View Full Version : So what bolt should I use on my New RT Pro

03-18-2002, 03:09 PM
What bolt will come on my new Rt Pro? Should I put a super bolt in it. Do they have foamies? Does a super bolt need foamies? I'm confused. Is a regular bolt with a foamie better than a super bolt.

03-18-2002, 06:00 PM
I would wait on the super bolt.... You should try the extended foamie bolt. Works great.

03-18-2002, 07:06 PM
I've got an RT and I've shot the stock, the ANS foamie, and now shoot the super bolt....

Stock is great, Super bolt foamie is good but I'm chopping paint when I hammer on it but not sure if it's the bolt..
ANS sucks....My advice...shoot the stock and maybe the the super bolt....if I can stop the chopI like the super bolt better because it's a lot lighter, isn't breaking balls, and has a lot less recoil. If you have the option, upgrade other parts on your gun before your bolt because the stock bolt is a very good design.