View Full Version : warp dwell help

03-16-2002, 02:22 PM
Well i got my warp yesterday and i gased up my mag, everything works fine,gotta put some paint through it tomorrow...
what s the best dwell setting ? Should i leae it at factory settings ? (4 jumpers horizonal)
That seems to be faster than when they were vertical, whats the dea with that ? I thought the more in the "on" position the more it spun. Is the factor setting enough ?

03-16-2002, 02:52 PM
with the jumpers in the horizontal position it is the same as them not being there at all....

with them like that or with them all off, the warp is set for the longest spin cycle each time it goes off....

all 4 in the vert pos. would put it in the short spin mode...

the 1st way will eat up batteries faster and just the oppisite for for the second way.....

just make sure the the warp spins every time you shoot and you should be fine