View Full Version : Texas Revoloution VIII Scenario Game!!

03-12-2002, 11:52 AM
Well, I've been playing these games for a couple years now, and this was my first big game with my new RT Pro. Let me just say that it performed FLAWLESSLY. I didn't have ONE BALL BREAK, and everyone who tried it loved it! I even let my friend shoot it for a little bit during night play if he would let me shoot his Angel LCD for a little bit, and later he wouldn't give it back! I took that as a good sign:)

We ran with a Mag toting team for the majority of the game (The Spanish Inquisition) and took many missions and had ZERO gun problems with the Mags! Just like tournaments, if your gun won't work, it's going to be at a scenario. I was amazed how we were all on the field and shooting great when so many others were walking off!

The most fun I had with my RT was during final battle. For those of you unfamiliar with final battles, they are usually the biggest rush out of the entire scenario, because the teams and missions and general kills now mean nothings, and its just a huge speedball game with about 250+ players on each team. Many tournament players play final battle to hone their skills, and I've seen many of them fold on their first final battle. It's a rush unlike any other. Anyways... I had gone out to the 40 yard line with my Angel friend, and we were sweetspotting as fast as we could, and compared to my old Mag (7 years old with a Magic Box and a DYE barrel) this was 10 times better! I was firing faster, had better consistency, and my grouping was fantastic! (I was shooting 32* Team Colors) We must have taken at least 20 guys off the bat before someone flanked us from the creek! What a rush!

I saw many booths there, and even a WGP booth, but sadly, no AGD. That suprised me, because most of the guns I saw WERE Mags. For those of you who say that you never see Mags any more, go to a scenario. At least 1/3 of ALL the guns are Mags, the highest percentage! Hope you guys get a booth for the next T-Rev! Thanks AGD for making a product which I can count on for 24 hours straight!


03-12-2002, 01:18 PM
I wanted to go to that but I will most probably go to the next one, I think it's star wars related. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! :D

03-12-2002, 01:52 PM
Yeah, it's Phantom Menace. I'll be reffing that one. Hey, didn't someone call for a Texas AO meet? Why don't we have it at one of these big games...?


03-12-2002, 02:07 PM
yeah that would be a good idea. But it seems a lot of people in dallas want to only play there.. so it'll have to be the ao'ers in houston plus the other scattered ones in texas like me and havoc_online.

03-12-2002, 07:03 PM
I think either Red Dawn III or Apoc Now II will be in Dallas, maybe that one? Hmm...