View Full Version : Focre of Nature back up!

03-18-2002, 08:55 PM
I just saw the new LAOpen game between naughty dogs vs exile & i want to know whats up with these people! its in the mardigras aftershock vs dynasty too. one team is out & one teammate just turns around & attacks the other team when they hang the flag! i dont like this bad sportsmanship!

Load SM5
03-18-2002, 09:05 PM
It's called a dead man's walk and, while a dirty tactic, is very legal, and as you saw, very effective when done right. I thought the video was great. The Mardi Gras incident was all together different.

03-18-2002, 09:08 PM
load, enlighten me on this dead man's walk thing. your tellin me if your the last one out, you can shoot the last of the team???

Load SM5
03-18-2002, 09:14 PM
He was never shot. He got up and just walked back towards his dead box like he'd been hit but never put his gun up or plugged his barrel. He just walked, dejected, like he'd been shot and waited for all the opposing team to come towards him to hang the flag. That's when he turned and shot them out. Really cool play.

03-18-2002, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
a dirty tactic

I agree with you on that one but then again, maybe I'm too honorable:o Yaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnn

03-18-2002, 09:29 PM
oh kick @$$!!!!!!! that rules! i might have to try that out one time, but you have to say it is a bit dangerous if they see your arm band still on & you get shot in the back acouple times. i must say its not that bad of a move now that i understand it! hurray for load!

Load SM5
03-18-2002, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by iisp0tii
hurray for load!

Heh, I've never done it.

03-18-2002, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5: "Really cool play."....

Really uncool play if you ask me... That's not what paintball is about, but either way if I see someone without their gun in the air at a tourney they're gonna get lit up because of stupid *crap* like this. I think it should be a rule that if you fake dead and then continue to play your team should be penalized points and forfeit that game.

Load SM5
03-18-2002, 10:23 PM
I also said "Dirty Tactic". I would'nt do it personally, but I have to admire the guy having the cahones and the acting skill to pull it off. And if he gets lit up for doing it, so much the better.

I've seem a lot of dirty tactics that rub against the idea of 'honorable' play. I don't agree with the use of any of them.

03-18-2002, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Hysperion
Really uncool play if you ask me... That's not what paintball is about, but either way if I see someone without their gun in the air at a tourney they're gonna get lit up because of stupid *crap* like this. I think it should be a rule that if you fake dead and then continue to play your team should be penalized points and forfeit that game. [/B]

How is that really "uncool" play. I think it was a very level headed decision. The player was facing 4 to 1 odds.

If you light someone up because they don't have there gun up in the air that is "uncool" play on your part. You should be aware on the field whose has been eliminated. If not one shot will make sure they are, there is no need to light them up.

Penalized points? Forfeit the game? Come on now. Let's be serious for a moment. Because the player tries a move that could have gotten him eliminated more easily than it actually working points should be lost, the game forfeited?

Rules will not have to be made for the deadman's walk. It has happened once now. Now every team will be watching for it. One might work now and again, in the rush of a game. But the majority of people will remember, and they will communicate to their team how many opposing players reamin so that they will not be beaten by one man.

Just my dos cents.

03-18-2002, 10:35 PM
I disagree. The player wasn't facing 4 to 1 odds....the player was facing 5 to 5 odds and his team was eliminated fairly.....that is a diry tactic and yes I will light up someone if their plug isn't in, gun isn't in the air, and I didn't see a break on them because I would be pissed if I lost because of some stupid "dead man's walk"...

03-18-2002, 10:52 PM
Man... People have been pulling these walks for a long time.... they are nothing new.... at least at my field.

03-18-2002, 10:53 PM
I am sure, a lot of dead men, will die twice because of him.

03-18-2002, 10:55 PM
we play a 'no dead man's walk' rule

03-18-2002, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Hysperion
I disagree. The player wasn't facing 4 to 1 odds

Now on to this week's feature!!
Coming straight out of Los Angeles, California, we have for you one of
the most talked about games from the 2002 L.A. Open. This is the game
between the Naughty Dogs and Exile. Now, you may be asking yourself,
"What makes this video so special?" Here's what makes it special.
Cory Field, from Naughty Dogs, pulls off the PERFECT dead mans walk on
team Exile. It happens at the end of the game when the Naughty Dogs
are getting overrun by Exile players. You see Cory stand up and begin
walking to the dead box. Then just before Exile pulls their flag, Cory
turns around and shoots 3 of the last 4 Exile players. One of the
Exile players who has already been shot shoots Cory, which results in a
1 for 1 that pulls the last Exile player. This gives Naughty Dogs the
win. Watch it. It's absolutely AMAZING!

