View Full Version : Ban Brass Eagle: Viewloader And Jt

03-12-2002, 12:27 PM
It's time those greeby money hungry idiots at Brass Eagle get out of the paintball scene. They are ruining our sport. Not only do they sell 90% of the crap equipment sold at Wal-Mart, Dunham's, and Dick's which in turn gets used illegally and gives paintball a bad image, now they are suing Odyssey....I say if you have JT equipment that you recently purchased, return it. Don't buy any Brass Eagle, JT, or Viewloader products and send them packing. Maybe if enough of us boycott their crap, they will drop their pointless lawsuit against Odyssey which is actually a respectable business. Who's with me?

03-12-2002, 12:30 PM
I like their goggles, nice, compact, and comfy.
Their pants are the same way, and thick, and breathable.
Same with their shirts, jerseys, and hats...

So they're a little greedy. It's business. Good luck to them, their case'll get dropped anyways. Back to normal.


03-12-2002, 12:40 PM
Maybe the brass eagle line which is actually bad. I see viewloader hurting a little now, what with having actual competition. JT stuff is okay, I like my mask. Maybe you should email your views to brass eagle and see what they say.

03-12-2002, 12:42 PM
but brasseagle makes the cheap guns to more people into the sport

03-12-2002, 12:53 PM
Skoad hit the nail on the head!! Brass Eagle, as greedy as they are, have gotten more people into paintball than anybody else!! Are their products crappy??? Yes!!! Is it cheap therefore affordable?? Absolutely!!! And please, let's stay away from blaming a manufacturer for peoples stupidity trap!!! That is what leads to irresposible and unreasonable laws!!! Stupid people will do their stupid things no matter who's stuff they use!!!
And the lawsuit??? It will get kicked out of court soon enough, they don't have any grounds for it!!!

03-12-2002, 01:04 PM
No one...

03-12-2002, 01:36 PM
I hate BE. I dont care if they bring people in. they support most of the paintball related crime too. thier products are cheap and worthless.. Not the guns so much .. but mask, gloves, ect.... it makes me mad to think a well like company like VL or JT would sell out to BE.. I know my next mask is going to me a Scott Stalker. And my next hopper will be ether a Ricochet, or that ZAP one.....Does anyone know if BE changed the Xfire or Flex 7 masks?

03-12-2002, 01:50 PM
This is pointless. I can understand you are angry because BE is upset with the HALO, but jeez, you guys are going a little over board.

"they support most of the paintball related crime too"

Get off it. They don't support those crimes, just like baseball bat companies don't change their slogans to "Bash noggins good!" Something will always be used the exact OPPOSITE way you planned it to, no matter what. The point is how many people use it the right way, i.e. the paintball community.

Boycott their products if you want. JT sells the most masks out of any other paintball mask company. Their jerseys are also the most popular. 9 out of 10 people have a ViewLoader loader, whether it be motorized or not. Half the people in this sport started out with a Brass Eagle gun.

Personally, I think the comments about the illegal use of the guns is pointless and misdirected. Brass Eagle makes cheap products at affordable prices, and people use them. As long as they have a lower prices, no boycott in the world will slow them down, unless their CEO declares himself the messiah, and orders all BE/VL/JT users to bow down to him, and honestly, that's the best chance you have of getting a change in their management...


03-12-2002, 02:06 PM
YES, BE is being money hungry, they are buying good companies and turning them to trash.....

ITS A FACT!! How many hoodlums do you see toting Emags and Angels?? For 30 $ a kid can get a BE talon and go shoot at people on the street. Hence forth giving paintball in general a bad name.... And especially seeing all these bandings of paintball in all these states. Not because MR Tom Kaye mad too much noise playing paintball at a designated field, but because MR Johnny Hoodlum Talon decide to shoot some people on the street, which resulted in someone loosing an eye... and if you say, "But they bring people into the sport" they also give it a bad name.

- AH F it im done, if you want to try to prove you point PM me....

03-12-2002, 02:11 PM
So we need to ban cars because drunk drivers kill people? Do we need to ban spray paint because of vandals??

Get a clue, its not a companies fault that thier products are used in crime. Its the criminal, not the tool. They fill a void in the market with low price markers. Low price and low quality, but a lot of people have fun with them in REAL GAMES....

