View Full Version : Anyone try out the new Aradus Barrel yet?

03-13-2002, 07:16 AM
I was just wondering is anyone used one yet. They are made by http://www.psychoballistics.com I'll attach a few pics.

They have them for the Cocker, Model 98 and Spyder with the Impulse on the way.

If it works then cya Freak! :cool:

03-13-2002, 07:17 AM

03-13-2002, 07:17 AM
One more

03-13-2002, 10:12 AM
I have never used this barrel before but I have seen it for sale. I would never buy it but I would like to see how it performes

03-13-2002, 10:32 AM
they is another post about this barrel, i posted a screenshot from their demo video. you can plainly see a HUGE gap running the length of the barrel (like a groove hacked into one side)

i have yet to see test results, but it looks a bit scary down the bore to me

previous thread - http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25451


03-13-2002, 11:59 AM
I just got mine UPS today and I have to say ... I'm impressed. They look a little ugly, but wow does it work! I'll post results either tonight or in a few days. That gap your talking about synreal, it's not an issue. I have 5 diff. types of paint I just tested out on. No breaks.

03-13-2002, 12:01 PM
hmm, it just seems that the consistensy you would get from a proper barrel/paint fit would be lost as air rushes past the ball down that channel.

keep us posted

03-13-2002, 01:01 PM
The channel is only about maybe 4 inches long then it's capped off.

soilent green
03-13-2002, 01:57 PM
it looks neat sorry for such a lame reply but I wanted email notification

03-13-2002, 02:18 PM
soilent green-
you can just click "Receive updates to this thread" at the bottom of the page to subscribe to the thread ;)

03-13-2002, 02:20 PM
Found a few reviews on http://www.pbreview.com/1096/1/0/

03-13-2002, 03:36 PM
Does is click in place, or can you slide it between .688 and .692 to make it .689 or .690 or .691?

Nice.. LMK when you try it on the field.. or have you already done that?

soilent green
03-13-2002, 03:38 PM
thanks synreal I never knew

Top Secret
03-13-2002, 03:55 PM
It clicks into place. I'm gonna get one for my STO(No mag threads as of now). I'd like to see a couple more reviews before I buy it.

03-13-2002, 07:55 PM
I emailed PB and they said they had no plans on makeing them for mags any time soon.

03-13-2002, 09:05 PM
If we find out that they actually work well. I hope that we all petition these people to provide one for the mag. I know I'm intrigued. I also wonder if Tom has looked a these things. I just had a thought, what about our Micro-mag friends? They would be able to test it out for us, wouldn't they?

03-13-2002, 09:19 PM
I'm waiting for my Micro to get here to post some results. As said above I tested it already on my M98. Yes I purchased two barrels.

03-13-2002, 10:30 PM
Just out of curiousity, what do they run price wise?

03-13-2002, 11:10 PM
I get a deal from a buddy of mine. I can sell these for $98 shipped. Otherwise they are $99 + shipping from online stores.

I'm not running a classified ad here or anything but just saying.

I'll post the results from my tests on my micromag Friday.

03-14-2002, 01:46 AM
It's a nifty idea, but it sure seems like a gimmick to me.

First, there's that slot running down the barrel. TheMagMan said it's only 4" long - but that's 4 inches of space for the gas to escape around the paintball. If nothing else, it seems like it would hurt efficiency.

Second, that means that the part of the barrel that is adjusted to fit the paintball is only 4 inches long. The part after that needs to be at least large enough to fit the largest paint; that means that with most sizes of paint, the paintball won't touch the barrel after the first 4 inches. So it seems that the Aradus has the same drawback as most 2-piece barrels; it's a 4-inch effective length barrel with the rest of the barrel acting as a large muzzle brake. Add that to the fact that it already wastes gas because of the slot, and it seems to me that at the very least, it would be quite an inefficient barrel.

Keep in mind I haven't seen one yet, so I might be way off. I'm just making educated guesses based on the pictures and descriptions I've seen so far.