This straight from the Force of Nature Video adminstrater. This seems like 4 to 1 odds to me. Him against their 4 last players, and then a player not even in the game shots him. Him that is poor sportsmanship, and somebody being pissed off because they just got beat for not paying attention.

Hmmm my dos cents again.

03-18-2002, 11:14 PM
Where can I see this?

Load SM5
03-18-2002, 11:18 PM

03-18-2002, 11:50 PM
what you guys using to play it? i was able to play some of their other movies but not the dead man game! grrrr

03-19-2002, 12:11 AM
I guess I don't understand "how paintball is meant to be played" while this is a very tricky move, I don't see anything wrong with it. If we're talking woods ball, everyone trys to sneak around to surprise their enemy, so whats a bigger surprise then seeing a guy walking towards you, who you thought was dead, all of a sudden start shooting at you. You got to have some mighty big ones to do that, considering your probably surrounded. If we're talking tourney play, then these guys should be smart enough to watch out for that kinda of stuff, if its not against the rules its all good. Gives me an idea for next time I play..........

03-19-2002, 12:22 AM
secont time i tryed to get it to play it worked...my comps funny that way. Heeheheh that was a sweet move tho, Props to that guy

03-19-2002, 09:39 AM
i think it is fair because its the last move you can do w/ out losing the game. you didnt see him raise his hand or his gun, & you didnt see the ref pull his arm band. as he was walking to the dead box the players from team exile should have seen his arm band still on & shot him. now that i saw this & everyone else saw this, if your at a tourney watch out for the dead mans walk. & if the odds are against you, you might as well try it since you are going to loose anyhow. i download only the high resolution movies from there, i have everyone, & i use realplayer to watch them.

03-19-2002, 10:48 AM
That was a very classic move, and I applaud that player for having the guts to try it. Too many times I have seen the dead mans walk back when I started in 92 ... mostly done in woods play, this is one of the only times I have seen this done in a tourney. I personnaly dont consider this a dirty move, there is nothing against it and if anything you should blame the opposing team for being stupid. Whats more the opposing team doesnt even wait for a ref to step in, they just start shooting back ... they are the ones with the crappy sportsmanship and deserved the 1 for 1 ... If anything this play shows that there are still teams who blatenly (spelling?) ignore the refs even being on the field, and dont let them do their jobs.
Again congrats for pulling off one of the oldest moves in the game, and getting the other team slapped in the face at the same time.


03-19-2002, 11:15 AM
A little late, but..The team deserved to get lit up if they didn't catch him doing a dead mans walk. Whenever playing I make sure to keep an eye out for it, even though its an uncommon tactic. This is why armbands are bright colors, so you can easily see if a player is out of not. *btw, putting your gun above your head when doing a dead mans walk makes you "dead", if anyone was wondering*

03-19-2002, 12:12 PM
Hey computer geeks...why do I get this when I try to go there?

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in pnadodb/adodb-mysql.inc.php on line 105
Error connecting to dbfon
Program: /var/www/html/mainfile2.php - Line N.: 82
Database: fon

Play sounds legal and cunning to me.

03-19-2002, 12:14 PM
who knows, just reset your computer or somthin or try it again. http://www.forceofnature.com

03-19-2002, 12:16 PM
hmmmmmmmmm.. i just got that too. maybe its down again or somthing because it was down last week for acouple days. they might be uploading a new video though too.

03-19-2002, 12:20 PM
ah good old mysql errors, how i don't miss writing apps on that backend ;) the db server may just be done (overloaded, crashed, smoking, ...) just try back later

03-19-2002, 12:27 PM
O-tay will try again later. Thanks.

03-19-2002, 01:09 PM
I got it too, but I just hit back on my browser,then went to it again and it worked.

03-19-2002, 02:04 PM
thats a old school trick right there, it was a helluva move in his situation, no its not dirty, or cheating, its a strait up good move. chris lasoya did it in chicago against dynasty. It was a good move by cory. its just strait up crazy trickery.

and Hysperion, i can understand not wanting to loose, so your goin to shoot every one, i do it to, when there walkin off i shoot'em in the pack or somin, or in the mask, but i don't light them up in the neck and stupid stuff.

03-19-2002, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by pito189

How is that really "uncool" play. I think it was a very level headed decision. The player was facing 4 to 1 odds.

