View Full Version : Team Ao Socal >practice Ix<

03-13-2002, 08:38 PM
New Location!!!
SC Village

The Date: Sunday March 24th 2002
The Time: 10:00 sharp
All speedball all day.
All are welcome to show up and participate.
We are going there to scrimage anyone and everyone that we can. I want to see where we stand exactly. At this practice we will have to discuss our first tournament so bring flyers and any info you have on all the local tournies that you can. Any questions comments suggestions please post so we can hear everyones input. Thank You.
P.S. I will be parking in the parking lot that has the fill station in it, the one where all the vendors were!

03-13-2002, 09:40 PM
my schedule always conflicts, i hate it oh well sucks for me. I work every other sunday at my church(ill try to get it arranged differently soon).

i got my body back from sending it and i messed up the address or something so its back. Ill get it powdercoated some other time.

i can get my liscence next week so if i pass i have no more transportation problems and i can get a better job so no money issues then too.

SC is definitally a good choice to practice/scrimage and i wish you guys luck. Good seeing you guys at the LA Open too. Someone still needs to beat me in snapshooting too:D

03-14-2002, 03:10 PM
I'd probably show up but I'm gonna be in the cold land (Utah)for that weekend. Maybe next time. It was cool meeting you guys at the LA Open.


03-14-2002, 03:44 PM
I'll try and come again to play.


03-16-2002, 02:49 PM
I am only going if we get at least five to attend. Please check in!

03-16-2002, 05:02 PM
SC sounds great!!! I agree, it'll give us a chance to see where we stand!!! Toymyster is in!!!
I usualy park in the paved lot, as close as I can get to the turney fields, by the elevated walkway!!! Anyway, let's get a nice large showing, and bring lots of paint, I will!!!

03-16-2002, 06:43 PM
bob are we talking 2 cases?lmk

03-17-2002, 02:31 AM
That's what we're talking about!!! It may be crap paint, but I'll have lots of it!!! If we are to play other teams, no more of this hopper ball business!!! By the way, Bonx, do you have your warp back yet???

03-17-2002, 10:59 AM
Sounds like my cocker friend and myself will be going. Gonna try some diablo paint. See you guys there.


03-17-2002, 10:38 PM
That'll be great, see you there!!! Let's hear from the rest!!!!

03-17-2002, 10:43 PM
I wish S.C. Village would give better prices on field play. :( Anyways the practice will be valuable for my paintball career and you shall expect my friend and myself to make it. We have 4 now?


03-18-2002, 12:21 AM
I should be able to make it!! I'll see about bringing my other buds as well. Maybe I can get a few people from work to go as well. As for field prices at SC, it's hard to beat $10 speedball only. :)

Of course, we might have to get all day air as I doubt one fill station will serve everyone. Hopefully, I can build a fill station soon too so it'll cut costs down for those who are thin on the wallet, myself including. ;)

I'll post again and confirm. Peace!


03-18-2002, 01:16 PM
I will try to make it we were planing to go down to Jungle. But I will see if I can change the plans. And by the way the pretty cocker now work's pretty good.

For sale Cash Only!
let me know at practice bring your'e money.
Prices will be anounced at practice.

1. Air America Black Ice reg used twice.
2. Blue ano chrome mainbody Retro Mag.
with 14 inch OTP barrel, 10 inch Dye barrel and
Intella Frame.
3. Clear Warp feed complete. Works perfect looks new.
4. Nickle gas through fore grip for mag.

See ya there.:)

03-18-2002, 03:37 PM
I do not have my warp yet I will be with out for probably another month. life sux without a warp.:( 2 cases it is then!

03-20-2002, 12:57 PM
Not going to make it to SC I am still giong to Jungle I happen to be the ride for a few people and can't change the plans so I will be out there this Saturday! And on Saturday March 30 we will be playing at Jungle again but at NIGHT! woooooh SCARY! :eek: anyone else in?

03-20-2002, 09:12 PM
That's too bad!!! Night game may be a possibility, though!!! Anyway, have fun and shoot them twice for me!!!

03-21-2002, 01:30 PM
Hope everyone else can make it!!!

03-21-2002, 09:59 PM
whats up everyone.

i finally found this message board. me, scottie, john, jason (scotties bro), maybe phil, and maybe the 2 boys will be there. One warning though, SC village speedball courses are an absolute zoo on sundays. i definately want to play though. im taking off to seattle for 2 weeks on wednesday.
see you all there. by the way, what time is everyone going to be there? oh yeah, i can get paint for everyone at low prices if we buy six cases or more at a time. hey markskee, jungle night games are really fun. its kinda cold right now so not that many people show, mostly newbies. but during the summer.... its usually 50 on 50, in the dark.


03-21-2002, 10:44 PM
Dave, I will be there a little after 10am since that is when all you guys show up. How much are we talking per case I am interested. LMK ASAP on price.Thanks alot dude.:D

03-22-2002, 02:32 AM
mark, we could be at SC earlier.

here are the paint prices buying any 6 cases at a time

point blank $36 regularly $45
nelson nelsplat $36 regularly $45
nelson anarchy $45 regularly $60

rp sherer $53 regularly $65

diablo blaze $42 regularly $55

These prices go for anybody, any team. you MUST be in the L.A. area(you need to come pick up the paint). email me if your interested - staklikdat@hotmail.com


03-22-2002, 01:07 PM
Sorry folks I will not be at practice. I have become the new owner of a finacial hardship. i will be unable to paintball for at least two weeks.:mad: :(

03-22-2002, 01:11 PM
sorry to hear that bonx. paintball is just one of those sports you can't just go out and play like basketball. Wish it was though :) .


03-22-2002, 01:33 PM
Mark, if you want, I can spot you. What do you need? Registration, all day air, paintballs? Let me know.

03-22-2002, 03:41 PM
I have never played with you guys but I'm so there. I was going to go to SC this Sunday anyway. I wana try out the my new setup, RT with an Armageddon. see if it will drop-off on me now.

03-22-2002, 10:07 PM
I have a case of paint and I think I can get cash for gas. I would need reg+all day air. I do not want to mooch however. Life is crazy right now. My head is spinning with all the junk that is going on. Rey your a great guy. Thanks a million. When I get the cash to pay you back I can express a money order to you or wire,paypal whatever you want dude. LMK

03-23-2002, 12:59 AM
Reg + air = you're on!

No worries dude...pay me back whenever. I still remember how it is to be short some times. :) See ya there!

03-23-2002, 10:46 PM
Mark, if you need extra paint, let me know!!! I got plenty!!! See everyone there bright and early!!! Like I said, I'll be parked in the paved lot next to the hill!!! All folks who have not played with us yet, look for a white full size GMC Jimmy!!! See everyone there!!!