Grow up and get off your high horse

03-12-2002, 02:14 PM
i would agree with the BE part but jt and viewloader, i like viewloader hoppers.. they actually work for me, and the jt masks are nice and very popular so that wouldn't work.

03-12-2002, 03:35 PM
wow i guese you cant read.... im not saying ban them. what im saying is with progress comes set backs. Sure they might bring people in wich helps us, but its also hurting our sport. It only takes a few bad apples. And they will ruin it for the rest of us. Im not saying BE is to blame completely, but parents, and other things ( movies, other kids.... ECT) The Davis pistol company mad cheap pistols. They were called Saterday Night pistols. they were used in hundreds of murders, why you ask? BECUASE THEY WERE CHEAP!! Sure mabey Davis brought people into the gun stores but some of them were criminals. Most were probibly men or women with family who wanted a cheap way of defending themselfs from a intruder. But the element of evil was there....And as a result it helped the push for new gun laws....If this happens with paintball guns it will bring new bannings and laws....Now do you guys see what im getting at?? and yet again... ..PM ME!!!if you want to argue. lets stop waisting the servers memory...

03-12-2002, 04:37 PM
who ever is dogging BE is stupid, shut up, you don't know what your talking about, someone said they buy good companies and make bad stuff? hmmmm proteus, new JT jersies, Jt barrell systems. they sponsor the brass eagle all-stars, and they are very good. I think every single person has a veiwloader hopper, and about every tourney player has a few of them.
but your right BE is a badcompany, how bout you and maybe 10 others boycot and don't buy be products, what have ya done? looked like an idiot? thats about it.

03-12-2002, 04:48 PM
I don't know why so many people here are saying that BE is responsible for bringing people into the sport.

Just from my perspective (skewed as it is) but I've been playing for almost four years now and to relly think about it I have never seen anyone use a BE product (marker) on the fields.

My first game was played with a Tippy and they were my first three markers and then came the Emag.

After I owned a JT mask and a Viewloader Revvy I learned that they were owned by BE but it still seems to me like BE is a shadow in the industry.

Just my 2 cents.

03-12-2002, 04:59 PM
Well, I have seen many BE gun used at rec games. Stingrays especially. I cant think of a few of my friend that bought them, and now own more reliable and expensive markers. But BE is what got them to want to play more...

03-12-2002, 05:08 PM
Ya the proteus already has problems. And so what they now make barrels. does that mean if i take a piece of PVC piping and sell it as a barrel its good?? And then all my VL's are PRE BE. My JT mask is also PRE BE. And when it comes time for a new mask, which will be this year, im getting Scott, or a Diablo Skull. BE also makes Nitro tanks and barrels along with harnesses. i dont know bout you but i would kill someone if they tried to put BE paintballs in my gun.... A friend bought a case of BE paint, the balls are just rolling around in the box. No plastic bag... Just sitting there.

03-12-2002, 07:01 PM
Hoppy, so you're saying make paintball guns more expensive, so that the kids with $30 won't buy them, because if they're only going to spend $30, they're obviously vandals. Appearently it's common knowledge that deviants have a low budget. News flash: ALL TYPES OF PEOPLE DO BAD THINGS! Don't single out a company because they make cheaper (and inferior, but that's neither here nor there) products! This is becoming a flame war, I'm out.


03-12-2002, 07:06 PM
I like JT goggles. Their pants are good. I dont like any brass eagle guns. but i love capitalism. And they are the expression of it in the paintballworld. YAY CAPITALISM! so more power to brass eagle.

03-12-2002, 07:29 PM
well i have to agree i hate BEand all their products. i was puttin BE paint into my hopper from a tube for my science project which paintball is the best and 4 of them broke going in.. by the way brass eagle was the worst by a longshot. anyways i have never seen a BE gun at a rec game or a tourney. never once have i played or seen one at a feild... all of BE's crap sucks.... they make nothing good. not one of brass eagles products is good. besides like jt and viewloader i like them but the be products sucks. like the rain maker. that is a pos. i saw a guy using one once(not at a feild) and it did not work. all it did was plop paint out the barrel in big globs... it sucks. but you can't blame Brass eagle for being a ****ty company nor selling to walmart so that punk kids by them and shoot little people on the street...... just last month an old lady in a walmart parking lot here lost here eye sight in one eye because a kid shot her with a raptor...... camon now you can't not blame it on BE. BE would make enoguh money if they sold their products to real paintball stores. if someone actually wanted to play paintball not shoot peop-le walking on the streets they would go to a real paintball store and buy a gun...... also if you are actually going to play paintball why would you not buy a spyder compact for the same price as a be raptor. better gun for the same price...... i just wish brass eagle would sell their equipment to real paintball stores not wal mart and crappy tire....

juat my 2 cents...

just think about it!!!!!! they would still make money if they sold to a real paintball store.... just punk kids would not buy them to go shoot someones eye out on the streets.!!!!!!!!!!!

