View Full Version : Please ease my RT Pro worries

03-18-2002, 12:21 PM
I've had my heart set on a new RT pro. Two people at different shops told me they're not worth it because of the amount of paint they break. I cant seem to believe that such a good gun made by an awesome reliable company simply doesn't work. Please tell me this isn't true. I dont care about A Zillion balls a second. I just want a fairly fast gun that works well. My purchase is pretty much based on what you guys think. Tell me how much you LOVE your gun.

03-18-2002, 12:36 PM
i use a automaGrt and am getting redy to buy a pro for a second gun. the pro is nice. the one im going to buy is about a year old. it works grrreat. vertuly no matinance.:) as long as you learn the trigger you wont have probs.

ROF. the rt will outshoot a revy at will. your rate of fire will be with the best of them;) . well you have to get used to the trigger.

what are they saying about mantinance? that will help with ansuring the question cuz all my mags have ben problem free and they are all old.

03-18-2002, 12:52 PM
No truth to it. Got one and it has yet to chop a ball. Nice marker. Don't believe the hype on this from these guys you are talking to. Its not true from my experience. If it was I would be on here complaining about it every day untill it was fixed you can bet your first born on that.