View Full Version : Unjustness........

03-15-2002, 06:07 PM
I need some help from the people of this forum. I'm having some troubles with becoming part of the team at my college. I recently transfered to a public college, against my wishes but I have to look at my future not if I'm having fun or not. Within a week me and one of my good friends started posting flyers to start a paintball team. We had a suprisingly high number of replys, something like 13, we thought we'd maybe get 4. Well, we contacted everyone and set up a meeting so everyone could get to know everyone else. Everything was going relatively good up until then. We had hoped at participating at the mitc and college nationals. After this meeting though we started to notice some of our teammates not talking to us as much and kinda of not answering emails and questions. We didn't really know whats up. We had started practicing, well we only had one maybe two practices in before I had to miss one because of a lack of money. I have a high end gun coming but that was paid for a while ago, the problem was my dad has been laid off for a while and me and my sis have been helping out with money. I received an email after I told everyone I couldnt make it to our 3rd practice telling me to "get serious" and if I can't make the practice I wouldn't play at either tourneys even though the majority of our members hadn't been to the first practice and were kinda new to paintball. I was upset and wrote a bad email back to the guy, which I now am sorry about and have apologized to him for it. But now when me and my friend tried to call a meeting to find out if we could play with them, even though we are the people that founded the team, this guy emailed everyone and encouraged them not to go, and not to tell us about the meeting that they had an hour and a half later that night, he also said that they shouldn't tell us when our practices were or when they were getting together to talk about paintball. I've also heard that he calls me and my friend names behind our backs but lets not get into any of that. My friend instant messaged him and was told "as you can see, your not part of this team" I need some feedback guys. Help me out, I'm not sure what to do. The person who did this is a member of this forum and no doubt will reply. mods please don't delete this thread, its very important I try to figure out whats goin on, cause I just want to play for my college. It should be interesting how this person responds. In a different thread he told me not to talk about it here cause its not any of your guys business, well I think you guys are a great help and could maybe help straighten things out. Thanks for everything. Mike

03-15-2002, 06:15 PM
what's the dude's name that's own the forum I could talk to him if you want me too?:)

03-15-2002, 06:22 PM
Well, its LaW, as you can see he's been a member since this forum started, thats why I thought some feedback from you guys could help. In the other thread, he said it was a team decision, unfortunately neither me nor my friend who were both "kicked" off the team were at the meeting so we couldn't even defend ourselves. So I guess we'll see what happens

03-15-2002, 06:24 PM
I hate internal AO conflicts... I say try and make a friendly rivalry with LaW...

03-15-2002, 06:26 PM
yeah thats whats goin to happen, it'd be great if we could get enough for 2 teams, not that I wouldn't put past problems aside, hes a decent player, but I think it might work out better.

03-15-2002, 06:45 PM
I think we need to hear LaW's version of the story.

03-15-2002, 06:48 PM
Please keep this between you and the team. It has no place here and will only lead to bad feelings all around. Dave