View Full Version : "Why do so many people dislike mags??"

03-12-2002, 02:33 AM
automag ignorance (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=47506)

found this on pbnation, they need to be set straight

DC Nelson
03-12-2002, 02:47 AM
I just dont get it...
Why do people think that if its more than 15 minutes old, it isnt any good any more.
I have a cocker, and love it, but im also putting together a mag, and like them just as much.

Mags are like the 1911 of paintball.
Why mess with perfection?

The "Revelator"... Angels aint got nothin on me!

03-12-2002, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by Sasquatch-86
Their parts break, my friend has a mag and has broken 2 bolts in half, aftermarket at that. The don't make a good reliable product.

Does anyone see the irony in this?

03-12-2002, 03:39 AM
Yeah, that post above the others made me choke when I read it.
And here I was, listening to people on this board say how their cockers are cool, I was thinking about getting a cocker to mess around with myself. IMO those guys are giving cockers a bad name by being so... uh manufacturist?
Who am I kidding, I want more toys :)
Maybe I'll get a really expensive cocker that looks really flashy and mess it up a little bit, then let people test shoot that vs. my mag :D

BTW PotatoBoy, you eat babies? Do you drink pee? You must be French! Or maybe you completely don't get my reference.

Kaiser Bob
03-12-2002, 04:25 AM
Its funny how cockers, basically an old nelson style pump with some pnumatics to cock itself, are cool while mags which were designed from the ground up to be a semi and a valve design aftermarket companies cant even dream of improving upon, are 'old and outdated'... :rolleyes:

03-12-2002, 06:51 AM
Ohh yeah, i represented over there along with the rest of the AO family!!!! YEAH BABY!!!!!! That is so awsome that we all went over there to set the record straigh. Thanks Capoeira!

03-12-2002, 08:13 AM
DC, I like the 1911 reference!!! Damn good piece of American know how. Still going and going and going...Just like Mags.

soilent green
03-12-2002, 08:51 AM
well they don't seem to know what they are talking about more people bashing mags because they heard they were bad I love the quote that the after market bolts were breaking and saying there fore AGD makes a bad product

03-12-2002, 11:39 AM
your a god.
wow, right on the mark!

03-12-2002, 12:27 PM
I like the "Hasn't been changed since it came out!" post... which was made twice:)

Level 7...



03-12-2002, 12:45 PM
And to think... UDT was REALLY close to getting an Angel instead of an EMag... and now he's a Mag die-hard! Hehehe. GO AO Army!

03-12-2002, 01:24 PM
One thing that I see about Mags is that there is a lack of advertiseing by AGD. This is not a terrable thing for those of us who own Mags or who know of them. However for new people who are reading paintball mags, they will see pages after pages of Angels, Cockers, and Timmies.

You can make a mediacore product, (hack, Kingman, hack) and slap it all over the pages of APG and the like.

You can also make a great product like the Mag but not advertise it.

the bottom line is that the mediacore procuct will sell more because more people see it.

I like to think of myself as one of the best representitives for AGD in my area. Not too many people own mags and my field really does not have any on the wall for sell. The only ones that we have are used ones that other players are trying to sell. I am usually the one that tries to talk newer players into buying one of the used mags instead of a new spyder or rebel. "I know it costs more" I say,"but the Mag is a better marker then both of them combined". I also let alow of people shoot my Mini and my EMag so they can see how well they work.

The sad thing is After my sales speech I usually see a person go to my field owner and show him a picture of a Spyder Flash or a Cocker in AGD and say "I want this one." I ask them why and they say the picture in the mag looks cool.

03-12-2002, 01:52 PM
Have pity on the ignorant. Let them believe what they want. We must be the mag desciples... http://forums.paintballcity.com/showthread.php?threadid=221746 observe my first post. notice the words at the bottem, not the sig, above that. WE HAVE TO SAY THAT TO EVERYONE WHO HAS NO EXPERIANCE!!! Think about it. a cocker owner cant convince us that they have more range, becuase we know they dont... and we cant convince a cocker owner that the range is equal becuase they are set in there ways... we must ignor the old and focus on the new players. tell them not to buy into the hype..when ever someone looks at a mag, they look at a cocker too. its just the ying and yang of paintball.

03-12-2002, 03:53 PM
ok,someone said the mag was built a semi and stuff,but wasnt it actually made after the panther and p2?

03-12-2002, 05:14 PM
if i recall correctly, the panther was an open-bolt blow back operation, not a blow forward. that would make the design quite different from that of the automag. someone please correct me if i'm wrong, though

03-12-2002, 05:20 PM
well... chop chop chop. And they cost a booty load. I think a stock cocker is a better deal than a stock mag considering what u get. Thats my personal opinion.

