View Full Version : Very interested in ACE for mag, can somebody tell me more about it?

03-18-2002, 06:22 PM
hey, i am very very interested in the ACE for the automag. I think its a great idea, opening new doors and all that stuff. I just want to know a little bit more.
my first question, and i think most people want to know this is, How much would it be?
would it work with a z grip?
what would be the down time on it?
what are the pros and cons of having it?
and, would it be easy to fix if a problem arose or sumthing happened to it?
if somebody could please answer these questions as well as they could, it would be greatly appreciated.

Load SM5
03-18-2002, 07:06 PM
It can't be done with a regular mag. It will only be available in the SFL/extreem body e-mags. You need electronics for it to work and the twist-lock barrels won't let it work with regular e-mags.