If you light someone up because they don't have there gun up in the air that is "uncool" play on your part. You should be aware on the field whose has been eliminated. If not one shot will make sure they are, there is no need to light them up.

This is totally inconsistent! If the RULES say you can do a dead-man's walk (and most tourneys have EXPLICIT rules about this now) then you can do a dean-man's walk. If the rules say dead men have their gun in the air, then its OK to shoot people without their gun in the air. Nothing "uncool" about that. If the guy is dead he should have his gun in the air.

The dead man's walk is O-L-D. Been done over and over again. Every place I've ever played if a player makes one or more of the official signs for being eliminated (plug in, gun up, saying "I'm out") they are out. Otherwise, light the turkey up. We always tell new players "If you don't want to get shot up after you're dead, put your plug in and your gun in the air. Otherwise, if you're on the field you're asking to be shot!" A few places make the dead-man's walk explicitly illegal, specifically to reduce the potential for eliminated players getting shot up. That's fine, if you want that, make that rule.

Claiming that players should be "aware" of who is eliminated on the field is bogus! Have you even played, dude? It's HARD to tell when people are shot out. That's why we have refs and the gun in the air signal in the first place. Nothing bugs me more than people whining about being shot on the paintball field. YOU ARE THERE TO SHOOT AT AND BE SHOT AT BY OTHER PEOPLE! If you don't want to be shot GET OFF THE FIELD! I remember playing in the woods one day at a local field and crawling up a lane. Through the trees I saw three guys - about 30 yards out. I lit 'em up! One of 'em gets up and starts yelling at me that he's going to kick my tail 'cause he's out and I shouldn't be shooting at him! That's bogus man! How am I supposed to tell? From where I was I couldn't see the boundary. Couldn't see his gun to tell if it had a plug. His gun wasn't up. I mean, I was sorry, but if he was so worried about taking some paint, why was he sitting there right on the edge of the field with a game going on?

On the other side I've watched many a game from the field after getting eliminated and I've taken paint doing it. I've also taken LOTS of paint while reffing. That's goes with the territory. If you can't handle a little paint, might I suggest laser tag!

Personnally I don't like the dead-man's walk in speedball, and we usually don't allow it. In the woods, its a different deal. One of my favorite tactics is to crawl into the backfield and pretend to be on their team! Paintball is a game. It has rules. Use the rules to regulate play. You don't like a play, make it illegal. Otherwise, stop whining about it and play!


03-19-2002, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by pito189
Rules will not have to be made for the deadman's walk. It has happened once now. Now every team will be watching for it.

It has been done before. At a tournament in about 1989 (that's not a typo) the team I was playing on (Constant Pursuit for you "old" guys) did that durning a game. We told the refs before the game that we were going to try it, so they would be ready. I was shocked that it worked. We don't need any rules to stop it. We need clear rules on signifying elimination. If you're not properly signifying that you are eliminated, expect to get "lit up".

Temo Vryce
03-19-2002, 03:08 PM
Under the tournament rules that I usually play under it states that any player that signals that he/she is eliminated that player is eliminated. Under these rules that player would be considered to be eliminated and the moment he turned to fire upon the other team he would have been considered playing on and CHEATING!!!

The Dead Mans Walk is a very controversal move. It is illegal in every tournament I have played in. If I was a ref on that field close to the walking player I would have pulled his arm band because to me he is saying that he is eliminated. It's stuff like this that will keep our sport from the big time.

Ask yourself this, how would you feel if you were the team that lost that game. Would you be saying wow that was a great move, or would you be yelling and screaming at that cheating MOFO. I'm not normally one for yelling and screaming but I would definately be having a chat with the head ref on the field or having my team captain talk to him.

Pro teams can win without cheating, just look at the Russion Legion. They are beating some of the top world teams and they are doing it with out cheating.

03-19-2002, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by FatMan
The dead man's walk is O-L-D. "If you don't want to get shot up after you're dead, put your plug in and your gun in the air. Otherwise, if you're on the field you're asking to be shot!"

I posted before I read your reply. Yup, it's as old as the hills. And I agree with you, if you are not properly signifying your elimination, don't whine when you get shot, again.

03-19-2002, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Temo Vryce
Under the tournament rules that I usually play under it states that any player that signals that he/she is eliminated that player is eliminated.

Those need to be VERY specific. Standing and walking should NEVER be considered an elimination sign. Marker in the air is the best in my opinion. If it aint there a player should expect to get shot, period.

