View Full Version : Read this and add comments:

03-11-2002, 06:34 PM
OK, I had a little chat with a person, who I think has some...mildly (insanly) incorrect views..anyways its American and its OK for this person to be COMPLETLY wrong.
So, here it is, this is what's bothering me, these statements...feel free to add any of your own comments, and why you think these views are wrong or right. ANY input is appreciated.

"i really hate george bush, i think he is arogant and he is really going to get us all killed"

"calling countries an axis of evil is a reference to WWII and the axis powers like Japan germany and Italy. The countries he called an axis of evil are NOT in any way an alliance they are separate threats and by saying that he totally put his foot in his mouth and pissed people off. It wasn't right to use that reference he could seriously put us indanger"

"people have hardships in their life that makes them who they are. In many cases These people have lived in povery with low education and our country has held them back from
expanding becuase the unipolar political system existing in our counrty we have kept power and tried to spread western thought and impose ideas on cultures it is not unrealistic for these conuntries to blame the western societies for their poverty and poor conditions and their strife i know that this may not get through to you but its the truth economically the Us and other superpowers hold back undeveloped counties in order to prosper and have chep labor and what not"

"becuase they cannot support themselves in a world like this
they cannoit get a stong government becuase they are held back"

"it is never a bad thing to question the government if we hadn't questioned the government of england we never would have jhad the american revolution and there would be no america"

"the people of america needs to be questions or it could end up in the horrible conditions that you say those other countries are in its not fair to just accept what they say
we have to fight to keep the governmenet about the people and not about one persons thought national interest is completely subjective and it is unfair to say that wars are in our interest when only one person gets to deside our fate"

Anyway, that is not the whole conversation, though I have it saved, because it really annoyed me. If any of it is confusing, then I hope I can clarify...Please comment and respond to the sections I quoted above. Thank you.

03-11-2002, 06:38 PM
Ummmmm... isn't this one of those prohibited topics? Oh well....

All I have to say on the matter is...

"i really hate george bush, i think he is arogant and he is really going to get us all killed"
HEY! That sounds like what people say about ME! ;)

(J/K.... or am I? :D:D:D)

03-11-2002, 06:47 PM
I dislike george w. bush also... but not for those reasons...

03-11-2002, 06:58 PM
Actually, alot of those things hes saying make sense.

03-11-2002, 07:39 PM
Guys shartley is right This is a political topic i suggest getting rid of it. Its against the rules.... it does upset me that some one who is for the most part ignorant about how things actualy work.. its not all up front if you get what i mean.. we may call Iran an "Axis Of Evil" but we are still working with them. and in no way are we holding anyone back. We have done LOTS for most of these 3rd world countrys. I saw a old news brodcast (2000) from afghanistan. One of the tribal leaders tent was mad out of "US Relief"* flour bags. They had USA writen on the side of the white burlap type bag in red letters.

Anybody who envisions a perfect society is ether insane or on drugs... HUMANS WANT TO BE SUPERIOR!. We will never get along with people becuase we will always want to pick on the guys lower than us and try to beat the guys above us.

Great now i went and got all political, see what you guys can do.. :D

* i dont know exactly whos bags they were but they said USA across the front. and were obviously for food. I know they were from food because i say similar bags once we started giving the Afghans food.:D

03-11-2002, 07:57 PM
I don't hate you Shartley, even if you are arrogant and I agree, you will probably get us all killed.:)


(PS If the betterment of MY country comes at the expense of some OTHER country, fine. I'm just glad I'm on the winning team)

03-11-2002, 08:07 PM
Yeah, it should probably either be removed or sent to the friendly corner.
**It's okay Shartley, I suffer from arrogance too:D .

03-11-2002, 08:29 PM
I agree with sharly, this should probably be taken off...

My opinion, though, is that I am behind the President 100%. I think he's doing a fantastic job. America is finally acting like the superpower it's supposed to be.

03-11-2002, 09:30 PM
well - you know what they say - opinions are like ..er never mind...

Its frustrating when people start to spout off the injustices of a nation blah blah blah with out really having the big picture and taking everything into account. They are impossible to argue with.

I under stand your frustration - people like that boil me - but they are out there.

Since the person who made these comments isnt even here to defend themselves, the thread is rather moot - and Im going to pretend Im John Wayne and head this off at the pass!