View Full Version : nearing 450?

03-13-2002, 12:58 PM
ok as the title sez i am nearing 450 posts. i have done a couple of searches and decided to just ask. what is the big deal about post counts. ive read difrent things about uping post counts. so whats the big deal with it.

next. how can i find out how many people are loged in at a given time. i want to start keeping track and get an avrege for morning, noon time, and night. im just cureous but cant find a place that tells who is logged in at a given time. a adress to this info would be much appriceated.

03-13-2002, 01:18 PM
Hey Predater

Post counts are nothing more than a male body part sizing contest. As far as I care it's quality over quantity.

As for your sceond request, right on the front page of the boards, at the botton is a small are that tell you how many members and guests are currently on the boards and the largest to record which was 257.

03-13-2002, 01:18 PM
Post count only really matters to those who think it means anything. You can have low post count with good post content, or high post count with poor post content… or low with poor and high with good… see? So in itself it means NOTHING.

As for how you can keep track of how many are logged in at any given time, you can get a “rough” idea by looking at the “home” section for the forums (the page that shows all the forum sections). In the section just below the section showing all the forum categories you will see “Current Active Users”.

You will see a number there indicating how many are logged in at the time you are checking. And if you click on the text title it will bring you to a page showing exactly what they are doing or what they are reading. Please keep in mind however, that a good number of us will NOT show up either on the list in on the Home Page (of the forums.. not the site), nor on the page showing actual activities. But, like I said, this will give you a “rough” indication as to the forum’s activities and use at the time you are looking.

I hope this helps and is what you were looking to find out.

(Added: Sorry Hasty8... you posted while I was writing. LOL)

03-13-2002, 08:42 PM
thanks guys.

i try to only post on things i know about. that keeps them worth wile. im just on here to much. and thinks, i didnt think it really matered but i was begaining to wonder.

03-13-2002, 08:44 PM
Yeah I agree :D