03-14-2002, 06:13 AM

How do you think the Freak barrel works? Same idea only this is adjustable. I know it's better then my Lapco and I'll be testing it against my Boomstick soon enough.

03-14-2002, 07:11 AM
I'm curious whether or not you will have to adjust your velocity when you switch to this barrel. Theoretically you will have to turn it up. Also, would there be some sort of spin put on the ball because of the slot? How would we test this?
I agree that 4" of effective barrel seems very small. This has kept me from looking at the freak.

03-14-2002, 12:48 PM
I dont see what is so good about this "aradus". WOW it twist and clicks, no more changing sleeves! Changing sleeves isnt bad at all, cause you use the same one the whole day. It also uses even bore sizes also, and that gap looks pretty evil. I use a freak myself (does cost more though), and i see no problem with changing sleeves. My freak doesnt have a big old gap in it and i like the porting much more on my freak. You can also change fronts and different backs for changing guns on the freak.
Minimag, Centerflag Hyperframe, 14" Freak System AA front, Superbolt, Kapp Foregrip extender, and AGD 68ci Flatline air system.;)

03-14-2002, 01:32 PM
1. currently have one barrel. And I would like to carry only one to the field. no matter how small the sleeve is, it's more crap I would have to carry.

2. .004" increments seems to me to be acceptable.

3. I agree about the gap. Field testing will prove this out.

4. The freak is more expensive. I am curious what the effective barrel length is on the freak. I have been told some conflicting stories.

5. It seems to me that porting is whatever you believe it to be. (pretty or functional, I dont know)

6. To me a blacked out marker is cool looking. Thats just me, I know.

I'm curious how it works out in the field. Hopefully, WARPIG or Tom will do some testing on it.

Another down side would be that when fields figure these things out, would you be required to have the tourney lock on all the time?

03-14-2002, 02:03 PM

I know it's the same principle as the Freak system. I'm not a big fan of the Freak, either. It's nice to be able to change the size of your barrel, but even the Freak is still just a 6" barrel, when you get down to it. The Aradus is the same thing, but 2 inches shorter.

And if either the Freak or the Aradus works better on your gun than a Lapco, go for it! (Although I suspect that in that case, your Lapco is the wrong size...)

03-14-2002, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by kemikos
(Although I suspect that in that case, your Lapco is the wrong size...)

I own 3 Lapco Bigshots. I don't think so.

03-15-2002, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by TheMagMan

I own 3 Lapco Bigshots. I don't think so.

Lapco BigShot barrels are all the same size, .689". What I meant was, if you shoot smaller paint like Marballizer or All Star, you should use the AutoSpirit (.687").

But it doesn't really matter. If the Aradus or Freak or whatever works for you, stick with it. Paintball markers are as much about personal preference as anything else (except that 'Mags are the best, of course :D).

03-15-2002, 05:49 AM
After looking at the site, the one thing of particular interest i noted was the claim of "straight rifling" in the barrel, supposedly implemented to stop unwanted lateral spin. So then I look at the captured stills of the inside of the barrel and I see ONLY the groove that everyone is weary of. Now, I assume this groove is there because the internal sleeve collapses and thus needs some amount of groove in order to be adjustable.

So it seems they pass off this groove as "straight rifling". Now, Armson makes straight rifling barrels and that straight rifling is simply linear grooves running down some length of the barrel.

Now I have never personally used one of these Armson straight rifled barrels, but the reviews I have seen have been favorable and none of them mentioned horrible efficiency (something I have seen mentioned in other barrel reviews like the All American). It seems that if the Armson hasn't been getting flak for it's gooves, this barrel shouldn't be doing too bad in that department either.

I still think the design, while creative and perhaps very functional, is still flawed at best due to the inevitablity of eventually breaking paint in it. What happens when paint gets in between the different layers of the bore? It seems like it will forever be a pain in the rear to deal with after that. Just my two cents.

