View Full Version : Disecting the halo

03-14-2002, 07:40 PM
Well, I have my halo here, and I have been thinking about ways to make up for the things I see as inadequacies. What I don't like about it seems to be in the realm of two things. I don't like the infra-red thing, because it doesn't work on all types of balls, and sometimes for me doesn't seem to work at all, and I don't like the motor assembly.
My solution: Transfer the internals of a warp into a halo, since agd hasn't merged with odyssey (what a great idea that would be for both of them :D ) The warp is quieter, more reliably sensitive, has intellifeed connection (which with a little work should be adaptable to any marker), and seems to be nicer to batteries.
Problem is this. Maybe someone has some info before I ask odyssey. Anyone know the specs on: that tiny motor they threw into the halo? the rpm that the cone rotates at?
What I am looking at as a final product (not product for sale, but for myself, you patent people ;) ) is a halo that can do what a warp does for performace and a halo does for loading ops. I am also thinking about a piece and solder in board that does the same as the warp's board, but with a variable voltage output. Maybe something like a bank of three zeners, and jumpers to hook only one up. Then you would have a variable voltage input with no power wastage from two 9v's wired in series (which both the warp and the halo have room for. . .).
Well, this is kind of long, so I will shut up. Just figure would throw in some quick ideas, and get some feedback/suggestions/this guy did this type of stuff.