View Full Version : What do you think the gun says about the player?

03-16-2002, 08:48 PM
What do you think the gun says about the person's playing styl, personality, home life, and age? I am just wondering because people always seem to judge players by their equipment without seeing them play.:mad:

03-16-2002, 09:12 PM
Well it's hard not to judge someome. Good players generally upgrade their gun, while newbies are new to the sport and haven't really gotten a chance to get better equiptment. But then again, you never know who's behind that Talon!!

03-16-2002, 09:13 PM
I'd say it's rather pointless to try to guess these things about people just based on their gun. But then I suppose it's your time to waste. :)

03-16-2002, 09:15 PM
It's easier to tell what a person is like by their mask, pack, and hopper system...

Example: Friends play with a vl200, pmi x-ray, and generic brand pack. They don't fire a lot and they don't fire fast. Heck, they barely ever carry paint in their packs... They hid at the back of the field.

Example 2: The regular woods guys wear some cammo and use imppies/bushies with 12v revvies. They wear jt flex 7's and i think redz packs. They shot me out almost every round...

Me: I wear a v-force shield and carry a pg1 pro with a vl200. I have no need for a revvy or pack because my pg1 pro can't shoot at that high of ROF. I can play hopper ball with it and have no problems...

03-16-2002, 09:16 PM
The one thing i hate about people judging people by their gear is that.... As i was at my field gearing up i over heard some people talking about my brother. (They were people he kinda knew i guess) and well they said "HAHA look at seans STOCK mag.... He must REALLY sux big time" Then they are their on the field with STO cockers. Well here comes the funny part as we were playin as soon as the whistle blew i went one way sean went the other. Then i ran up to about 2/4 of the field i see the kids with the STO cockers like just hiding behind a bunker sayin what they were gonna do to us(meaning the team) well i had heard enough so i yell "TAKE THE HIT" they do not respond, so i run in front of one of the bunckers that one of them was in front. But only this time i didnt feel like tellin him to take the hit. So i crawl to the opposite side of the bunker and BLAST one of them, then quickly pull back in. Then when the other 2 see him walk off the field the finally react and pull out of their bunker and start to have a look around. Well they couldnt see me but i saw them. I was behind one of the piping bunkers with alittle area to see out of. Then after like 30 or so seconds they pull back in. Their were only 5 people left that i saw they had on their team. Then i knew that i had to get them 2 out quickly so we could end the game. So i run up RIGHT in front of their bunker and was about to shoot them both. But before i could they heard me move in front of the bunker and they say "NO please dont shoot use we will take the hit" and they run off the field. So in conclusion people with high end guns can still be the most scared little people on the field. So i think that people with high end markers and other stuff, that are on a pro team or are good and can handle the game i can understand. But kids that dont have the slightest idea of what they are doing and have like an EMAG are just little rich boys. That have their daddy buy them everything.


03-16-2002, 09:23 PM
the fact that people are judged by their equipement is what DRIVES this industry. its hype baby.

in my mind there are a few different stereotypes i assign people. makes it simpler when you are trying to mentally picture where everyone is going and who may need help or who can push a side when playing walk-on games.

1. rentals
2. pumps
3. newbie (but regular) rec players
4. experienced rec players
5. good players with high-end guns
6. bad/newbie players with high-end guns

just about everyone falls into one of those catagories.

03-16-2002, 10:47 PM

when I was just getting into speedball, seeing alot of the nice new shiny guns really intimidated me. It does not nowadays since I know who on the field is good, and who on the field plain sucks (me =).

However, there is still reason for me to keep my guard up when I see an Angel or Hi-end gun. Its either they're dedicated into the sport and thus have experience and skill which means quick eliminations for me. Or they are just spoiled rich brats. Who have alot of paint to spray. Either way it increases your chance of elimination.

I once saw a 14 looking year old have 2 cases of Marbs. By the time I went to my 1/2 case to refill my pods, it was all gone, shot up by him. OMG. Can you Spray and Pray???


