View Full Version : z-grip??

03-17-2002, 12:10 AM
for all you people who have a z-grip tell me a little about them like are they comfortable and do they make our gun faster.


03-17-2002, 02:38 AM
Firstoff, with the Z-Grip its sorta a love/hate relationship, some will pick it up and love it immediatly (like myself for example) where as some will pick it up and completely hate it. Its all a matter of prefrence.

As for myself, when I use mine, its extremely comfortable, and it does seem to increase my ROF some since my wrist is at a more natural position, therefore I can spend more energy on operating the trigger instead of supporting a good portion of the weight of my 'mag via the grip frame, and keeping my wrist cocked in the traditional bent forward position.

So to answer your question, the grip frame doesnt mechanically make your 'mag faster, but it may let you operate it faster by putting you in a more comfortable and natural position.

All I can do to really answer your question, is suggest you try one, it'll either work for you or it won't. From my experience, if you go in think you will or won't like something, you'll probably end up liking, or not liking it because youve already made up your mind before trying it.

Hope this helps some.

03-17-2002, 12:36 PM
I have one, and love it. I find it very comfortable. As already stated, its a love/hate thing. If you can try one out for a few games, if you like it buy it.

03-17-2002, 01:16 PM
I have one and it is great! When I first took it out of the package and held it, I said why did I buy this grip? But, now that the gun is complete it is great! The gun comes right up tp my shoulder and feels completely normal, as if all paintguns should be that way! It took the right combination of drop forward and fore-grip (modified to fit my needs)to get it just right. Check out the pic!

03-17-2002, 01:18 PM
I hit the wrong button! Here's the pic!

03-17-2002, 06:17 PM
I love my z-grip,they are fun and differnt to shoot.It is all personal preferance

03-17-2002, 08:05 PM
Autotrigger, I love your foregrip. I might be getting a Z soon.. how did you make that?

03-18-2002, 06:38 AM
The angled adaptor is actaully made form a fuel rail mount off a Jeep intake manifold! Of course it took quite a bit of work to get to the angle right. Then I just modified the KAPP rail extender. Thanks

soilent green
03-18-2002, 11:49 AM
Z grips are awsome it makes your gun tight and you can shoot wicked fast the ref at my local indoor said that was the fastest he hasd ever seen a mag shoot I can hit 8-9 ball a sec.