View Full Version : Kapp Zone Dropzone 11 cradle and Flatline

03-12-2002, 12:19 PM
I'm getting a Flatline and I'm using a Warp, but I want to be able to rotate the tank
to give more clearance to the Warp and balance the marker better. So my question is will the Kapp Dropzone 11 Cradle fit around the Neck of the Flatline 4500 tank thus allowing me to rotate the tank? Also this will be on a Extreme Emag,when I get it, will the dropzone interfere with battery removal?


03-12-2002, 12:51 PM
it took me about an hour and a half to fit my dropzone cradle around the flatline the first time....it was very stiff and involved removing the original drop but now it's kinda stuck on there when I take it apart and is easy to work with...YES it does interfere with battery removal, namely you can't remove the battery without completely removing the drop. This doesn't bother me so much because battery only needs to be charged every 15-20k shots or so and that's mainly when I do a real good cleaning on the gun.....

03-12-2002, 12:58 PM
One way to go is the dovetail DropZone!!! That with a dovetail adaptor for the Flatline, and tou'll be good to go!!