View Full Version : Decision on recent bans on AO - from the Webmaster guy

03-17-2002, 11:24 AM
Well - I guess we had some interesting discussion that got out of hand the other day which led to the Mods temp banning everyone involved.

Given the circumstances, it was probably the most prudent move. Discussing politics isnt an instantly bannable offence, but I feel that a ban over the weekend did a good job of cooling everyones jets and prevented more threads from popping up due to the aftermath.

Reviewing the thread and the posts made to miscues thread about the ban, I just want to make a few statements and then we can get on with life.

I dont think Butterfingers intentionally meant to start a flame war by making his post. I truelly think he wanted to instigate a high brow converstaion about someones views.

That said, he should also know that this isnt the place for that. We dont instantly delete every thread with a political slant, but given aarmans past statements I dont see how one could see this going down a pleasent path. His views are very contradictory to a majority of the board and the "gang up on arman" factor is high.

That said - its clear arman has some anti-semitic views among other things. While we frown upon behavior that is prejustice against anothers race, sex, or religion - we are not the thought police. I guarentee that there are other members on this board who dont like blacks, hispanics, asians, or muslims. It is not our job to root these people out and stab them with pitchforks. No matter how distasteful we find thier views, we are not in the business of instructing people what to think and how to act.

That said, we will not ban people because of personal views. We will ban people if they inappropriately express those views on the forum.

An example - User A is a member of the KKK. He doesnt broadcast this fact, doesnt get involved in flame wars, and keeps his discusson on topic. User A stays. User B is a member of the KKK, he has a "south will rise" image in his sig complete with a white hood. User B is banned.

Pretty simple, eh? You can think what you want, but you will not be allowed to discuss inappropriate topics on our forum.

I recommend that if you have such a topic you must discuss with one of our users, that you email or PM them directly. If they have thier Email and PM turned off -then obviously they dont want to talk about it.

Further more, if you just have to discuss politics and religion, goto www.google.com and being your search - I promise there are ALOT of sites out there where you can discuss these topics all day long.

Finally, since alot of people have a beef with aarman and his sig - I removed the german from it. My german is uber rusty and since I dont know what it says, its gone. This will apply to anyones sig - if I cant read it - we may delete it. His "Insert dancing hitler here" thing I left. That sentence by itself doesnt violate the rules. Heck, there used to be a film from a news reel where they take a few frames and move it back and forth to create "the hitler jig" to parody the great fuhrer. However - using quotes or images in your sig that violate the rules will lead to a ban - that goes for everyone.

So - I am lifting all the bans today - consider up till now just a cooling off period. Obviously there were people who were more guilty than others - but our mods actions treated everyone equal.

If you have problems with this, feel free to email me - some things are better said in private. Of course comments on the board are welcome.

03-17-2002, 12:14 PM
Go Webby!!!!!!

03-17-2002, 01:01 PM
Man... Webby is bling blingin today!

I agree totally. If you wanna expess views on things like that, goto some discuassion forum about that specific topic, not here.

03-17-2002, 01:19 PM
Webby is the man, no doubt. IMMMMM BAACCKKKKK, now with that said, the only time i will ever do that again is if he starts it first. I wrongfully pointed fingers early in that thread and im sorry for that, but like i said before i believe what i said. Now before it gets started all over again, thnx again webby.

03-17-2002, 01:21 PM
i hope my tom kayes post isnt bad :\

mr webby man owns all :D .....except tom kayes, macho macho man

03-17-2002, 03:02 PM
I have to agree,If someone is a racist,they should keep there views and things to themselves becouse, paintball is an ethnic sport.

03-17-2002, 04:51 PM
Sounds fair webby. :)

03-18-2002, 10:41 AM
Here, here! Well put and prudent! Thoughtful statements.

03-18-2002, 11:21 AM
Mr. Webby, your thoughts, views, and entire way of life. This is unexceptable..you are banned for life :)

Calm down guys, isn't this a paintball forum?

03-19-2002, 12:13 PM
I don't think this is over just yet. Now that I know that hitler comment wasn't a joke, I'm still very upset that sig is alowed on this board. On the other hand, Miscue did a heck of a job on that mess. cudos! I've gotta admit you've earned my repect!!

If you want to be a part of the group, you don't necisarily have to change you're opinions, but you DO have to keep the ones that are offending to yourself. If you choise to be offending, be prepared to be verbally assaulted. The internet gives everyone a screen to hide behind when they speak their opinions, that doesn't mean you are untouchable though.
Learn it now if you haven't already. It will make life a whole lot easier for you.

soilent green
03-19-2002, 12:20 PM
what has happened to this forum so much controversy and innapropriate topics in the last couple a weeks song lyrics, getting angry with TK, and now this what has happened to this forum its paintball people

03-19-2002, 02:13 PM
Spring Feaver

03-19-2002, 04:27 PM
FYI - arman notified one of the mods and asked for his account to be removed.

I dont usually remove accounts - we just let you go away. He isnt banned so he can come back - but for now its behind us.