View Full Version : Filming paintball questions part 2.

03-14-2002, 08:46 PM
ok guys. i have a few cameras i like so far and i want u to tell me which one to get.

these r all panisonic and the one that i like...

I looked at the DV52 and DV102 but didnt see the big diffrent between the ones i was looking at and these.

using your camrea knowloage which is the best for me. thanks

03-15-2002, 07:30 AM
R u shooting from on the field or off? Either way you should look into ways to protect the camera, the lens most importantly. A basic underwater housing would be the safest, but will cost you a pretty penny. Otherwise look for a camera with the best OPTICAL zoom. Forget digital zooms. A stabilizer would be a good feature for you as well. You might want to look into this because I think Panasonic uses a digital stabilizer verses an optical one like some of the Sonys and Cannons. There can be some delay as well as some picture degradation with a digital one. Hitachi used to make an outdoor model that was weather resistant, don't know if they still make a model like that though. For real quality in a small package, I believe the Sony PD-100 is still available. Might be a little pricey for you though.