View Full Version : Being out of shape sux

03-12-2002, 12:25 PM
I never realized how out of shape i was until I played CTF (woods) this past weekend. I got the flag and ran 1/2 way across the feild and my chest felt like it was going to explode. I had some highschool kid run it the rest of the way. It doesnt help that the elavation is at 6500 ft. either (more then a mile high).

I plan on working out soon, maybe even doing "Body for Life" challenge from EAS. This is what I get for playing Ulitma Online for the past 3 years and not paintball... Im the type who likes to run alot in PB, but this isnt cutting it. Has anyone else out there worked out just because of paintball? I know Im going to start :)


03-12-2002, 12:28 PM
Tell me about it! But if you are going to say you are young I am not about to sympathise with you. Old and out of shape! Now there is an unpleasant situation I find myself in...

03-12-2002, 12:38 PM
I too an old and flabby and am determined to not be that way anymore.

I'm 28 yers old, 5'11" and over 325 lbs. I can't even play with my son anymore.

So about a month ago I joined a gym and started to seriously watch what I eat. I have alomst completely cut out snack foods like hostess and twinkees and the such.

I did a little researching and discovered the just to maintain my surrent body weight I would have to eat almost 2700 calories a day!


After that little brain gem I decided to go to a nutritionist and get some help. I got a list of good foods and bad foods.

A typical meal for me is now a toasted badel in the morning with grape or strawberry jelly and 2 cups of water. Lunch is my fav part of the day because we have this relly gret food store just a few blocks away called the Pump. Nothing fried or any oils or butters used at all.

My favorite is the Easy Rider which is a baked half chicken breast over pasta with nonfat mozz and low sodium sauce. MM-mm!

Or the Hercules. half a baked chicken breast over pasta or brown rice with lentil soup. Delicious!

Dinner is either a small sandwich with either whole meats or fish, an apple and more water.

If I get hungry during the day I just much a few baby carrots.

I do a very little in the way of weight training. I mostly do walking or rowing for about 45 - 60 minntes.

I've been doing this for about a month and already I can see the difference. I've cut my caloric intake down to less then 1500 calories a day and I fell great.

Paintball was one of the reason for my wanting tolsoe weight but it was mostly for health and longevity. I definately want to be around as long as possible for my sons sake.

If you want any healthy and good tasting recipies let me know. I now have an abundance of them.

03-12-2002, 12:42 PM

You do not know the meaning of Old yet my friend. :rolleyes:

03-12-2002, 12:46 PM
Good for you. I tire of people who don't have the gumption to take control of their lives and eating habits. Of course, I'm the same height as you, and 1/3rd your old weight, (seriously) so I guess I shouldn't diss those people either, lacking personal experience. Glad it's working out for you.

03-12-2002, 12:50 PM
Hey guys,

I know a lot about this subject, and was even thinking about starting some sort of "Paintball Fitness" website or something that people could sign onto and get lots of great workout ideas and tips when it comes to this exact thing. Its never too late to change!! Remember that. I can offer you guys TONS of advice and tips, I currently study Health and Excercise Science in college and will be taking the ACE test for personal training this summer. I changed my life two years ago by starting to workout regularly. In High School I couldnt run a mile, now I can do 4 miles in 30 minutes. You have to first know how the body reacts to excercise, and then learn how to make the stimulous maximize that reaction. The body for life book from Bill Philips is an EXCELLENT source of scientific, reliable information. It is a good start.

I believe that paintball teams, just like any other sports teams, could DEFINETLY benefit from a training regiment. I have started to collect speed drills from other sports and picking the ones that most directly influence the kind of moves you make while playing tournament ball. What do you guys think?

03-12-2002, 01:42 PM
Im going to start working out for sure. Being in-shape will give anyone an advantage...even in Chess! Im 6'3" and 225 at about 19%....I want to stay the same weight but be at about 6%.

There are 4 main tricks to getting in shape.

1. Do cardio for 20 minutes+ 3x's a week....In the Morning!
a. Empty stomache forces you to burn fat
b. Low insulin levels....helps some how.

