View Full Version : Intelliframe vs. Dye Trigger frame vs. double trigger shoe

03-14-2002, 10:39 PM
Hello all, I'm new here. I've been reading through the forums for a week or so and I must say this is priceless resource for all mag owners.

I'm looking at upgrading my stock trigger frame to a double trigger.

I have no interest in the intellifeed function of the Intelliframe, I just want the best feeling trigger pull.

I have tried a Benchmark frame and it was horrible, it had so much extra play...it was worse than stock.

Based on the fact that used Dye frames seem to go for about half the price of what I can get an Intelliframe for, do the Intelliframes have an exceptionally better feel than the Dye?

I could also cut the trigger guard of my stock frame and install a double trigger shoe only. Does this void my gun from tournament play? Does this provide comparable feel to the replacement frames?

Like I said, "Intellifeed" is of no benefit to me, I just want the best trigger feel for the money.

Intelliframe ($110)
Dye ($60)
Shoe only ($15)

Thanks for your opinions,

There are no paintball stores or other mag owners in my local area :confused:, so you guys are my only source of opinions :)

Thanks again,


Mild 7
03-15-2002, 01:52 AM
Welcome to AO.

I do not have the DYE frame so I can't comment on that. However, I would still recommend the Intelliframe because I have it and I personally feel it's a great buy despite of the high price tag.

Here's the good:
1. Looks beautyFUL!
2. Made to AGD specs. Therefore, expect full support if you encounter any problems.
3. Smooth pull & very very comfortable.

The NOT so good:
1. Price.
2. The weight.

As far as cutting the trigger guard, I do not recommend it 'cause I personnaly feel that's like deforming your gun for an a little notch of performance. I've also heard some fields, as well as tournies do not allow it.

03-15-2002, 03:43 PM
Well done anyone have anything to say about the DYE Frame? I am in the same boat as foxtrot.

03-15-2002, 05:17 PM
i had the dye. not bad but i dont like tha angled trigger guard. it cramped my fingers, not enough room. the dye may be 60 bux but it doesnt come with a trigger, a safty, grips, or the pin that holds the trigger. go with the i-frame. its about 110 and comes with everything. i have one. its great. you dont have to intellifeed it. i did cuz i didnt have power one day so i got the butain saudering iron out and hooked up intellifeed. its great and really is benificial.

i advise the i-frame over all others. a cut trigger guard is not turny leagle and fields arnt saposed to allow them, even thow some do.

03-15-2002, 08:01 PM
Hey! Welcome to AO.
Spend the extra dough on an Intelliframe...it is definitely worth it.
I haven't played with a Dye but I have owned a Benchy and a cut stock frame with a 2x trigger...neither is even in the same league as the Intelliframe.;)

03-16-2002, 11:45 AM
I have used the Intelliframe, the Z-Grip, the Benchmark, the DYE, and the stock frame with double trigger mod! By far the Intelliframe feels the best, the DYE was almost as good, and the Z-Grip despite it's angle is great too! The Benchmark is sloppy, but works OK in spite of itself! And, the stock frame with a double trigger works just fine! Except for the stock carbon fiber trigger frame they all weigh about the same! If you add a nice set of grips and a trigger guard they like good too! Most, if not all terniments now rquire a guard to play. There is a company out there that makes add on double trigge guards for the stock Cocker grip frames and these guards also fit the stock Mag grip frames. I have used them, they work and look good and are tourney legal! The guards have to be commercially available (not home made) to be tourney legal. The company that makes the guard is SuperPRO products and it is listed as Autococker Trigger Guard. www.superproproducts.com I buy them from Boston Paintball! Good luck and have fun!

08-17-2002, 01:00 PM
i have the same problem.. dye or intelli.. and everyone says intelli.. so now i just have to find a cheap one on AO.

08-17-2002, 01:32 PM
The dye frames don't come with a trigger, a saftey or grips. You end up paying about the same thing as the inteli.
$60 frame
$20 Grips
$10 Trigger
$10 Saftey
$100 total

08-17-2002, 01:39 PM
i say still get an intelliframe..i have had one and it is awesome...but if you get an intelliframe..why not get a z-grip..they are awesome

08-17-2002, 01:51 PM
haha.. paintbattler.. i was almost gonna buy your z grip.. but i want a intelliframe.

08-17-2002, 04:33 PM
/me hugs his z-grip

08-17-2002, 06:28 PM
i have this exact same problem except I THOUGHT I HAD ORDERED MY I-FRAME but my mom decided to make me wait AHHH!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: ...ohh well, yes for me it has come down to Dye or I-frame and i have clled the techs at AGD (as i do often for informative conversation and help on picking products) and they said a DYE frame would be harder to set up then the Intelli because the Dye is't set to the exact AGD standards etc..