03-12-2002, 07:32 PM
if you only have 3o dollars in your pocket you won't be playing paintball on that budget. paintball is an expensive sport and 30 bucks isn't going to get you very ar. yay half a case of paintballs and no gun to use them with:(

03-12-2002, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Spaceman613
So we need to ban cars because drunk drivers kill people? Do we need to ban spray paint because of vandals??

Get a clue, its not a companies fault that thier products are used in crime. Its the criminal, not the tool

Then why is the government currently suing so many firearms manufacturers?

03-12-2002, 07:54 PM

If we boycotted greedy companies that sued other companies, half the companies in paintball would be bankrupt.

FYI, even though not everyone likes the fact they sell at walmart, I can say it got alot of people into paintball, Im one of them.

Personally I dislike most BE stuff, but if it wasn't for BE, I wouldnt be playing paintball.

03-12-2002, 08:04 PM
OLDSCHOOLMAG What dont you understand about my OPINION... All im saying is sure its good for paintball, but it will hurt us too! i never said what BE should do. Frankly all im sayin is thier stuff sucks and there cheap products that mabey great for kids or limited income people but its going to burn us in the end!! Why dont you get that through your skull? I never said to ban them, i never said they needed to raise prices i am stating my OPINION!!! IT WILL contribute to the downfall of paintball. :mad: IS IT HUMANLY POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS!!:mad:

03-12-2002, 08:24 PM
Spaceman your post is utterly useless and pointless. When you have something intelligent to say I'd love to hear it. Until then please refrain from posting because you're taking up server spacec.
Spaceman: "So we need to ban cars because drunk drivers kill people? Do we need to ban spray paint because of vandals??"
The difference is is that we don't sell go-karts (because you can't call Brass Eagle "toys" paintball markers) to people at bars and we don't sell spray paint to people at the mall....that is what BE does, they sell guns to people who can use them without proper knowledge of safety or to people who don't care about paintball's image. I know people who have been told that "wearing a mask isn't necessary" while buying equipment for the first time. I for one think Brass Eagle is ruining the industry. And HoppysMag is absolutely correct, when's the last time you saw someone with a non-stolen Angel or E-mag shooting up cars on the street. It's always something they picked up at Wal-Mart or Toys R' US. Wal-Mart and Dunham's shouldn't even be allowed to sell paintball markers.

03-12-2002, 08:25 PM
Hysperion, I think out of all of the posts here, Spaceman's is the most legitimate and well thought out. Because Wal-Mart employees and staff are unaware and uneducated about paintball safety, it's the greedy soulless BE execs that are laughing? Hell, if anything, they're trying to stop them from doing it! Look at all the warnings... this isn't the tobacco industry, allright - the majority of people who buy paintball guns at Wal-Mart use them properly, and most of their staff ARE educated! There will ALWAYS be bad seeds in any kind of situation, but all we can do about ours is just not condone it and stop it when possible. Banning them will not do anything - face it, we weren’t gonna buy any BE products anyways!

Hoppy, I'm going to stop posting in regards to you. You're over reacting man, just calm down. Sorry if I offended you, I was engaging in a conversation where clearly we both misunderstood each other.


03-12-2002, 08:33 PM
"I don't know why so many people here are saying that BE is responsible for bringing people into the sport."

I agree with this 100%, I never see people using Brass Eagle products at fields. Why would you want to? The piranha rental guns that 90% of the fields use are better then them. The people that use Brass Eagle stuff are the ones that go out in the parks and play illegally (granted not everyone who buys a BE gun does this but the percentage who do is higher then any other marker guaranteed). And I have no problem with Brass Eagle selling stuff cheap. Just not at Wal-Mart, Dunham's, Dick's etc. Why not at paintball shops? The reason Brass Eagle sells at Wal-mart is they know that no self respecting paintball store will carry their line of products. And JT is crap now, look at the proteus. JT never had a safety issue with a product until BE took over. And look how long it took for BE to get the X-board in the Revvy's, before that they made them crappier then the originals with thinner plastic. The only reason so many people use them is because they own the patent rights to that idea and it's a good idea but now that Odyssey has a product that is nothing similiar, they sue realizing that they're gonna lose money.