2. Dont eat carbs 3 hours before bed
a. Un-used carbs turn to fat

3. Lift weights 3x's a week, work each body part atleast once a week.
a. Lifting weights makes your muscles bigger,hence needing more energy...Hence your metabilism speeds up...hence,you loose more fat and get more endurance.
b. blah blah blah!

4. Eat 4-5 healthy meals a day.
a. take suppliments if you want....

I know these things but dont do them...I will start soon since I just started paintball again and cant hang with the other doods.


03-12-2002, 04:17 PM
I am 6'1 or so and am 215,and im only 15.I dont have a problem with running or anything,i can easily run the 50,i might get shot,but ill run there.I can also run up to bunker people w/out getting out of breathe,but i play back,so I dont do much running

03-12-2002, 04:33 PM
Heck. The average age for the team I'm on is 35 years old. I have a front man that is 40 and can outrun any 16 year old brat any day. Thats half the fun when they see all use old farts before a game and when the game starts there blown away that we get a man to the 50. They never expect us to be able to move that fast. It really winds them up.

03-12-2002, 04:38 PM
Way to go Hemlock,
I got back into paintball at 5'9" 270 lbs. I am now down to 226lbs and getting leaner by the day. I do 30 minutes a day of stairmonster and a buttload of freeweights. You will find that when you really get going on the cardio, you will really help your game. I was a back player until I really started training hard. While I'm no skinny minnie I can see the results of my hard work in how far up the field I get, or how tight i can tuck into a bunker. Glad to hear your doing this for something other than a bet. Keep up the good work.

03-12-2002, 05:03 PM
Well, What *I* think we need is golf carts out at the field to carry me from the staging area to the flag station, and then at the end of the game back to the staging area again.

And I don't know about 28 year olds goin' on about being old - I'm 40 and have broken much of my body. If I tried to get "in shape" my lungs and blood vessels might be fine - but then my knee and back would give out.

I tried to get in shape a few years ago and all I did was make my chiropracter rich! Now I treat my body tenderly, then every couple of weeks I go out and run it up and down the paintball field!

Its always funny to see the looks on the younger guy's faces when I almost keel over from lack of oxygen!

But like I said, I have to rest up between games, so golf carts are the answer. Seems like I should be entitled to that under that Paintballers with Disabilities Act or something!

Besides, I AM IN SHAPE. It's just that the shape I've chosen is ROUND!


03-12-2002, 05:12 PM
im just fat.

03-12-2002, 05:13 PM

I have always worked out quite a bit my Junior and Senior year in highschool (currently a Senior). I run or do some cardio 5 times a week and do heavy weights 3 times a week and light weights the two other times.

When loosing weight don't overdoe the calorie cut, that puts your body on a starvation diet and you actually burn less calories.

Kajo out-

03-12-2002, 05:24 PM
Back in the day when I just got out of Text School, I was running 13 minute/2 miles. I was able to run the WHOLE paintball field without getting tired. But that was 4 1/2 years ago :) Since then I got a girlfriend(wife now), a computer which Ive been glued to for 3 years, and a somewhat of a desk job.... I weighed 163lbs out of basic training, heheh nowing Im 225. But I was body building about 3 years ago, got to 200lbs at like 9%-10%....not to shabby.

Im going to start the Body for Life challenge soon, I just need to buy the suppliments, which cost a fortune :/ Check it out at www.eas.com

peace yall

Thx for reasponding :)

03-12-2002, 05:30 PM
Well I'm 19, I'm 6'2" and I weighed in at about 257 about a year ago and I'm at 215 right now... a world of a difference I might add. All my weight that's unwanted is in my butt anyway :) I love to play the tapes and front... i get too bored playing back :) I guess at my height and weight I don't consider myself out of shape but I can see how someone could weight that much and be physically larger ... umm yeah i'm losing myself so i'm just going to end this one now :) hehe

03-12-2002, 05:47 PM
Being 6'1" and 170, I can't say I'm fat (not really skinny either), but I did start working out. When I first starting playing, I was never fast enough, often getting hit (I like to run as far far as possible). So I starting working out, running, weight-lifting, not eating too much crap, Its working out.

