View Full Version : TRUTH about Paint: Expensice vs Cheap

03-16-2002, 10:57 PM
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to get everyones opinion on the differences in Paints. What is the main difference between cheaper paints (BigBall, Premiums, 2nds) vs more expensive Paints (AllStar, Infernos, Hellfire).

I have gotten mixed reasons here locally. One shop says its just the paint ingredients. Some have a thicker richer brighter fill. They claim that this is the only reason for expense. They said that the shell consistency is the same, manufacturing time is the same. Just paint color.

My other shop says that the more expensive paints have a better quality control and thus have a better shell consistency. They also say more fragile paints translate into more expensive paints. The manufacturing process to make them more fragile takes longer and thus take more money in the manufacturing process. They also claimed that they do have a brighter fill too. But that is not the only reason for it being expensive. Its the whole process.

I am asking this because over the chrono. I still get the same velocity shot to shot consistency with both BigBall vs Slam Ball. Whats up? Why should I use the more expensive paints when cheaper paints does the same.

Plz enlighten me all.


03-16-2002, 10:58 PM
Bigball is pretty much same as other RPS stuff... they just take all the leftovers from the other vats and mix it up to get Bigball... which explains the color.

I tend to think that 'fragile' paint is actually crappier paint that has a 'tourny' sticker on the box. But I guess it depends. I personally do not use the really brittle stuff... I stick with typical RPS stuff or recently been using Anarchy.

03-16-2002, 11:01 PM
when i was at the store last weekend i was asking what the difference was between the big ball and the premiums and he said "the bigballs are a darker blackish color which make it hard to see when there in the air, and the fill is a little more watery than the premiums". that is just what the guy said i dont know if it is correct or not.

03-17-2002, 01:19 PM
If Bigball was the same as other RPS paints, why does it seeme so thick. It doesnt break well if you do the bounce test, hell, you an dribble it like a basketball if you wanted. Maybe after 20 dribbles it would develope a soft spot and eventually break.

Premiums seem a little more brittle than BigBall. They only take about 6 drops opposed to BigBalls 10 drops.

Allstars break in like 3-4.

I never tried Diablo paints on the drop test.


03-17-2002, 01:36 PM
the expensive 'tourny' paint is ususally alot more brittle and will break in your gun occasionally if your gun is hard on paint. Some have abit more consistant shell diameter.

03-17-2002, 04:34 PM
i used bigball this weekend in my gz timmy. It sucked that stuff doesnt go str8. My old marbs from 4 months ago werked better.

03-17-2002, 07:44 PM
There are 3 things I've noted with expensive paint vs. cheap paint..

Quality control on batches....Typically less of a chance to get a bad ball, or a bad batch.

Shell is thinner.....Some people say that it'd be cheaper/easier to make a thinner shell, but it wouldnt be. After all, if it was too thin, it wouldnt even get out of the barrel, so I would assume the makers would have to make a few runs to test what works good in thier test guns.

Fill is thicker/harder to wipe.....Some use an iodine fill....Which might be more expensive.