View Full Version : Sick of my Tippmann buddies

03-11-2002, 07:54 PM
Hey guys I don't want to sound like some kind of none automag gun basher but I am growing weary of my paintball buddies telling me that their Tippmanns are just as good as a Mag or Cocker or Angel for that matter.
Last night takes the cake though. We were sitting around having dinner and the "leader" of the Tippmann stooges looks right at me and tells me that his tippmann with it's "response" trigger can outshoot a Retrovalve on a mag. Now this was not who could pull the trigger faster or the limits on the rof of the Emag. The comment was made about the 26bps of the retrovalve without shootdown, and his comment was my tippman can do that easy. I almost crapped my pants!!!!!!!!! I respect the Tippmanns they are good markers and the CVX valve is a very good valve but....COME ON, CO2 cannot do that it is physically impossible for it to cycle that fast. It has no time to expand. You would eventually be shooting liquid CO2 out of your marker and that would kill your velocity because there would be a loss of pressure. I Have put up with a lot from the 6 friends that I have that shoot Tippmann 98's but I am coming to my wits end. You guys have no Idea how bad it is. As a matter of fact one of them just called me to tell me that they have a new guy with a Tippmann w/response trigger and flatline barrel, "You automag guys better watch out!" There are currently four of us that shoot mags.
Give me some comfort please!!!

You know what I don't care. I usually kill most of them anyways when we play. I guess the thing that bugs me the most is that fact that they can't back it up. Next time I play with them I'm going to aim low.

03-11-2002, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by CleenSweep
Next time I play with them I'm going to aim low.

just remember, if they are dumb enough to think a tipman can fire as fast as any high dollar gun (mag, cocker, angel, shocker, ect...) they probably wont realize they wer shot low:rolleyes: . as for the tormenting, i dont know what to say. i get herassed but its all in fun cuz they know my rt can keep up with there electros:D . im sorry for your problem but i dont know how to help.

03-11-2002, 08:21 PM
just ignore them, the type of guns people use is actually not very important except for high bps, I shoot a mag because I like knowing that when i pick up my gun that it will shoot and it will work well, and you said that you usually shoot them out, then just tell them how your "inferior" valve just shot their butt. Skill in my opinion is more important to the game than having a fast gun.

*Once again this is just my opinion, I am sure there are many people that believe that fast-shooting is more important than motion, and teamwork and such, that is their opinion and I respect that*

03-11-2002, 08:54 PM
I have owned both guns C98RT and a retro mag. Have a rof contest over a chrony that measures bps. Then after he thinks he is so cool for being able to shoot so fast tell him to chrono his shot. I garuntee you will be +/- 2 he will be +/- 15. That damn rt just suck co2 like crazy. Yeah they shoot fast but you can watch them drop off. The only reason I came from my c98rt to the mag was for consistancy and the smaller size. Other than that his gun is pretty close to ours. Right now I am getting +/-1 fps over the chrono I love my gun for it. :D

03-11-2002, 09:16 PM
*lifting head back and breathing in heavily* Whats that smell?? I think...I think, yes it is......it is a one on one.

The simple solution to all paintball oriented arguments. Challenge him/them to a one on one with your "inferior" gun. After bunkering him because his gun was freezing up see what he has to say about "You mag folks better watch out". And while your at it tell him if he is ever in the Nashville, TN area to give me a ring and I will add another tally mark to his loss column against mags. Now that thats said don't worry about what they say because once they start playing tournaments(if they do) they will realize how outgunned and outclassed they are.

03-11-2002, 09:27 PM
technically ya, you can shoot over 12bps or so with the RT M98 but the gun isn't able to cycle that fast so what ends up happening is the gun uncocks. Just ask any owner of a TIppmann M98 RT, they will say if you set it too high, it will uncock. I've shot this on M98 RT with Warp Feed and Flatline, and lemme tell ya, i was very impreased, teh moment i put a bit of presure onto the trigger, the gun just went <pop><pop><pop><pop> and i was like... did i just shoot? It's very impressive for the price. Besides, even if it isn't able to shoot over 10bps effectively, what difference will it make? Most people do not shoot over 10 bps anways. Even on fast electros like Angels and Impulses. People like to say they can shoot 13-14 but in reality, its not more than 8-10.

