View Full Version : Too many Regulators?

03-14-2002, 04:27 PM
I am fairly new to the whoel world of paintball and espicially AutoMags, so if this sounds like a stupid question please forgive me. I have a classic mag, and recently had a regulator put on the gun as a drop forward. And while out pricing HP systems I noticed that there was the regulator for the tank and that an additional regulator was on the tank to regulate output pressure. So what I'm wondering is, should I spend the extra money on the tank for an output regualtor, when I already have a regulator on the gun and the tank? Also is three regulators, better than two and if so why?

03-14-2002, 05:01 PM
well you see a mag IS a Regulator. and your tank has a reg on it. so you dont need a third reg. it can starve your gun.

03-14-2002, 07:15 PM
That is corrrrect.:p ;)

03-14-2002, 09:45 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by HoppysMag
well you see a mag IS a Regulator.

uhhhhh. could you explain that one. I thought with an aftermarket regulator you could set the pressure of the air coming out of the tank and into the gun for a more consistent shot. Why was it then that everyone I've spoken too at different paintball fields and stores in regards to things that need to be done for a general upgrade (I've spoken to players and pball store employees of different levels) all suggested having an after market reg put on after getting a new barrel.

03-14-2002, 10:47 PM
A mag is it's own regualter, unlike a cocker they are great at keeping the pressure consitant. The reg on the tank is one that can change the pressure coming in to the mag. This pressure is to be around 600-900psi, which most tanks are preset to. Then the mag takes that 900psi and has a regulater pstion in side of itself that will take that pressuer down. If you take a third reg in the picture this process is slowed down because of it has to go through so many steps. They are basing mags in the same as a cocker that if you dont have a reg you are screed. So the tank reg and the marker itself is all you will ever need anything more will cause shoot down in the gun.

03-15-2002, 09:17 AM

i could not have said it better..

And if you are unfimaliar with you mag, check this out.

03-15-2002, 09:23 AM
hey i have an idea!! This is the back section of your mag. its a regulator.

03-15-2002, 04:45 PM
10 points for hoppysmag!

03-15-2002, 05:01 PM
Hey all... thanks for help. I really REALLY appreciate it. I also talked to the tech at the pball store and he told me the same thing you all did, and was also kind enough to tell me that the salesperson was an idiot (just a salesman not a player or gunsmith) and didn't know a brass eagle pump from a fully loaded e-mag. once again thanks for clarifying everything.