View Full Version : Lots of intelligent folks here

03-13-2002, 09:42 AM
I felt it needed mentioning. This place is fantastic. In the last 10 minutes, my mind has been bombarded with information on Depleted Uranium, high speed filming, and patent law, some of which wasn't new to me, but a lot was. And this was in the last 10 minutes! How long would you have to search through "other" forums to find a good thread?
And I figured out a good search technique for finding a nice debate here: search for what Shartley has posted on and it's a real good chance there's a debate raging on.In closing, thanks all.


03-13-2002, 09:47 AM
He hehehehe..some use the Shartley search to AVOID reading them! :D

Sorry couldn't resist Sam.

03-13-2002, 09:52 AM
Wow thanks for the compliments! While I dont consider myself one of the "intelligent" posters here, I try to contribute to the good of AO as much as possible. I have learned so much here also. Were like Captain Planet, the old cartoon show!!!

"With our powers combined!!!! WE ARE AO!!!!!!!"


And yes, Shartley does attract a "crowd" tee heee!! :D

03-13-2002, 09:53 AM
im still working on a script to replace every instance of:

"Last Post
by Shartley"

on my search results page with:

"Oh God, what now"


03-13-2002, 10:10 AM
LOL No problem Phil.

But on another note.. ;) I agree! There are some smaller forums gearing up to emulate the forum content and quality that AO has, but AO still seems to be the king. Way to go AO!

I am glad that more are realizing that my posts are not designed to cause problems, but to spark conversation/debate, which makes for great reading as well as being a platform for information dissemination. My intent is NOT to fight… big difference there. I like to make people (and myself) think, and that sometimes involves busting bubbles, or looking at things from unpopular or uncommon angles. I think some people read a little more emotion into my posts (understatement) than I actually write into them though. ;) But this still makes for good reading… :D

I wish all the old posts were still around (pre-new server switch)… now THAT was some great reading as well.

AO has gone through some growing pains, but as long as the core element remains we seem to do quite alright. :D

03-13-2002, 03:07 PM
I don't know about that Shartley. I think we ought to argue over whether your attitude needs adjustment! You should be less opinionionated. Like me! I think you post just to get people all worked up. What a thing to do!

And while we're on the subject - I take issue with the notion that anyone on this forum is particularly intelligent. Just because you're reading about dupleted ucranium or some such doesn't mean who ever is writing about it has clue what their saying! I've read more BS on this forum that you can shake a stick at! I've POSTED more BS on this forum than you can shake a stick at!

Hmm, I'm not sure that came out right.



03-13-2002, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by FatMan
...I take issue with the notion that anyone on this forum is particularly intelligent.

Ok then! We will subtract you from the sample population. Is that better? We shall manipulate the data until our point is proven though. I gotta warn you of that. So how "intellegent" are we now FatMan? Muhahahahahahah! :eek:

03-13-2002, 03:30 PM
ya... Tremis, you might want to stay away from my post. They are normaly filled with pointless storys... Like this one time when i went into town. There was this guy and he was like" Hey guys how are you" and i was like " Good your Self??" and he was so totaly like " Not bad" so then i said "Thats a nice shirt, Where did you get it?" and he was like "down the road at the store" .... so off i got to the store. When i get there i saw the awsomest Shirt that said " One By One The Penquins Are Stealing My Sanity" and my brain was thinking, dude buy that shirt!! but the other side of my braid said, HECK NO! you wanna look like a fool? then my feet said, These socks are so comfterable. So i bought the shirt and then i went down to the farm and............................. ................. ....................... .................................................. ...... ............................ ............................................. .......................And thats how i started as a man and ended up as JOJO the circus boy....

03-13-2002, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
We shall manipulate the data until our point is proven though.

I didn't realise you were an Engineer... :)


03-13-2002, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by shartley
LOL No problem Phil.

I am glad that more are realizing that my posts are not designed to cause problems, but to spark conversation/debate, which makes for great reading as well as being a platform for information dissemination. My intent is NOT to fight… big difference there. I like to make people (and myself) think, and that sometimes involves busting bubbles, or looking at things from unpopular or uncommon angles. I think some people read a little more emotion into my posts (understatement) than I actually write into them though. ;) But this still makes for good reading… :D

And sometimes (this isn't only directed towards you shartley), that spark ignites a big-arse tank of propane.

03-13-2002, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by shartley
LOL No problem Phil.

But on another note.. ;) I agree! There are some smaller forums gearing up to emulate the forum content and quality that AO has, but AO still seems to be the king. Way to go AO!

I am glad that more are realizing that my posts are not designed to cause problems, but to spark conversation/debate, which makes for great reading as well as being a platform for information dissemination. My intent is NOT to fight… big difference there. I like to make people (and myself) think, and that sometimes involves busting bubbles, or looking at things from unpopular or uncommon angles. I think some people read a little more emotion into my posts (understatement) than I actually write into them though. ;) But this still makes for good reading… :D

I wish all the old posts were still around (pre-new server switch)… now THAT was some great reading as well.

AO has gone through some growing pains, but as long as the core element remains we seem to do quite alright. :D

For those of you that don't know shartley hes saying hes a rabblerouser. :) So watch out, wear your swimsuit cause this is a wet towel zone.

03-13-2002, 11:20 PM
By FatMan:
Just because you're reading about dupleted ucranium...

HAHAHAHAHAHahahaa! I would love to be in one of your classes Prof. You have a wonderful gift of gaff!

03-13-2002, 11:37 PM
I like to fight with shartley...........

Ahhh to hell with it, i like fighting with everyone, because here you can(for the most part) totally brush off what someone says about you in an AO fight. We all love eachother(in the way a group of friends should, what did u sickos think i meant) :D

03-14-2002, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Army

HAHAHAHAHAHahahaa! I would love to be in one of your classes Prof. You have a wonderful gift of gaff!

What? Did I say something funny? :confused:


03-14-2002, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
We all love eachother(in the way a group of friends should, what did u sickos think i meant) :D

Well, we was wonderin' :o !

And by the way, we don't like bein' called "sickos." You should call us "health challenged" or just "perverts."


03-14-2002, 05:03 PM
ya perverts is ok......:D

03-14-2002, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by manike

I didn't realise you were an Engineer... :)


I laughed so hard at that! :)