View Full Version : standard valve/retro valve parts?

03-14-2002, 01:17 PM
Ok just kind of a shot in the dark here after looking briefly at the exploded views of each valve: If someone doesn't have 200 dollars to spend on a retro valve, are there any compatible parts within the retro valve that could replace those in the stock valve? Example- The bumper on the stock valve is different from the Retrovalve. If I put the retro bumper on my stock valve, would it help... etc etc. I am not really sure where the performance gains of the retro valve come from and I'm just curious if some of the assembly parts would work better than stock parts. Anyone?

03-14-2002, 07:33 PM
a retro bumper will work on air valve. dont put blue bumper on retro thow. the on off of the retro will work in standered. dont think it will do anything thow. a lot of the orings are the same. did a study a week ago with the part #'s in the online store. the retro has quite a few more orings thow.

there is no way to make a stock valve performe like the retro. it would take major michining and then im not sure if it can be done.

03-14-2002, 08:29 PM
that's cool i was just curious. i saw the springs were set up differently and everything. i guess most of the performance comes from the actual valve body itself.

03-14-2002, 10:40 PM
Yeah the performance comes from the valve design itself. The air takes a completely diffrent pathway and most of the internal parts are diffrent.

03-16-2002, 10:42 PM

03-17-2002, 06:35 AM
Don't change parts between the Retro and stock. There are no parts you can interchange which will positivly effect your preformance. If you cannot spend the $250 on a retro, then just leave your valve stock, thats how it works best.