03-12-2002, 06:03 PM
Me = out of shape... lol... I work out but I have a bad diet... I need to cut down on the junk food...

03-12-2002, 06:14 PM
Well I am out of shape to, well I can left alot, I just have a big old stomach, I tend to eat to much chunk food. I can easliy lift hay bails all day long and not be tired, (60pound bails, 1000 per person per day). But i can not run I am slow so if anyone can help me out with some tips or ideas how to cut back the junk food I would be thankful. If i can do that I will be set.

03-12-2002, 06:17 PM
don't buy junk food... And try not let anyone else by it around you. You'll dive into it eventually.

03-12-2002, 06:20 PM
tried that my mom always has stuff, then I cave in and go looking for it, I will just tell her not to buy any of that crap.

03-12-2002, 06:21 PM
That's what i mean... Too bad my dad won't stop buying junk food... oh, and drink tea/water during meals instead of soda or coffee or something of that sort.

03-12-2002, 06:28 PM
I never drink soda, always water and sometimes tea or gatorade, but my mom always has some kind of junk food.

03-12-2002, 06:31 PM
I see... Hrm... Work out more? lol

03-12-2002, 06:32 PM
ultima does the same thing to me ;p guess we can officially say that UO is bad for our heath? hehe:(

03-12-2002, 06:43 PM
No, Computer/TV is bad for health...

03-12-2002, 06:43 PM
UO for 3 years = fatty :) But i could pk the crap outta someone, hehehe. Want to buy my account? Only $300 or retro valve, hehe. 7xgm healer/mage,5xgm thief,3xgm mule,5xgmbard,5xgm LJ'er,4xgm pk(fencer)2 accounts total.

Oh yeah, Drink a Gallon a water a day....nothing else, besides Crystal light/gatorade/tea...

I want to look like Ahhhnold!!!


03-12-2002, 07:44 PM
Well I drink at least a gallon of water a day thats all I drink, sometimes I will have gatoride, or tea in the moring. I workout alot I just do not lose wait I put it right back own I have to stop eatingh all this sugar and candy.

03-13-2002, 08:52 AM
This may sound stupid, but it works. First, drink lots of water. I mean carry a bottle around with you all the time. 2nd, take some gum with you. trident or something. When you feel hungry, pop in a stick of gum. 10 mins or so later, you wont be hungry. There is some sort of connection between your chewing and feeling hungry...it is some psychological thing. Eat often, but small. Snack on yogurt, fruit, etc.
I learned all this the hard way. I am in the National Guard, and maintained just enough fitness to get by. Well, we were called up in oct...so I have been trying to get in better shape. Its tough, but doable. I will never hit my target weight...my body type is too damn stocky. Oh, one other thing; sleep. Dont skimp on that. Your body needs to recover.

03-13-2002, 10:46 AM
The one thing the younger guys don't have to worry about as much is Beer. Beer=fat unless you are VERY active. You can easly add 300 calories to your diet with just 2 beers. So Saturday night added.....I don't want to think about it.:(

03-13-2002, 11:13 AM
the max i hit was 5'10" 244. i went from 210 to 244 in 5 months. ive lost 12 pounds so far in the last month from a minor change in diet and running at the gym a couple times a week. need to get myself down to 213 before i can get into the military.

03-13-2002, 11:27 AM
Yup, I've become somewhat of a fat-bastage lately too. 28 years old as dirt. 5'7" at 235. That's 100 pounds in the last 10 years. Jebuz.

After 2 major accidents (with ruptured internals, broken bones, lengthy hospital stays, and long recovery periods) 2 major girlfriends of 4 years plus, computer job with cubicle, no snow in this past winter to do any boarding what-so-ever, and a bunch of drunks for friends... it's no wonder what a tub of crap I've become lately.

