View Full Version : Any tips for a 3 man tourny?!!?!!?!!?!!?!!

03-13-2002, 09:05 PM
Yep - thats right. We are goin in a 3 man tourny. Any tips. www.officialpaintball.com/3man.htm
Its gonna be awsome...

Unfortunatly I wont have my Mag. I might have to use my friends Cocker :( . (My Mag is at Centerflag)
So unless someone wants to lend me their EMAG - lol just kidding. But I will probably have to use a Cocker.

03-13-2002, 09:14 PM
#1 have fun!
#2 communicate between ur team (ie: know how many ppl are left on the other team or let ur team know where and when ur going to bunker someone)
#3 never exchange fire with an opponent who is ready for u... find another thing to keep u busy then check on him once in a long while
#4 don't be intimidated by anyone... go into the tourny with a good attitude
#5 have urself some more fun! :D

03-13-2002, 09:17 PM
Coffey! I might play in the 3 man.
I have been invited to play. Hopefully, I will see you on the field - :D

03-13-2002, 09:19 PM
*leans over and sighs*

The tourniment is on the 23rd.
Hey Tom - Can you save a prize for me:p. Or at least an autograph. Man it felt like this was going to be the time I WON SOMETHING. *tears drip from the corner of CoFFeY's eyes*

03-13-2002, 09:22 PM

03-13-2002, 09:30 PM
I got some advice for the tournament...heres one, DONT LOSE!! :D

Na im just kidding, have fun, and dont be mad if you lose, tis just a game

03-13-2002, 09:34 PM
talk to ur team while playin on the field so u kno whats goin down. And make shure the back men are doin what their suppost to because ur gonna need them. all 3 man teams COUNT on their backmen to lay paint. And most IMPORTANT have alot of FUN!

And good luck!

03-14-2002, 07:23 AM
What would be the best position


03-14-2002, 11:55 AM
I usually see three man teams run like this:

1 Back Player - usually the best aim, must be able to sweetspot and get right out there on (to the back bunker) on the start, has to communicate or YOU WILL LOSE. If he can't tell you where so and so is, you're dead. He needs to be able to get a lot of paint off quickly, or if on a budget or something, be very accurate so as to make them THINK he is getting a lot of paint off quickly. He lays down cover for the...
2 Front (point) players - work in tandem with the others, usually make mirror moves if possible up the opposite sides, must be able to snap shoot and run, communicate not only with each other, but with the back player as well, should be a good team, helps if one covers the other while he moves up, then switch. When one is not shooting, it is a good rule to have the other one shooting. They call out positions to the back player, and vise versa.

Each man is EXTREMELY valuable in three man, so be wary of where you put players! Test your gun the day before the tourny; Murphy's Law - if it'll break, it'll break when you need it the most. Try to get used to that Cocker, it's hard to make those switches right before tournys! Put a case through it. Use your head out there, plan 3 moves in advance before you even step out of your bunker. Watch the angles - if you can't shoot somewhere, make sure one of the other guys can. WALK THE FIELD! I have seen games won and lost over this. If you are unfamiliar with the field, this is a MUST. Unless you could build this field in your sleep, you MUST WALK THE FIELD! This will also help you get your angles down, and the bunkers strong and weak sides. Watch the tape. Have fun:)


03-14-2002, 12:05 PM
Im entering a 3man tourney next month too. Its just a local thing but still fun. Ive only played speedball once so I need alot of practice from now till then. :D

I'll probably be the back man since im out of shape right now :/ I should have my retro valve by then......I hope!

peace yall

03-14-2002, 12:12 PM
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NUTZ: #3 never exchange fire with an opponent who is ready for u... find another thing to keep u busy then check on him once in a long while

Don't listen to this and you should be fine....

03-14-2002, 12:27 PM
Just saw that... hmm...

#3 never exchange fire with an opponent who is ready for u... find another thing to keep u busy then check on him once in a long while

Well, for the most part this is true, but, instead of just leaving it there, get someone else to take care of it for you, or, better yet, have them DISTRACT him and then you can make your move on him - preferably from the place where he WON'T expect you to come from!


03-14-2002, 12:31 PM
Post one guy and run 2 out to about the 50.

03-14-2002, 01:08 PM
walk the field, learn the shooting lanes, what spot has this advantage, what spot has that advantage

communicate! i ref a lot of games and i see teams fall apart due to lack of it

have fun, i know its a tourney and all but we've seen how the pro's react when they loose right? ;)

03-14-2002, 01:18 PM
well,I was watching Ultimate Madness(the 3man tourny)on warpig and I learned a few things from it.Like,when the game starts have everyone on your team lay ALOT of paint of the other teams starting station,maybe you will longball someone.then after awhile,have the front man dip to either the tape or the 50.The other team will do same thing and try to get thier front player out when he runs,then it will be 3 to 1.and you can own them,and also...dont forget to pull the flag and hang it in THIER station,not yours.Many people forget about flag after they tag everyone on opposite team.Have alot of fun,and have more fun.

03-14-2002, 01:23 PM
Lose and your out of the family!
The AO family that is ;).

Really though get out there with your head high and a good attitude right off the bat. Be a good sport and don't take it too seriously, yeah I know, paintball is very important so some of us, but don't get pouty and moody about it. Have ALOT of fun, make it last, and try your hardest. Don't get super excited because that will take you off your game somewhat, and focus on your game, communication, and tactics.

Read over tactics and effective plays, shooting, and other things. TRY YOUR HARDEST, and make sure to report back to us AOers!

03-14-2002, 01:58 PM
The best advice I ever got on tournament play is very simple:

1. Make it to your bunker

2. Stay alive

3. Eliminate someone

That's all you need.