View Full Version : I have had enuf of this nonsense

03-13-2002, 09:02 PM
Ok....this happened bout...well 3 weeks ago. I was standing at the starting place of out field when some guy asked the ref "hey, what do u think is better, a cocker or a mag?" well since the ref uses a COCKER what do u think his answer was?well u should know.I just looked at him and sorta chuckled cuz he was a ref that had come right b4 that game was played and hadn't seen what wonders my "mag" was doing. at the begging of that game there were like 4 cocker on our team and 2 mags (wanna my other team mates) and on the other team it had like 5 cockers and a bushy. At the end of the game me and my freind had taken out the intire other team(I'm not bosting or anything) and the cockers on our team had been shot out. The ref came up to me and said " DANG, that was AWESOME. I've never seen anything like that" and I just kinda reminded him of what he had said earlier and he sorta looked ashamed to me. I'm not dising cockers and have NO disrespect of them but at my field NO ONE has respect of mags except for when me and Brandon(my other team mate I talked about) show up.well this was my lil gripe.call it my pet peev

03-13-2002, 09:09 PM
my pet peve(sp?) too...

i hate it when some newbie is talking about guns and he goes and says mags are such blenders... i just keep to myself and assure myself that he will see the light some time...

one time at a field near me this cocker kid is walking around fixing his cocker and me and my friend go to him and we're like dude how do u like ur cocker?

he goes "yea shes the best"
im like "u know... i really like my mag. it never chops and its really fast..."
he goes "no way mags suck, they are such blenders..."

next game i realize im in the same bunker with that kid and i turn around and look at him shoot... every 3rd ball choped and paint was oozing out of his barrel...

can u say hypocrit!!!!! :D

03-13-2002, 09:55 PM
ya i was playing and this cocker owner started talking all this <B>smack</B> about mags and he just kept going on and on, he knows my friend and me are right next to him holding our mags and listening...well my field has a "more then 2 break on them when you bunker someone you are out also" rule.. next game come around a bunker and who do i see :D lets just say the reff didn’t even have to say anything i got out right after he stopped yelling ;)

<B>*Don't circumvent the cuss filter* -Miscue</B>

03-13-2002, 10:09 PM
guys guys guys, cant we all just get along? this is the 2nd thread in 10 mins i have seen about "cocker guys" and "newbies talkin trash" How about you let them talk the talk, then make them walk the walk. Just because they talk dosnt mean it is true? I think every cocker guy should just pick up a mag for one game, then see if his out look changes. I used to shoot a mag, now i shoot a cocker. I still have alot of respect for agd and its products. I really like what they stand for. Now, my suggestion is that you all stop complaining about cockers and cocker guys. I am tired of hering is as i am sure most of ao is also. Sust cuz my fellow cocker shooters are royal pains, dosnt mean that they do not mean well. It is the person behind the marker, not the marker. Hell, this whole debate is just over the word "auto" in thier first names! just cuz cocker guys defended thier markers from being related to the mag dosnt mean that there has to be so much tension. I believe i feel this way cuz i respectably shot a mag for quite some time before trying something different. Do you think that if 2 guns were called the angel and the angel duster, thanthere would be a debate about them also? LET IT GO GUYS! PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF OUR SPORT LET IT GO!

03-13-2002, 10:12 PM
I actually, start the fights at my field. If someone with a cocker is showing it off, i say to them,

Hey nice cocker


Has it broken yet??


Did you fire it yet? I assure you once you fire it, something will go wrong, then they kinda walk away....

03-13-2002, 10:12 PM
::sigh:: I don't think we should bother with the people who claim certain pb guns have better range and accuracy. They don't know what they're really talking about, they're just trying to look cool.

03-13-2002, 10:35 PM
yes you all are right but if they are talking trash really bad they have to find out eventually from someone that theyre wrong..

03-13-2002, 11:14 PM
First off I currently own 2 cockers (2001 STO and a free flow)and I love both of them I also own a micromag with a retro valve. I used to flame on mags just like the cocker owners that everyone is describing until 2 years ago a teammate let me shoot his mag I went out and got the micro a week later. Really I do not like one more than the other they are just different. I rarely have breaks in my cockers or my mag and there is really no difference I can tell in accuracy either although I do use the same barrels. RT_Luver if you are getting tired of people flaming your mag just let them shoot it most people even if they don't like the feel of it will have to admit that it is a quality marker. If you have a retro valve it really shows the quality of the mag I have helped sell 2 people on mags in the last month since I got the retro. But over all most of these people that you are describing are just ignorant they have heard all of the rumors for years and really just don’t know any better. I would also like to suggest that if you have never shot a cocker next time you go to play see if someone will trade markers with you for a round.

03-13-2002, 11:45 PM
umm. why is it always about, mags vs angels, mags vs cockers. And stuff like that on this forum. If you think yer gun is underrated. GOOD. Then people don texpect u to skool them. Yer benifit.

03-13-2002, 11:47 PM
These guys aren't complaining about cocker guys and angel guys! They're complaining about the people who judge players and markers by opinions, myths, and other false statements...

03-13-2002, 11:49 PM
a general statement... that once again was backup up tonight at work agian...

people Torq me off

03-13-2002, 11:59 PM
I let my mag do the talking. The only thing I hate is whippers and fools who yell check it every time they shoot in your general direction. So ANNOYING!!!!!!


