View Full Version : Any Maryland paintballers out there?

03-13-2002, 12:30 PM
Hello and greetings.

This is a request to anyone who knows of any paintball players, teams, fields, or shops in and around the Baltimore, MD area.

As most of us on these boards know last monday, the 11th, the Baltimore City Council enterd into legislation two new pending bills that would in effect not make the sport of paintball illegal but would also make it illegal just to own a paintball marker.

We in the paintball community obviously feel that this is a bit to harsh and that the existing language of these pending bills need to be changed to allow for the peaceful and friendly use and ownership of a paintball marker.

The date for the public hearing on these bills ahve not yet been set, however it must be within 30 days so the need for this information is crucial.

As some of you may also know poster raehl has really been spearheading a grassroots movement to get the language changed. With that in mind we need to start a petition in the area of Baltimore to show the council memebers that these bills, if they become law, will greatly and adversely effect players rights in Baltimore.

We also feel that a petition consisting mostly of people outside the Baltimore area would carry significantly less weight than one with current area residents as the signatories.

Please feel free to forward my email address or 866 phone number, both listed below, to anyone that is even remotely involved in the paintball industry in the Baltimore area.

We hope to get this petition started by the end of the week.

Thanks a lot folks. Your help is greatly appreciated.

[email protected]
(866) 841-9142 x6314

03-13-2002, 01:10 PM
Any Maryland paintballers out there?
Not any more ;)

paint king
03-14-2002, 04:21 PM
During the summer i am down in Bethesda Mayland for a month or two.

03-14-2002, 04:31 PM
so if this "law" says you cant own a paintball marker, what happens if you already have one. Do you have to move or something?

03-14-2002, 05:45 PM
no, they can't make you move. Your probably just get fined or at most a spend a night or two in the slammer.