up then comming and blameing me):)
I know some people who use hotglue to seal it off so that you don't get water in, that might work. Just be carefull you don't get it somewhere where it won't be easy to get off.

03-11-2002, 06:48 PM
Your dealing with very low current here. So heavy rain or puddles may affect its performance, but it won't fry or short out! Just make sure if it gets wet to dry it out real good. The problems will come later from corroded connections if you don't! A little silicone spray on the contact points will help.