Yo Hasty8... kick me down some of those recipes. My girlie girl can cook up a mean dish. Perhaps that's another reason of how I got myself in this predicament in the first place... I LIKE FOOD!:D

03-13-2002, 12:00 PM
i was 5'9 276 about 30% body fat in high school. since then i was as low as 10% 230. now i'm about 14-15%(haven't been to the gym in a while) at 260. i only weigh 15 pounds lighter than when i was at my fatest. but if you were to compare pictures, you wouldn't even think i was the same person. it's funny how the same amount of weight can look so entirely different. i still have my liscence picture from when i was 16 years old, and when i get pulled over or something, i always get questioned on if that's really me. i'm working on getting some cardio in on a regular basis. i was able to go jogging yesterday, got paintball tonight and hoping to jog tomorrow. we'll see

some tips. first off, swimming is the best cardio you're going to do. there is nothing better than swimming. if you do laps on a regular basis, it will tone up every body part in your body. always drink lots of water. you can never drink to much water. you could drink 5 gallons a day, it wouldn't be to much. funny, everything that's really good for you revolves around water. anyways. for you older folk, do not run. if you're legs can stand it, go ahead, but it's been said that running isn't all that great anyways. running can and will hurt your legs, knees, and back. like i said swimming is the best you can do, but if you dno't have access to a pool for consistant laps, i would say the best is biking. it's good cardio, and easy on the knees. stairmaster or walking are good too. both are easy and good cardio.

the biggest misconception of eating is quantity. everyone always thinks that if you eat less, you lose weight. it's probably one of the worst things you can do to your body. you can eat 6 times a day(i do) and not gain weight. you just have to eat right and you'll be fine. no fatty or oily foods. another misconception is fried foods. obviously you don't want to go out and eat mcdonalds. if you cook at home and fry it in olive oil, you're fine. in fact, olive oil is supposed to be good for lowering cholesterol.

if you're really serious about losing weight, you should really go to a gym and consult a physical trainer. make sure you do some research on them first, but they'll give you the best advice on what to do and eat. most of the things on this thread is good advice. if you follow it, you should be good. but as i said, going to a gym with someone there to help you out and tell you what you need to know.

03-13-2002, 12:30 PM
Actually, some dude died a few years ago at the USAF basic training from over hydration. They said he was drinking like a quart of water every 15 minutes for a few hours. His death had something to do with the salts in your body...i think. But a gallon of water a day is great.

03-13-2002, 10:01 PM
an overweight kid died in the group 2 weeks behind my friend's when he was at basic this summer.

Mild 7
03-14-2002, 12:50 AM
Paintball and mountain biking season is coming up and these two sports are my ONLY motivation to get my butt to execrise. My personal weight loss program is rather simple:

I'm 6'1 27...soon to be 28 @ the end of this year.

On Feb. 24 - 224 lbs.

As of March 14 - 212 lbs.

Diet since Feb. 24:

Big breakfast ALWAYS,& whatever I feel like eating. Moderate lunch, whatever I choose as well. Around 7-8 PM, light snack with no fat, sugar, or starch. Lots of water!

Workout - 5 days a week, no weekend (reserved for paintball and biking). Workout consisted of 2 mile jog/walk, under 30 minutes. Or I do a mile jog under 10 mins. with light weight training or pure push-ups and situps.


03-14-2002, 01:01 AM
My diet/exercise:

Morning: small snack/breakfast... Muffin or maybe a waffle or 2
Lunch... Bagle, chips, powerade OR teriyaki and powerade
Dinner: Nice traditional chinese dinner

I work out in the weight room 3 days a week and I do endurance and explosivity training 2 days a week. Trying to build some muscle right now. I'm trying to figure out what to do to my diet right now...

Kaiser Bob
03-14-2002, 09:19 AM
If youre trying to lose weight, sports drinks arent the best choice as they have a lot of sugar in them. Also you can definitely die from over hydration, not the best way to go :(

03-14-2002, 04:36 PM
Kaiser... I usually drink powerade on the days I work out because I don't have time to buy one between classes... I wish I could have more time to eat breakfast but I'm already on a time crunch and I need more sleep than I'm getting. After the regristration week is over I'm gonna do something better. The water at my school is too expensive and I don't want to bring my own water either, I don't have enough room in my back pack as it is...