View Full Version : The Ultimate B.e. Post

03-12-2002, 09:53 PM
Ok there are so many posts about brass eagle i thought i would limit it down to 1 to save space so anything you have to say about the company or products post it here

03-12-2002, 10:02 PM
say what you want about BE but they have 2 things that pros absolutly need

1. revy, like it or not 12v revys still dominate the tourny scene and most of the rec scene as well

2. money

yeah they make crappy paint and newbie guns, but they revys are well built and they owns lots and lots of stuff

so im not really dead againstBE


03-12-2002, 10:12 PM
But that isn't really a BE product... It's just a product from another company bought by BE...

03-12-2002, 10:14 PM
but thats just like saying that GM doesnt make chevy

its still made by BE

still the base corp

but thats just how i see it


03-12-2002, 10:27 PM
Is the rumor REALLY true?

Just because Brass Eagle bought out JT and VL, does it make it all crappy? This is not a rhetorical question, I really want to know.

I would think no. I mean, cmon just because they bought it out, JT and VL still have the same manufacturing centers and quality control. Same employees producing the stuff. It should all in all be the same right?


03-12-2002, 10:36 PM
not necisarily(sp)

when companies take over they can pretty much to whatever they want, so if they wanted to put their own people in, they can

i dont think that that really happened with jt and vl

but saying that vl makes revys and not BE is totally off, BE controls everything, if they wanna change it whos to stop em?

so I believe that you can put sub-comapanies in but when it comes down to it, its all BE

03-12-2002, 11:02 PM
for those of you that say be didnt change anything when they baught vl check http://automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28695 . thers a post i replyed in earlyer. read my reply. it tells some things they changed in VL when it was baught out. they changed a lot more but i got tired of typing at the time. but i still like the spectras and flex 7. ill probably buy a dye mask next thow.

03-13-2002, 09:26 AM
they still make colored vl 'bows and VL stopped making the 18v before they were bought out, i believe

actually im fairly sure that the pre BE 12v's were the same as the BE 12v's until they had that board delay

03-13-2002, 09:38 AM
The 18V Viewloader predated the BE buyout. VL was selling the 12V and 9V Rev when it was bought out. BE changed the board and the plastic that the Rev's were made of, causing shattering problems initially and poor performance from the Rev's (The board change was necessary to make the Gems work correctly) They changed the plastic to a better kind quite quickly, and the X-Board was the solution to the performance issues (The 1st Gen board had an issue if used in a Gem series hopper, it was confused by sunlight, the delay in the second gen board solved this, but with a major performance hit).

BE isn't a bad company, it's just the Microsoft of paintball. They make usable, if not terribly reliable prducts at a low price, own a bunch of companies, and make a few good high-end products.

03-13-2002, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by HyperSnyper
Just because Brass Eagle bought out JT and VL, does it make it all crappy? This is not a rhetorical question, I really want to know.No. My brand new car is made by a company which happens to be owned by Ford Motor Company. It is a fantastic car and has nothing to do with Ford's approach to car manufacturing.

By the way, this is no slight on Ford Motor Company or the cars they make. Henry Ford's mass-production model is the hub of much of today's American industrial might. Ford's model of manufacturing just has NOTHING to do with the way that cars are made by the companies that Ford Motor Company has purchased in the last decade or so. They are completely independent from their conglomerate owner.

03-13-2002, 02:40 PM
yeah new fords are nice....for about 3 years....im a GM man, but lord can no american company touch the japs....(not a flame just me gettin off topic sorry)

btw, i am willing to pay $50 more for a HALO when i buy my next loader just to avoid BE...corperate paintball may be the futhure of our sport, but in my eyes its the down fall

03-13-2002, 02:59 PM
I really believe Brass Eagle changed something with the shells when they bought Viewloader. Many people I saw with brand new Revolutions (new ones from BE) were getting hopper hits, and some coming with hoppers cracked or shattered from the hits. Thats enough evidence for me that Brass Eagle changed something.