03-15-2002, 07:42 PM
sorry to break it to you lapco just but Lapco's barrels are "steped". The bore in the beggining of a BS is a bit smaller than the bore of the end of the barrel. I don't know how dramtic of a change it it, but it is a change.

soilent green
03-15-2002, 10:00 PM
lapcos are not stepped untill the very end about an inch in it is a much different thing it acts more like a muzzel break than a step bore

03-16-2002, 10:34 PM
the part im curious about, how fun is that going to be to clean after awhile... im sure a lot of goo and maybe even dirt wouldnt be a good thing being stuck down in that little groove. Lets hope they compinsated for it in some way shape or form.

03-16-2002, 11:03 PM
i have read that you are NOT to clean it internally.

either you must send it in or do it on your own, but if you do it on your own it sounds impossible.

ive never used freak or aradus.

aradus sounds like a better idea, but technically speaking the freak would probably be better because of its simplicity..

dan h

03-17-2002, 09:54 AM
Here is a link to a search from paintball city about the Aradus barrel.

I need to give my mag a valve overhaul before I can do any testing myself.


03-17-2002, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Eric Kessler
Psycho Ballistics Inc. on CountyPaintball.com's site
Hello, This is Eric from Psycho Ballistics Inc. and I am here to give you my word this is going to be the best shooting barrel you have ever shot. I know there are some questions about the slot in the barrel so let me clear this up: The barrel does not break paint.
In fact PMI did a test on this barrel and said no matter how hard they tried to break a ball they could not. Now I don't want to make the claim that you will never break a ball with this barrel but it should be less than any other barrel out there. Let me tell you how this works. The slot has rounded corners on the edge so it will not cut a ball. Now, because the slot is there, this helps in two ways: One, it gives a place for the ball to expand into under the impact of the air hitting it when the gun is fired so the ball wont explode. Two, now that the ball has expanded into the slot it cannot spin making the ball fly much straighter than a normal barrel. I know everyone may think that a spinning ball is better but think of it this way- the flatline puts a spin on the ball and works well when the barrel is being shot level, but when you tilt the flatline the ball will curve out of control. Well, with a straight barrel there is no way to control the spin (and trust me your barrel will put some kind of spin on the ball, you know this when you shoot a ball and it curves) but we can take the spin off the ball with a straight barrel. One way is the slot and the other is slightly crushing down on the ball with the adjustable bore and because of it being one barrel you can adjust the barrel while you are shooting it so you can see the difference.

Now on to the cleaning:
We know you will sometimes chop a ball and get paint in the barrel. NOT A PROBLEM under PMI's testing. (I am giving you things from their report on ours even though our testing reports are the same.) They said it only took 3 shots to shoot through the break with no more breaks. The barrel may retain a small amount of paint in the slot but not enough to affect the ball. So how do you clean out the small amount of paint you ask? Easy, if you are at the field a squeegee will get 95% of what little was there and when you get a chance run water through it. All the internal hardware is stainless steel and is heavily coated with grease so you wont hurt a thing. We do not recommend you take the barrel apart. There are a lot of very small parts inside that can get lost. I hope this helps clear up some things. This is what happens when a company does to a barrel what everyone has always said not to do and not only makes it work but work better than anything else out there.
Thank you for your time.
Eric Kessler
Psycho Ballistics Inc.

03-18-2002, 09:42 AM
OK, so he claims the ball will squeeze into the slot while firing and keep it from spinning...

Didn't Tom Kaye do a test at one point that showed that a paintball doesn't deform at all when fired? If I'm remembering correctly, the slot wouldn't do a thing, since the ball won't be compressed into it.

And if I'm wrong, and the ball will squeeze into the slot, it won't keep the paintball from spinning entirely. The paintball will still be able to spin in line with the slot. So if the ball does spin, at least it'll be consistent. Or something.

I guess this is one of those things... It may work, I'm not saying it won't; but I'll believe it when I see it.