View Full Version : Best day of paintball I've ever experienced

03-17-2002, 01:47 PM
I know tons of threads have been made such as this, but I haven't ever gotten the chance to make one, so here goes...

Disclaimer-very long I got a bit carried away... sorry

Yesterday, the Vanderbilt Programming Board here set up a 'free' day of paintball for a bunch of people that signed up for it. Well, I'm in the paintball club here, so of course I signed up. The day started off gloomy, and rain was in the forecast, so I was disappointed a bit when I made my way to the bus to go.

Well, fast-forward a bit, and we're getting ready for the first game. One of the guys that came pulls out this super nice cocker (F5 cocker, if I remember right) Immediately everyone goes to look at it(me included) He's showing some of the people who had never played before how it works, etc. I just smile and walk back over to my bag and pull out my RT Pro. Granted, it wasn't nearly as flashy as that cocker, but trust me, by the end of the day, me and another mag owner had probably more people asking us about our guns as he did his.

Alright, so the first game starts. Myself, Scott(with his automag), and Matt(with his spyder shutter--which, I might add, shot dang well all day) got on one team of 16, and the cocker guy got on the other team. First two games, his team absolutely showed us up. The experienced players on our team kinda sat back and let the people who had never played before move up and get in on all the action. Well, the same 4 people on the other team kept running one side of the tape and kept taking out basically our entire team.

We take a quick break and move to a different field for the third game. This is a house field, as opposed to the woods field we played the first two games on. Matt, Scott, and I decide to see which side the cocker guy and his little gang go on, and control that side ourself. He moves to our left side and we follow suit. Our right side is holding pretty well, from what we can tell, so we get a guy on to the T. Just us three guys(at this point I was just providing cover fire for our other guys who were needing to move forward and Matt and Scott when they needed it--it's amazing how many people you can get to duck away when you start ripping on an RT) Well, the cocker guy comes running up to T to bunker Matt, but they both get each other and about the same time. Then our right side collapsed, and we eventually lost. After that loss, I decided to not take it so seriously anymore. I was having the worst day I had ever had to that point--had gotten shot out each of the three games, and had yet to take ANYONE out on the other team...

We go eat lunch, and I come back out deciding just to have fun. THe next game, Scot and I take control of the left T, and absolutely dominate the majority of the game. Two mags in the T, and we held off 7 people for over 10 minutes...:D Scot eventually rushes the house immediately in front of us, and had he succeeded, we would have easily won that game, but there were three people in that house where we thought there was only one... Needless to say, I ran out of paint a few minutes later, and still held them off quite a while with just air, until I got bunkered... :D

Thus far, our team is 0-3, but we're starting to have fun and the people on our team who hadn't played before were getting the hang of it. 4th game comes, and we absolutely dominate. Easy win for our team. Then, we move to the hyperball field. 32 people on the hyperball field. It was insanity, but boy was it fun. We lose the fifth game in a close one, but on to the sixth.

Right after the sixth game starts, we lose 3 of our people to being out of paint. We take control of the left side and the snake, and the middle. Ends up us having 4 people left, to the other team's one, but he's holed up in the far left bunker on the field. After a five minute stand off of us getting into position, we finally get him. On a side note, I slid into the middle bunker in this game on my knees, only to find out it was rocky. Needless to say, my knees are still bruised really bad and have countless little gashes and cuts on them.... Anyways, Matt and I switched teams for the last game, and somehow we still won, even being outmanned almost 2-1...:)

In summary, the day went from being the worst day ever, to easily the most enjoyable day of paintball I've ever experienced. I only short-stroked my gun once, and that's when I had three people closing in on my position and I was trying to fire at all three of them at the same time when they were running. The paint was crap though, and I was lucky to get 1 out of 3 shots to leave the barrel in one piece... (gosh, I can't wait for my superbolt to get here the middle of this next week!) Anyways, sorry this is so long. I get a bit long-winded sometimes...

03-17-2002, 04:07 PM
Yea,today was my best day ever also.I got hit in hopper 2 times,leg,shoulder,2 times I ran out of paint,and 1 time I run out of air.It was so fun because it was like 6 on 6 on a 5man airball field.I LOVE AIRBALL!it was first time I played on that airball field,and i owned those beercans.i didnt even hit that many people,but it was so cool.