View Full Version : My consistency is unreal!

03-11-2002, 02:55 AM
Hello everyone,

I have made a new record for myself!

My gun is almost at +/- 1 fps!

My consistency was shot out the door with my old used Palmer Bottomline after I ran it on straight Co2. After the Co2, the reg started getting a +/- 15-20 fps variations (I am definitely gonna have to send this in, this reg is old and abused).

I have since gotten another Palmer bottomline, very slightly use, from a poster in the classieifeds in this forum (T.Y. Nx-Neon).

I bolted it on and played Sun, I was afraid since according to the previous owner (and seller), the reg hasnt reached its "break in" period... but what the hey, try it anyway. I was using my Good old 14 Boomy since my JT barrels were with a friend. 688 with some fresh RPS Slam ball. I set the velocoity so it would be below the 285 limit. I set it at about 280 after 5 shots and setting it in, all and I mean ALL stayed in between 280-282! WTF!

There were some ppl there very impressed that a "so called Mag" could get this kind of consistency. Now I have proof for all the Cocker toting owners that a Mag can have the consistency to rival the "all mighty" cocker.

I want to make a small video, I need ppl's help to do it so I can link it in this forum. My girlfriend has a Digital Fuji cam that has the ability to take short camcorder like movies that can be saved on the computer. The question is how do I link it? Help me all, Im so proud of this feat I accomlished. I wonder if when the reg does in fact break in, the consistency can hang in on just one single velocity. hmmm...


03-12-2002, 12:59 AM
just sign up for a free web site on geocities or something and upload to there. If you're having trouble doing that, I have a server I can host it on, and I'll send you a link to it. Email me at [email protected] if you want me to host it.

03-12-2002, 01:36 AM
I once had a day of amazing consistency. NPPL Pittsburgh '96. First 7 shots over the chrony all were 300. I dropped it to 295 to be safe. Next 8 shots 7 at 295 one at 296. All day, 3 shots on the field, three shots coming off and at least 5 of those clocked in at 295 and the other one was 296 the few times it wasn't 295. Of course it has never happened again. I was running a black boxed mag and an AA N2 on remote. That old N2 system was very stable though, I shouldn't have sold it. Of course the tanks coming up on its third hydro this summer. I guess she's getting close to over the hill.