03-14-2002, 01:30 AM
Dude you guys are funny.... im all four.
Two spyders
2000 autococker
68 mag
guess whitch gun i like the most ......... the angel but thats not the point. i use to diss out angels and autocockers till i one of them.
my autococker is cool, really staple while firing (becasue its heavy)
my Automag is small, light and a bit easyer to fire fast while running. not as staple as the autococker , but i prefer to use the automag in airball instead of the cocker.

the angel well ... i love it .
its not the gun (as long as its working)

03-14-2002, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by liigod
umm. why is it always about, mags vs angels, mags vs cockers. And stuff like that on this forum. If you think yer gun is underrated. GOOD. Then people don texpect u to skool them. Yer benifit.

Amen Brother...

Im totally for that. Underated rox (although it can get on your case eventually).

Theres no better irony than a Mag hater being toasted on the field by one.


soilent green
03-14-2002, 07:11 AM
I love my mag I like cockers and most of the people who bad mouth mags never shot one or one that someone never took care of or put poor upgrades on it

03-14-2002, 10:02 AM
i was playing this sunday with a whole lot of tippman and spyder owners. there wasn't really any high end guns there that day. there was only like 3 cockers and me. no angels. in between games i would get a "that gun is soooooo sweet. what is that?" every 2 mins. surprised the hell out of me. there was a dye cocker there and everybody ignored him. i must've explained my setup like 20 times that day. some of them said i was crazy to spend that much on a marker when i'm not on a team. :p but a few of them had a thoughtful expression. i recognized it as the "how can i save up the money to get a setup like that?" look. hopefully we'll have a few more mag owners soon. :)

03-14-2002, 01:20 PM
we had one kid like that before i got my mag.... he arives at my field and his mom says and i qoute " Well that gun cost enough so you better be good" she said it jokingly but i think she ment it. So anyway by the end of the day my friend Chris (has a MiniMag) was giggling like a school girl as LENNY ( the autococker kid) was wipping off the paint. I think this was more of a beter player case, not much to do with the gun but still funny. The kid was sayin things like " nice Blender" and "Lets make smoothys"

03-14-2002, 03:53 PM
My cocker is my backup for my Phantom!

It's not reliable enough for me, I like markers that I can pick up, Gas up, and go play without having to adjust anything besides the velocity. :)

Anyone wanna trade me for a minimag???

03-14-2002, 05:32 PM
heh cocker vs mag debate is probably going to be as old as good vs evil...i could care less what people shoot on the field..i dont pick friends by what guns they shoot...if people talk trash about mags...let them talk, and when its game time let them know how you feel about it. a lot of people at the field i play at utterly hate mags, and i know two guys who are good friends of mine use mags and they are two of the best players on that field. do they get talked about becuase of their guns? yes. do they care, no. as far as im concerned, mag guys are always playing while angels, countless tippmans and cockers are being worked on.

03-14-2002, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by Snewk
as far as im concerned, mag guys are always playing while angels, countless tippmans and cockers are being worked on.

he speaks the truth

03-15-2002, 01:23 PM
I have never seen an Angel gone down at my field. I have seen an Impulse down before, dont know why, but was surprised. So far the only consistent gun I see down at the field is the Cocker. Good theing there is alot of Aloha here in Hawaii fields, and everyone is willing to give a hand to help get it back and running. Usually its something small, but I really dont want that happening on the field to me.

The funniest Cocker story happened a couple weeks back. Off the break I sprinted as fast as I could to the Sub on the 50 along the right tape. What I also saw was there was someone on the opposing team that made the middle triangle 50 on the break as well.

On my slide in, I got some rocks in my shoe which really bothered me so I took it off and shook it out. The Cocker guy capitalized on it and ran from his position to bunker me. As he approached me I saw the back block of his Cocker pumping but no shots were coming out, before he could duck back behind the sub, my mid guy was able to eliminate him.

I asked him what happened after the game, it appears he didnt adjust his sear correctly, so all he was doing was loading balls into his barrels. LOL.

The elves saved my *** on the field. I dont mean to be ripping on COckers, but this was just a funny story I thought Id share. Cockers are great guns, hell any gun when tuned correctly will feel like a million bucks in your hand.


03-15-2002, 01:35 PM
Grab your books everyone! Because my mag is going to take you to school!

That's what I always say and everyone gets nervous because they have pumps and like 50 paintballs, and I got like 1300 with me at the field. Oh the look on their faces...

"You...you got 1300 paintballs..?

"Damn right I do! And I am going to make a personal note that most of them go on YOU!"


Actually I am fair to newbies because I remember what it was like...ehh.

03-15-2002, 04:49 PM
i have seen 2 angels go fubar...one was a reg problem the other i dunno what exactly it was...

03-15-2002, 04:53 PM
I was at a local field with my vert feed minimag(before conversion to pf mini) -two lil kids asked me what I had and why don't I have an autococker...I did at the time, and it went down so I shooting my "backup marker". These little kids had no idea of how much paint or how fast the mag really was until I let it rip in the staging area. Both of the newbies then asked if they could try my mag and then asked if I was on their team. I let them shoot my mag and played with one of their rentals...made two huge fans of AGD that day and still was able to get my point across...don't knock it till you try it. I've shot my mag more than my timmy, STO, or my old 2K cocker combined. It's a true benchmark and testament to the quality being produced by AGD.