View Full Version : I got this message when I tried spell check

03-17-2002, 05:52 PM
"Due to the current advertising climate, SpellChecker.net no longer offers a banner supported service. Webmasters: click here to sign up for the paid version of the SpellChecker.net system."

03-17-2002, 05:55 PM
Doesn't work for me either..

03-17-2002, 05:59 PM
does that mean that we are too poor to have spell check service?dont they know this is AO,they need to recognize and hand over some spell check.

03-17-2002, 06:04 PM
Well that means you have to pay for it now. They probably had what's called a "Sponsored Version", where it was free but there was a banner or ad everytime you opened it. Looks like they don't do that anymore.

03-17-2002, 06:05 PM
Here is the thread ALL about that... and even had a poll.


I miss it too, but get around not having it...

Hope this helps.

03-17-2002, 06:05 PM
I think it mean that you or the board has to pay for spellcheck service or something.

03-17-2002, 07:43 PM
Right - its been gone for awhile now when the 3rd party providing it decided to start to charge. Since you all dont use it - and those that need it can type thier posts in word first, we opted to discontinue it...

the bad part is I cant find a way to turn it off inthe forum settings - I will see if I can get the Vbulletin guru at delaware.net to take the link off.