03-12-2002, 07:20 AM
I shoot an RT pro, with a zgrip. I have used it for about a year now. I play at a field where there are several tippman 98 RT users. They can, and do, shoot significantly faster than me, and I shoot pretty fast. These guys shoot faster than the SFL emag guy and almost all of the angels. These guns are NOT semi-auto, even if they can be shot that way. When I see one of the tippmann guys putting endless, very fast ropes of paint on the other bunkers while running and holding the gun with only one hand, you just know he's not pulling the trigger that fast. He's holding it down. It's not a better gun, and they're not better players, but I don't think I could match that ROF without an emag. The sweet-spot on an RT tippman is MUCH bigger than an RT's. But they can keep their 98's - my rt IS better. And that's that.

03-12-2002, 07:51 AM
CleenSweep. I have both a ipp M98 and an Emag and all things being equal I see no reason why a 98, with a sufficient supply of CO2 GAS could not perform somewhere within the same area of a mag.

However, its having that "sufficient supply" that I see as being the stumbling block for the 98.

Just tell your buddies that the 98's have their points over the mag (extreme modify-ability, tough as nails, low maintainence) and the mag has its points over the 98 (very high ROF, very little shootdown, faster recharge time).

Other than that it just becomes one huge pissing contest and no one ever wins those.

They just get wet.

03-12-2002, 08:10 AM
Man I hate to admit it but I have some friends who shoot 98's w/rt trigs and we shot over a ball counter and they were getting 13 - 15 bps easy. That's pretty impressive. My rt won't go that fast (at least I can't get it to). What do we do?

soilent green
03-12-2002, 08:24 AM
well I have a 98 which I was forced to use while I'm waiting to get my retro valve I just used it on sunday and I forgot how terrible it was the shot consistency was bad and the it has so much recoil I really need my mag back It is way better

03-12-2002, 10:00 AM
The only marker that really makes a difference is the one that YOU think works best in YOUR hands. It does not matter if your friend can shoot their marker faster than you. It does not matter that their gun costs ten times more than yours. What matters is that YOU are confident with YOUR marker. What matters is if you think you can make a crucial shot when it matters. Can you put out enough paint to cover you buddy while he runs up to bunker someone?

Years ago, right after the first AutoMags had come out and virtually our entire team had converted over, we still had one guy who insisted on playing with his pump gun (I think he was still carrying paint in 10 round tubes as well). He could play head to head against any AutoMag, despite the difference in the rates of fire, because he knew he was the bette shot. I can't count the number of times someone would dump a couple hundred rounds at him, and he would time a lull, pop out from cover, and snap shoot them in the goggles.

A marker is only a tool. The difference is made by the skill and confidence applied by the user of the tool.

Next time your friends say something you object to, just smile and think about how good it will feel the next time you get them in your sights and you KNOW you are about to send them off the field.

03-12-2002, 11:21 AM
1. think about your marker.
2. feel your face. is there a smile there?
3. you have the right marker.

03-12-2002, 04:26 PM
i know how you feel, this one kid is like "ill take a stock tippmann over an automag with a zgirp anyday" and i was like shut the heck up. But its kinda funny to see what they say next, like this one kid asked me if my zgrip was a 3 fingr trigger! LOLZ

03-12-2002, 04:41 PM
LOL..... play game with mag.... 3 "Kills"
play game with stock tippman..... 3 busted balls.....

03-15-2002, 12:44 PM
hey it's not the gun that makes the kill. it's the killer behind the gun... hahahahaha. That's what I tell my cousins and they all don't have a thing to say when it comes down to playing on the field.. but off the field.. they talk all they want. But I just smile inside cause i know whats true. That was when I had my 68 Automag w/ powerfeed and an All American barrel. Now that I have a works autococker, they pretty much say this... "okay im on xtians team, b/c I dont want to get shot by his marker" If you keep getting your friends...every time they sit out of the game yell out.. "Sorry Tippy but My Mag just tagged you mwa hahahaha"