View Full Version : Ricochet: 9v to 12v conversion

03-17-2002, 01:52 PM
Is this possible?

I was looking at my brothers X-board Revy and watched both spin. The Revy does spin faster. Can a 12v conversion make a significant performance gain on the Rico. If another battery was added, it could run at 18v. But if a resistor was added, it could drop it down to 12.

Throw me some opinions.


03-17-2002, 03:43 PM
i asked the same question but 9 volt revvy to 12 volt revvy.... LOL.:D

03-17-2002, 04:00 PM
Do you think that spinning faster is actually a benefit? What if going too fast would throw paint around in a hopper that wasn't full? I'm not saying I know this for a fact, but if I was manufacturing loaders, I'd be testing to see what worked. I bet it works better the way it is. I guess YOU could try it to see which works better, if you re-wire it. Just a thought.

03-18-2002, 01:12 AM
I rewired a 9v revvy to run at 12v, and modified the paddles while I was at it. We used a mag with boo-yeah grip to test it at full auto. Before the conversion we were able to get 6 bps full auto without feeding problems. After the converson we were able to get 10 bps full auto without feeding problems. We just held the trigger and emptied a whole hopper without a break.

03-18-2002, 11:11 AM
well, i have a revvie and a ricochet. if the ricochet spins slower, so be it, the true test is the feed rate. the thing doesnt need to spin fast to feed fast, just hit warpig fort he test and it will show the ricochet feeds faster, not to mention the other benefits of the rico, like non blocking feed neck in case the battery dies, it becomes a gravity feed, or the timers, and ball count, low hoper alert, and the slim design. I loved my revvie until it died in a game without warning, since ive used nothing but my ricochets