03-16-2002, 10:56 PM
I'd be afraid of the guy with the gun beat to hell. It means he plays a lot. :)

03-17-2002, 01:37 AM
was it me or was slipknot's story really hard to follow. and isn't 2/4=1/2? hahahahahah;)

anyways, people usually think that with a good gun, comes good skills. obviously this is far from the truth. however, a good gun can INCREASE your game. what a good gun does is increase your confidence. with that, you become more stabile a player and you do in fact get a better game. however, where that game starts off as, is a different story. just making a somone who sucks slightly better, doesn't mean he's going to be ripping people up. just something to think about.

i plan on getting a prolite and taking it onto some speedball fields. i love being underestimated. one of the reasons i love mags. most people assume that the guy behind the mag sucks.

03-17-2002, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by Restola
the fact that people are judged by their equipement is what DRIVES this industry. its hype baby.

in my mind there are a few different stereotypes i assign people. makes it simpler when you are trying to mentally picture where everyone is going and who may need help or who can push a side when playing walk-on games.

1. rentals
2. pumps
3. newbie (but regular) rec players
4. experienced rec players
5. good players with high-end guns
6. bad/newbie players with high-end guns

just about everyone falls into one of those catagories.

I guess I'm always the exception...;)
7. FooTemps, the player that has a semi but can't play regularly...

03-17-2002, 08:20 AM
It makes me so mad when people judge me by my mag. They have the angels and i comeout with my TKO mag, and they just assume that i will sit in the back adn not do anything. So i just make up for it with my skills, but it still gets very annoying. :mad:

03-17-2002, 10:38 AM
All the guys with mags that I know are front players. Maybe just a regional thing, or maybe when crawling through sand and tumbleweed players want a gun they know doesn't mind a little abuse.

03-17-2002, 10:53 AM
The gun usually lets you know what level player the person is.

Lower end guns like Stingrays and cheaper spyders mean that they come out VERY rarely, and just want something to do on a boring saturday.

More expensive spyders, and lowerend mags usually show somebody likes paintballing, but doesn't want to spend all their time doing it.

Cockers, Higher end mags, electros usually mean that the person wants to really get into paintball, play competively and spend most of their time out there.

Of course there are exceptions, but this is just general observations.

03-17-2002, 11:03 AM
I'm rich or I'm poor. And us 68 mags fall in the middle.

03-17-2002, 11:28 AM
The ones I always feel you should be afraid of is the people who make frequent but regularly spaced upgrades to their gun. Those are the people who have found a gun they like and just want to improve the way it works for them.

A guy who owns a mag and starts with the stock frame, goes to a Dye, then a Z, then an Inteliframe and finally settles on one of them, knows his gun and knows what he likes.

Thats they guy to be afraid of


03-17-2002, 12:20 PM
I think what Miscue said was the best. If it looks like it's been used and abused he probably plays a hell of a lot more than most people.

03-17-2002, 01:43 PM
If you can afford a gun that can shoot 20 BPS or one that can shoot 7 BPS.

03-17-2002, 01:48 PM
it's real easy to tell who the true newbies are at top gun. top gun rents out camo coveralls. they're real puffy and goofy looking. :p you see someone wearing those you know they're rentals and probably are VERY new.

as for the guns. i don't think you can ever really tell. all the gun tells you is what rof they MIGHT be capable of doing.

03-17-2002, 01:51 PM
I think the most accurate way you gun judge a persons playing ablities without seeing them play firsthand is by the appearance of their pack. If it's ripped, dirty and really old they've probably been around for a while (Generally meaning they know what they are doing). And vice-versa.


03-17-2002, 02:13 PM
The field i goto everyone respects my mag and my playing ability. I wear a JT olive jersey, JT pants, Cleats, flex-7 IZE green mask, Redz 4v pack, and sometimes a hat. So the newbs really gauk at me when i show up. I dont hate n00bs and i actually try to help them out. I remeber how much it sucked having a spyder and it blending paint.

