View Full Version : Automag pump convert

03-15-2002, 12:24 AM
Just currious,
Does any one know if any of thoes Pump conversion kits are still out there? And where they may be? And did they work for that matter?


03-15-2002, 12:59 AM
they are SWEET!!! I want one bad.

You can find them sometimes on Ebay, but they're usually missing the key part: The funky spring that goes behind the bolt.

The way it works is that the spring keeps the bolt from catching on the sear, and when you pump it you compress that spring just enough to make the bolt catch, allowing you to fire again.

The one i tried out was a Z-body, and the pump stroke was absolute butter smooth, I almost wetted myself i was so excited... but then i had to give it back...

If Mr. AGD would be so kind as to maybe release a few of the springs that are missing from those wayward kits... I'd be a happy camper! I understand a place down the street from AGD is who made them initially...

When i get my mag, it WILL be converted to a pump as soon as I can find a functional kit! :D

03-15-2002, 05:07 AM
It was the pump rod that was missing from the kits, not the spring washer. There is 1 new kit around that I know of. Email for details.:D

03-15-2002, 12:15 PM
Yup, it's the pump rod. I've got that funky-looking spring, it's quite fun to play with! Unfortunatly, my kit is still in it's bag, I haven't gotten around to using it...:( Someday, dream-pump-mag, I will build you!


P.S. - They worked fairly well from what I heard, talk to... erm, Muzikman, I beleive it is, for more info. He has an actual working pump Mag, and it looks super sweet!

Hope this helps!