View Full Version : maintaining a mag..plz help

03-16-2002, 09:37 PM
hey guys..

i have a few quick questions.

first of all, the german hand gernade w/ spring on top that Tom Kaye speaks of in the movie. I cannot get the spring out. His spring falls right out. I tried to go into mine with a dental pick and stopped because i was afraid to bend the spring from pulling so hard.

next, there are two holes with the word oil next to them. they are on the regulator near the latch that catches on the z groove. the manual says nothing about them. i was wondering im supposed to drop some oil in those holes.


03-17-2002, 03:06 AM
hey if you're talking about the bolt spring..just hold it at the base of the spring and try to pull it out..dont worry you wont break it unless you're trying to..try to drip some oil on it and let it seep in or something.

the two holes: yes, just drop a couple in them..thats wut i do.

also, rmember to drop like 3-6 drops of oil into your asa and fire it like 30 times w/out the barrel on, before each use.

hope any of this helps

03-17-2002, 07:17 AM
ok. thanks for the oil holes..

in the video, i think tom is talking of the regulator piston and its spring. it is the piston and spring that connect the reg and the valve. i cannot get the spring out. the manual also says to get the spring out for cleaning.

im new with this mag. anythign else i should look for when oiling after a hard days use?? Better yet, what should i do to clean it. What should i be oiling ETC?

thanks alot!

03-17-2002, 11:32 AM
Actually those holes in the valve marked oil don't do a thing, oil goes nowhere, don't know why their there. Put some oil in the hole in your ASA, take off the barrel, and fire about 20-30 times.

03-17-2002, 07:21 PM
any other suggestions?


03-17-2002, 08:14 PM
Hey, you shouldnt take the spring out unles your gun is having probloms with that area. But if u need to, it does the same thing to me. I get the grenade stick out but not the spring, Just use the little dental pick and pull it out, it shouldnt harm anything and if it does become bent (it shouldnt) you should be able to bend it back in place. O yeah make sure there sint any dirt on the regulator seal. Hope this helps