03-12-2002, 07:25 PM
"One thing I hate about the Mag owners is this claim to "21-26bps" that is the singular reason that they list that gets me mad. Sure it's a fastr echarge valve but 26bps is a bogus claim. The reason is simple NOBODY can soot that fast, NO loader can load thats fast (dont use the HALO either, It's much faster but I wouldn't take the videos as a good example, they could have done that as many times as they needed for it to actually get to that rate."

I didn't read past that, but what doesn't he get about it being ABLE to go that high. Noone said anyone could actually do it. Machine.

liigod- Just making sure, have YOU owned a mag? mags don't chop if you maintain them well. I have had 2 and I get no chops besidesthe old leaving the revvy off.

03-13-2002, 06:01 PM
I think one big thing that turns people off of 'mags is they're not a flashy gun. Unlike a 'cocker, which you can personalize the hell out of, a 'Mag owner is confined to a few splash kits and ummm... well, ok you see my point. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but a lot of people also like to tinker and have aftermarket parts. Most 'mag owners know it comes great from the factory, but the tinker factor isn't there. There are also very, very few "special edition" 'mag productions. Look how many custom 'cockers, angels, etc. there are.

I think a lot of it is public perception and misguided second-hand knowledge. Compared to some of the other guns, a 'mag isn't a very exciting gun to own.

And please, before anyone flames me, I am a 'mag owner, many times over.

03-13-2002, 07:39 PM
I wonder why these people always claim that mag is made as a beginners or intermediate gun, also. Hey tom, did you know that you made mag as an intermediate gun? lol. Instead, they should say that mag is made as a reasonably priced, high end gun. . .

03-13-2002, 07:43 PM
I love this one....

"They're old and outdated. No range, horrible consistency." -cOcKeR169

Dont post on Pbnation most of them are a bunch of ingorant newbs who think they know.

03-13-2002, 08:26 PM
What RaV3n_Pa1ntba|| just said about the ignorant newb thing got me thinking about Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. If any of you saw it, at the end, they used their money to go and beat up all the people that dissed them. 90% of the people were little kids. I bet this applies to what is going on right now.

Now, I am trying to start a team and a guy asked me what type of gun do I shoot. I said, automag. Then he started saying that they are the most unreliable guns that he has ever seen and he said that his spider is better. Then I asked him, have you ever owned an automag? He's like, "no". Then I was like, " how do you know they suck then?" Then he didn't answer and then I said, "Yeah that is what I thought." But seriously, it is just a bunch of little kids that have cockers that their mommy and daddy bought for them and they believe that cocker elves DO exist.

Lastly, about the open bolt vs. closed bolt issue. I was talking to Aaron K. Alexander at LA open and he ACTUALLY believes that closed bolt shoots further than open! I was thinking about skipping over to Tom and telling him this but then I get side tracked by my friend. But, how rediculous is that! He thinks that open does not get as much distance as closed!


03-13-2002, 09:10 PM
I wonder how the debates would change if all players were required to take a few physics courses. Actually, and unfortunately, probably not much...

03-13-2002, 10:16 PM
inferiority complex? ;) Thats why this is the only paintball forum i go to. Sure, theres a little of mag superiority, it is AUTOMAGS online. but, at least here people use facts to back things up, not perceptions, misconceptions, etc. We may like our mags better, but, by and large, theres not too much bashing of other markers.

03-13-2002, 10:24 PM
The current generation of mags are the seventh generation. The guns have been built for simplicity and which makes it reliable. Also the experance that I have had with my auto mag doing nothing to it besides the trigger frame, and the barrel and it is working beautiful. I know that there is not much opposition on this form for mags but hey what gun can you drop on the floor and not worry about it messing up something. This curent generation had only been out for 5 years or so which is not that long of a time. Also the rt valve is a recent as they are only maybe 3 years old. So they are not really that old. Maybe to the new cockers which they are a countinual work on the gun. Here all you need is the gun, the tank and a hopper with balls, oyu are ready to go.

03-14-2002, 07:24 PM
>at least here people use facts to back things up, not >perceptions, misconceptions, etc. We may like our mags >better, but, by and large, theres not too much bashing of >other markers.

That is what I like about this place. There are many informed people citing facts, and Tom puts all sorts of effort into testing. The problem is, some people regard facts and science as if it were some sort of superstition. Many of them don't grasp simple principles, and dismiss you because what you say (which has been derived from empirical trials and science) is not concurrent with what they believe.
Maybe all the focus on science and facts makes Mags come off as nerdy. That might supplement negative views on it.

03-14-2002, 08:51 PM
People don't like mags for a couple of reasons.

1)They aren't too expensive
2)They are too simple to work good(not true)
3)You can't do millions of upgrades
4)They aren't the best looking guns

03-15-2002, 06:08 PM
This just go to show how much of an aftermarket driven sport this is and how hype is so capable of bludgeoning common sense into a pulp with elves.

03-15-2002, 06:21 PM
i like mags so much that i am trading my cocker form one tonight! The cocker and mag people are just 2
different people!