Kaiser Bob
03-17-2002, 02:33 PM
I notice if you walk into a pro shop with your gun, depending on what it is the reception by the guys working and hanging out there will be different. I've gone into pro shops with a prolite, a mostly stock cocker, a mostly stock mag and a shocker. Now the more high end the gun was, the more i was treated like a 'player' and not a 'customer'. Anyone else notice this?

03-17-2002, 05:37 PM
people at my field always joke about my gun(old automagrt). when i started playing with them i got ragged hard but when they saw me play i still get ragged but its all in fun now. i have a rof to compete with the best of them and i dont chop. i get tired of the newbees with angels thow that bash my mag. a 13 year old kid that gets dropped of evry sunday with a hundred dollars and his new angel that mouths my gun? that just bugs me. not so much the mouthing but the fact he has no clew whats going on but he is shooting his own angel. it is his cuz ive asked the field owner. the mouthing bugs me to :rolleyes:

Top Secret
03-17-2002, 05:45 PM
Yeah, I noticed as I went to the field supply shop, I get a bunch of "WOW" and "That's sweet" when I bring out my E-Mag Chrome/Red Warp and hopper combo. You get treated different. I kinda like it myself. :cool:

03-17-2002, 11:20 PM
Footemps: Sounds like a class four then, no? I don't have any problems on the fields I play on. Use my trusty shutter, but its upgraded to the point that it doesn't look like one. This yields the newbs always saying 'wow, great gun' and me saying 'its not bad for a spyder'. And the vets look and see the good stuff and don't rag on it. They are the ones that have been there and seen me play enough to know that I can make up for most of the spyders deficiencies, also. :) Should be nice to see what kind of reaction I get when I finally pick up my mag. Then I can say 'yep, its an excellent gun'. We only have 2 mags that ever show up here, and both are mini's. :(

03-19-2002, 12:48 PM
I tend to watch out for the people with the beat up guns cause they have something that they like and it works for them so they know how to play the game well.

The field I frequent the owner plays whenever he feels like it and he uses a 97 autococker and he is GOOD. I think he is playing with Lockout this year. It doesn't matter what gun you give him he'll still kick butt. We harassed him one day to use a pump, didn't matter infact he liked so much he still plays with it just to show that, it isn't the gun it's the player.

03-19-2002, 01:21 PM
I love the sideways looks and whisperings of "look hes got a pump". Even better is walking off the field as last man standing after taking out the cocker 1 on 1. I got bored with semi "hunkerball", not to mention pump/stock play is MUCH lighter on the wallet. Anyway, thought this would be appropriate for the topic.

03-19-2002, 02:03 PM
Well, there are a few generalizations you can make without trouble.

The guy with the stock probably doesn't play much speedball, and the guy in camo probably plays a lot of bushball. The guy shooting the Shocker with a 45/88 and a 16" AA is probably a back player, ditto, the guy with the 45/45, 8" drop, Bushy and 10" barrel probably plays front. They guy with the funny looking gun has probably been playing forever, ditto the guy with the beat up PGP or P-68, and the kid with the Stingray is either new or poor.

It's really just looking at the gear and seeing what type of play it's best used for, not assuming the guy with the Spyder TL is worse or less experienced than the guy with the angel, he may just be poorer or stupidly good with the spyder.

I know a guy, damned good player, loaded, and he plays with a Spyder SE, 16" AA, ELCD and Warp. It's stupidly fast and incredibly consistent, why would he buy an Angel, which doesn't do anything for him except cost more?

I notice that experienced players tend to give my old AutoMag more respect when they see the wonky homemade ring trigger on it, despite it being pretymuch stock otherwise. I suspect it's due to the realization that anybody who has such a mod probably needs it.

03-19-2002, 06:22 PM
You guys have all been true to the letter...aside from one thing...the tourney player who shows up to play "slag the newbies" with his latest Angel and wipes when a newbie blasts his cheating butt with a piranha rental. Let's not forget about him/her/them.