View Full Version : gun is leaking...

03-11-2002, 11:03 PM
My gun is leaking... I can't figure out how to make it stop. I can't determine if the leak is coming from the trigger area, or down the barrel because I don't have any experience in telling which leak is which. I replaced the entire on/off assembly just a while back (I actually lost it...) and I replaced all of the o-rings in the gun, but it still leaks. I don't think it would be a power tube spacer because I haven't changed anything but the on/off assm. and some o-rings, (I haven't actually tried it with anyhting smaller than .225, because I don't have them availbale to me.) That leaves two things to try and replace (according to the troubleshooting page in the manual), the bolt and the power tube itself. I can't find any cracks in it, so the only thing left is the bolt

My bolt has a little wear around the edges were the sear catches it, but other than that it looks like a brand new one, so my question is, what would you do to fix the thing?

03-12-2002, 12:03 AM
Try the powertube spacers. You can tell if it's leaking out the barrel easily .... if its not the barrel make sure your grip frame screw is very tight. the front screw that is.

03-12-2002, 12:19 AM
It's also good to make sure everything is well oiled, if you haven't already. After that try it again, if it still leaks, do what Law said, change the PT spacer.

03-12-2002, 10:27 PM
i tried all of that, but it still didn't work, it looks like im gonna have to send it into AGD to have em look at it

03-12-2002, 10:50 PM
does it still leak when the trigger is pulled in? if so, check the oring that is in betwene the two parts of the on off assembly. they are screwed together.

03-14-2002, 10:33 AM
turn the air on slightly so that it leaks a little bit. then put ur hand over the front of the 'gun, where the barrel would go, and if the freaquency changes, it's down the barrel. or u can turn the air on, and make sure it's gassed up, then submerged it in water, and follow the bubbles to where it's coming from. :D
hope this works. i have the same problem.