03-19-2002, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Temo Vryce
If I was a ref on that field close to the walking player I would have pulled his arm band because to me he is saying that he is eliminated.

If the rules for signifying elimination are specific (and they SHOULD be) then if I were the player I would be very upset at you for removing me from the game without reason.

Originally posted by Temo Vryce
Ask yourself this, how would you feel if you were the team that lost that game. Would you be saying wow that was a great move, or would you be yelling and screaming at that cheating MOFO.

If that happened to me I would be extremely embarrassed for being... (what's a PC word for stupid) enough to fall for it.

If there is not a specific rule against it, it is not cheating. I still can't believe that anyone falls for it. :rolleyes:

BTW, I do not remember the team that "we" did that to claiming that we cheated. At least not after realizing that he did NOT say he was out.

03-19-2002, 03:28 PM
hitech is right, you see most tournament players if they are shot & they know it, they take off their armbands themselves. if you know you are shot & you dont take it off then that is cheating. if you get up & start walking & dont yell im out or put your hand or gun way up in the air, im gonna shoot ya. if you dont & you walk right by the opposing team, & you dont have your gun up, barrel condom/plug in, or hand in the air, you are asking for a real big bruising at point blank.

03-19-2002, 03:33 PM
this dead man walk happened at LA open a NPPL tournament. not a local tourney that rules just come up as they go, dead man walks have been happening for ever, and will keep goin cause they work. Its not cheating at all. If a player just stands up, and walks back wards, that and gives no signal of being elimintaded(pulling his band) than hes still live, and he can and will shoot you, if you just walked up and pulled his band then you would have been yelled at for being stupid, and caused out and all that, if hes not eliminated shoot'em, or he'll shoot you, and its pretty simple, but now in rec ball which yall arre all talkin about then yeah, you prolly shouldn't have dead man walks, cause theres no dead box and it all just for strait up fun....

03-19-2002, 03:40 PM
well i actualy pulled this off at the "Monty Python - quest for the holy grail" scenario in huston,

i was on the speedball field trying to get through for a mission and we where swamped with oncomming enemys, and all our guys where getting waxed.. so i decided to "act dead" buy just standing up and squeegeeing my barrel (everyone thinks that battle swab squeeges double as barrel plugs) and the ref standing next to me KNEW what i was doing.. he started chuckling when he saw me do it.. i turned around and stuck 3 guys before getting lit up by the other 20 of'em.. lol..
but it was fun to do atleast once..

i dont believe its cheating but only do it if your planning on getting shot anyways.. hehe..

and the guys i shot came up to me and told me "that was sneaky".. heh..

03-19-2002, 04:00 PM
Like I always say… Rules can either bind you, or they can set you free. A smart opponent will use any weapon he/she can to win, and that INCLUDES the rules. This applies to all areas of life.

If you don’t like the rules, don’t play… or have them changed. If not, don’t complain that someone uses them more effectively than you do. ;)

03-19-2002, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Hysperion
Originally posted by Load SM5: "Really cool play."....

Really uncool play if you ask me... That's not what paintball is about, but either way if I see someone without their gun in the air at a tourney they're gonna get lit up because of stupid *crap* like this. I think it should be a rule that if you fake dead and then continue to play your team should be penalized points and forfeit that game.

Well that makes them the PRO's and you the rookie:D

03-19-2002, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Like I always say… Rules can either bind you, or they can set you free. A smart opponent will use any weapon he/she can to win, and that INCLUDES the rules. This applies to all areas of life.

I agree. The fact that a dead mans walk is legal has allowed me a few eliminations since I began playing the sport(not doing a walk, but shooting the idiot that was trying to pull it on me :)) Another reason why no one in a tourney should fall for a dead mans walk is that if you don't walk directly to your dead box(at the breakout point) after being eliminated then I think you get a 1 for 1. So, if you see a man walking towards you, then its sorta obvious he is "live".

03-19-2002, 08:16 PM
I-luv-my-rt ...are you talking to load or me?......load isn't a pro and we play am-b usually....hey I don't really mind dead man's walks but I feel sorry for the guy who tries it on me or the guy that isn't thinking and doesn't put his barrel in the air....

03-19-2002, 08:53 PM
Hypersion that was more towards you but not to be cruel. I agree with many statements in stuff you and some others have been writing. Yes it is legal, Yes it is a very strategic move. And Yes i would shoot anyone that tries to do it to me.