03-12-2002, 08:37 PM
OldSchoolMag: "Because Wal-Mart employees and staff are unaware and uneducated about paintball safety, it's the greedy soulless BE execs that are laughing? Hell, if anything, they're trying to stop them from doing it! Look at all the warnings..."

A word of advice from an educated person like a paintball shop employee is worth more then 50,000 warnings that noone reads anyways. If they wanted to stop them from doing it they wouldn't market their products to Wal-Mart, (K) Crap-Mart, and target.

03-12-2002, 08:48 PM
The Wal-Mart demographic is a market that makes them money, period. If you're making money (and they are) then you're not gonna up and leave because people won't read warnings and staff ends up telling people the wrong information.

It sucks people get hurt because others are stupid, I agree, but unless you wanna take a lawn chair (which Wal-Mart conveniently sells for $19.99, prices are rolling back, baby!) and camp out in the sporting goods section with a sign that reads "These people know nothing, NOTHING about paintball guns! Go somewhere else, you deviant vandals you!" at every Wal-Mart in the United States, then absolutely nothing will happen. That's just the way it is, kids!


03-12-2002, 08:52 PM
looks like nobodys with ya :)

and also looks like your plan back fired

also why is BE sueing?? any 1 know?


03-12-2002, 09:20 PM
"Then why is the government currently suing so many firearms manufacturers?"

for trigger locks, other than trigger locks and safties the courts decided there was no case aginst firearms companies...i belive the supream court judge was quoted as saying "knives cut, guns fire projectiles that rip flesh...to sue a gun company for making a gun that kills is akin to suing GM because a cavalier was used in a hit and run"

also why is BE sueing?? any 1 know?

they think the HALO is a knock off of the EGG, when they bought Viewloader they bought all the plans and pattents the company had...when the guys that made the HALO jumped ship (cant blame them) they "invented" the HALO which is 75% the same as a egg...

03-13-2002, 02:01 PM
OldSchoolMag- Sorry i was having a bad day.... but what im bassicly saying is One bad apple could ruin it for all of us.

03-13-2002, 06:06 PM
Hoppy - I agree with you WHOLE HEARTEDLY. Especially in paintball, one bad egg will hurt our chances of the sport ever getting any where. I think that what BE is doing by suing them is stupid and pointless, yes, but in the whole, BE puts out not only cheap equipment that one can buy to see if he/she will like the sport without chance of blowing $1000 bucks down the drain, but also quality products from JT and VL (well, not so much VL anymore, but hey, I love my 4 year old 9volt) which most of us have used and will continue to use. I support BE's products, not their decisions regarding how they deal with competition.


03-14-2002, 05:47 AM
this means you better buy up all the halos on ebay.com and stores because they won't be here long


03-14-2002, 06:55 AM
Sure, no self respecting paintball player would be caught dead with a BE marker, but you can't blame them for everything. In South Africa we don't have wallmart's so who are we going to blame if somebody misuse a paintball marker when there isn't BE distributors?

If I'm not mistaken part of the deal with JT is that they still operate as a seperate company, so the sale to Brass Eagle have nothing to do with the qoulity of theire products. Also, as far as I understand the JT barrels are made by Dye under the JT lable (I could be wrong here, I'm just going on what I heard).

The fact is, it doesn't matter where the marker is baught, someone can take out somebody's eye out with a rental gun if he isn't using it in the designated area. Instead of looking for a scapegoat lets rather educate the public about our sport wherever possible.

03-14-2002, 10:38 AM
They may have been doing this for a while, i don't usually get paintball stuff from Wal-Mart, but i went in the other day because my friend said they had some real cheap armored gloves, went back there found out they were sold out. So my friend bough a mask and we headed to the checkout where they carded him. The lady said they card everyone who buys any paintball product.

I've seen kids (age 10-15) go in and buy a bunch of brass eagle pb's, co2, etc. and they had to go get their parents to pay for them.

Good idea i suppose....

Anyway i agree with most, you can't just blame one thing because someone's stupid enough to missuse it. There's a lot more worse things they could do than paintball guns...like real guns?