View Full Version : The Plan!!

Automag ReTro
03-10-2002, 08:07 PM
I WILL acquire some form of the E-Mag. Either the regular version, an Extreme, or an SFL. Here's the plan: I've just doulbeled my work time, which means double the money. I will save up and only spend money on gas and food. I have $450 saved up for spending money for Europe during Spring Break. I will spend as little as possible there and whatever i have left will go to my new gun. I will then sell the gun pictured below. That will leave me with more than enough money to have the SEXIEST gun in existance. What do you think about THE PLAN??

03-10-2002, 08:12 PM
sounds nice... except we cant see ur pic... oh well that sounds kinda like my plan, it goes like this

extreme body or warp body

i just completed the warp and superbolt and im trying to decide on which body to get... shes SUCH a nice gun

Automag ReTro
03-10-2002, 08:14 PM
I WILL be getting some form of the E-Mag, whether it be the stock form, Extreme, or SFL. I have a specific PLAN and here it is: I doubling my hours at work, which means my paychecks will be twice as much, and my tips will be twice as much. I'm also going to Europe for Spring Break. I have $450 for spending money. I'm going to spend as little as possible and whatever i have left will go toward my new gun. Also i will sell the gun pictured below. With all of that done, i will have more than enough for the SEXIEST gun ever made on God's green earth.

the JoKeR
03-10-2002, 08:16 PM
One of my favorite quotes from Stripes:

"Custer had a plan"

Good luck to you!:cool:

03-10-2002, 08:16 PM
and yoiu wnat how much for ta warp??

Automag ReTro
03-10-2002, 08:26 PM
I'm not selling my gun for another 2 months. And when i sell it i'm keeping the warp and tank. But everything else is for sale, but not until after April.

03-10-2002, 08:47 PM
cool... u will love the emag... me coming from a retromag with intelliframe i know how it feels... the emag is sooooo fast

03-10-2002, 09:39 PM
Why not up-grade THAT gun to an Emag? Way cheaper, and you get to keep your ReTro valve.

03-10-2002, 10:02 PM
Don't skimp on your trip to Europe! Enjoy yourself there.

You already have one of the best mechanical guns put together. Take a bit more time in saving funds and have a good time on your trip. It'll mean more to you in the long run.

03-11-2002, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Shaft
have a good time on your trip. It'll mean more to you in the long run.

I agree with shaft. I am not advocating hitting every bar in the country but...you 'll know your happy medium. Also, if you are on a budget the eastern part of europe is less costly than the west...for the most part. Oh and if you like beer try Prague :)

03-11-2002, 05:54 AM
army,can you explain how converting his gun to an emag is cheaper?thanx