View Full Version : The field i went to saturday didn't even have a chrono!!

03-11-2002, 11:40 AM
I went to Paintball Authority on Saturday the 9th, in Powhatan Va to play some ball.
I personally don't care for their field due to high prices (1/2 case of RPS $40.) and the owner is, well not a very nice individual.
I got there around noon and gassed up and asked the ref where the chrono was at and he said "oh, we don't have one today, the owner forgot it."
I couldn't believe it, how stupid is that? He is paying for to insure the field (or at least I assume he is, but wouldn't surprise me if he isn't) and not have one of the most critical safety devices. I just don't get it. I know plenty of people were shooting way to hot because i have a gash (not a welt or scrape) on my left arm about 2" long to prove it.

It was so ridiculous, but i don't care too much anymore. I don't plan on going back there again. I am supposedly banned because i used non field paint. The only reason i did that is because they only had half a case and after i shot that up, there was no paint left to be purchased.

So beware of PB Authority!

03-11-2002, 01:25 PM
whoa man i know i wouldnt have played there. chrono is therer to make sure everyone is shooting safely. at the field i play at ref's watch everyone chrono before they go out.

03-11-2002, 01:32 PM
Uh oh... this means that I'm starting to have more equipment than some fields.
Actually, I wouldn't call that a field. In my mind, probably the biggest difference between playing at a field and playing outlaw is that there are velocity checks and refs to enforce it. I do not play with out checking my velocity, period. That's why I got one of the little chrono that hangs under your barrel, in case my friends ever wanted to shoot it up in the woods.

03-11-2002, 04:22 PM
i recently played a field that had one, but no one checked what people chronoed at. Also, they never checked anyone between games. It was like the honor system or something. I know some people were hot!

03-11-2002, 04:38 PM
yeah the honor system works most of the time there, i've never got shot by someone shooting hot :) yet

03-11-2002, 05:47 PM
the other times i have been there, it has always been the honor system. It is so pathetic.

The site is so out of date. The don't have two stores. They only have one and have not had the second one for about a year now. They must not have checked there hot mail account in that long either because it is not a valid hotmail address anymore.

It makes me really worried for newbies that go out and get bunkered left and right while the refs look the other way. Heck those kids getting bunkered could easily be shot by a ball doing well in the high 300's. I think i want to report them. I know they had us sign waivers, but i don't recall what insurance company it was. But it was the usual one. I think it was national something or another.
Anyone think i should report this, and to who?

03-11-2002, 06:25 PM
Yeah that's a good question. Who would you notifty about that?

03-11-2002, 06:41 PM
Try the police.

Let them know that these are not using a crucial piece of information.

Just to be sure however, go a few times in the course of a month. Just stop by, act as if you are going to play and ask to see the chrono.

Keep a specific log of the date you went, approximately how many people where there and what the excuse was for not having a chrono available.

Also, grab one of their insurance waivers. If it doesn't say who is the insuring party ask. Legally, they must tell you who is carrying their premiums.

Then contact police, insurance carriers and the local town board.

My true opinion? If they refuse to use a chrono then shut them down. They are bad for the business.

03-11-2002, 06:51 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Ray is an idiot! Don't patronize him!

03-11-2002, 07:13 PM
now that i think about it, one time earlier this summer it was not working properly. It was at a tournament. They said that the battery was dying so when you would chrono, you would get very inconsistant readings.

176fps, 299fps, 310fps...so on and so on. I didn't think about it much then, but now that i think about it there always seems to be a problem there. When they do have one and it is working, then they don't really check it.

But i can't go there anymore to check things out because i am supposedly "banned".:)

No big deal, i am helping build and design a new field in town.