View Full Version : How do I get my RT to shoot faster?

03-12-2002, 08:13 AM
I have owned my RT for almost 3 years now and I can't get the thing to shoot very fast. I could shoot my classic faster than it. I have some friends that shoot 98 customs with rt trigs and we shot over a ball counter. It was embarrasing. They were getting 13 to 15 shots/sec. easy and I couldn't get close. what am I doing wrong? Please help.

03-12-2002, 08:20 AM
Your problem? Your worrying about the wrong thing.

Game strategy is more important than how fast you can shoot. It only takes one ball to get an elimination.

03-12-2002, 08:21 AM
Easy answer --- pull the trigger faster !

LOL - sorry ..

Seriously - what kind of air system are you using? I hope it's adjustable - start playing with the input pressures and see what that does to the trigger

03-12-2002, 08:27 AM
There's another thread on the tippman RTs bobbing around right now. "Sick of my tippmann buddies" or something like that. It's not fair to compare a real semi (an automag RT) to a basically full-auto gun (tippmann RT). I have to question 15bps without a warp and a halo, especially if they're running co2. Unless you're not putting enough pressure into the gun, with an RT ad a zgrip you should already go plenty fast. I hold my zgrip differently from the pics on the airgun.com site, with my first two fingers pressing vertically down on the trigger instead of crossing it. This works for me. You could waste some air playing with the trigger, trying to find a way to get it to shoot faster, but why? Let them keep their tippy's. I bet they can't shoot YOUR gun as fast as you.

03-12-2002, 08:28 AM
Hey Bud,
Do you have an adjustable tank, or is it preset? If it's adjustable, I'd suggest messing with the out pressure, as that affects the reactiveness of the trigger. You may like it harder or softer, and this would affect your ROF. If it's a preset tank, I'd suggest looking into an adjustable tank, they're not that expensive now, and worth every penny if you have an RT!

Later ~

03-12-2002, 08:32 AM
Send it in to AGD. Tell them your RT isn't reactive enought. Make sure you tell them your input pressure. They'll put a custom length on/off pin in it. Your mag will be a whole new gun.

03-12-2002, 10:13 AM
I do have an adjustable tank (Nitro Duck 68 3000 mini reg)I currently have it set at around 650 psi going into the marker. I have had it at 700, 750, even 900 psi. this turned my Automag into an Autoblender ie. a splooge gun. What is this about sending it into agd? How long will it take to do it and how long of a rod do i need? Who do i talk to?

03-12-2002, 11:13 AM
My pressure is fixed at 800 psi. I got a custom length on/off pin from AGD. With my triggernomics trigger, I can shoot as fast as an angel.

Call up AGD and tell them you are going to send your gun in for a tune up. Tell them it isn't reactive enough and needs a custom length on/off pin. They'll give you an RA number. Send in the whole marker. In a week or two you'll have it back with a slip that has the length of the on/off pin installed, the pressure they used (probably around 800) and the velocities it chronoed at (just FYI). Set your pressure to what AGD used and don't monkey with it.

I did this with mine and the difference was night and day. It was like I got a whole different gun back. I'd be willing to be that most RT users don't have their RTs tuned to the point that they could be.

03-12-2002, 01:01 PM
Just buy an Intelliframe. My friend just got a new RT PRO with the intelliframe and it rips! A double trigger makes it easier to shoot faster and you will love the feel of the intelliframe. You have to tell them its for an old style RT because they have to make the hole bigger to accomidate the banjo bolt.

03-12-2002, 02:25 PM
fine, just let em shoot their 13-15 bps and watch how many balls will cout out of their barrel. If ROF really is that important to you, i suggest you get a fast gun like an electronic of some sort. But i could care less about ROF. I've went from RT to Bushmaster 2000, down to a Cocker. You have to realize there isn't much difference between 6 bps and 10 bps. Sure theoretically the more balls in the firing lane, the more chance someone is going to run into it but if you really have game, you do'nt need to waist the extra few hoppers of paint. IMO, accuracy is extreamly important. What's 10bps without accuracy? I'd rather have a 6bps shooting RT that is semi-accurate than a M98 at 11bps thats all over the place. Besides, no matter how much you upgrade your M98, it's still a Tippmann Model 98 ;).

03-12-2002, 02:55 PM
The thing of it was that the 98 didn't bust any paint. It shot accurate (within a 8" circle at around 50'). It isn't like they were sploogeing paint. When they shoot you can't get out to shoot back. Then they laugh and say look what a 250.00 marker can do over a 700.00 one.

03-12-2002, 03:35 PM
650 is low for reactivity... Ive shot an rt at 850-900, and its just reactive enough to give you a quick burst to come out of the bunker with and tthen let you pull the rest.

03-12-2002, 06:18 PM
come out of the other side of your bunker that they aren't hosing. and shoot them square in the mask. If they are reallying on rate of fire soooo much then they are probably neglecting their game and if you out play them you can beat them.