View Full Version : cphilip Spyder project update...

03-19-2002, 11:47 AM
Ok so a bit of new development on this project:

I just got back from Paintball Inc. (used to be National PB Supply). There main warehouse is just up the road in Greenville SC. Picked up some stuff for the project.

As you may recall this thing is going to Redrider87 for a powder coating job. I have decided to not coat the grip frame and leave it black. Reason is have you ever seen how many pins and springs and such are in this darn thing? A pain in the rear to take them all out and return them after. MAKES YOU APRECIATE THE SIMPLICITY OF YOUR MAG!!! So since I am laving it black a few others things may be left black to smooth the transitions. Here is a lsit of each:

Powder Coated

Main body
Low Pressure Chamber
Bottom ASA
Site Rail
Taso Drop (new from todays purchase)
Cro Molly 16 oz CO2 tank (also new...more later about this)

Left Black

Grip frame
Fore Grip
Verticle Adapter

Also Barrels left as they are black and and the SS line left chrome.


More about the Cro Molly tank: It seems that DOT now exempts Cro Molly Steel CO2 tanks from rehydro for... LIFE! Yes! it's a new regulation change. Cro Molly CO2 tanks are now exempt so you can remove the sticker and have them coated. And they are good for...well...forever! These are the ones with the rounded bottoms (not the flat Aluminum ones)and have NO DATE on them at all.

So I got one from Paintball Inc and had them leave the valve out for now. They actualy assemble them there as you buy them so no problem for them to do this for me. I got one of the valves with the on/off and when Red gets done with the matching tank coating they are going to install this valve in for me. This is real exciting stuff. They showed me two they had done like this in both blue and red. This will be the sweatest upgrade to match the marker of it all!

I am still leaning towords the Reptile Green. I hope to have this in the mail to Red in the next few days. We should be able to see this thing completed in a few weeks.

Any comments?

03-19-2002, 12:30 PM
if you're decking out a spyder :). I never liked mine enough to put any more money in it beyond a gas thru grip and barrel. Instead i saved my quarters and bought a mag :)

On a side note, I'm sure it will look awesome when you get it back. I hope you can do something to it to make it shoot as good as it will look.


03-19-2002, 12:35 PM
Probably a typo by phil, but for the rest of you just to let you know you can't anno chromoly.

Don't anno your chromoly tank :) Its a steel alloy. You will end up with a pile of rust and possibly a small fire. LOL try sending that in to be rehydroed. :)

You gotta get those things powdercoated.

03-19-2002, 12:37 PM
Ha! well...it is a hair brained scheme isn't it?

No you had to read the earlier stuff on it to know. A little backgound is that once a year we have this thing we call "Spyder Class" only markers tourney. Cannot use the Mags. So it's for that one thing and I wanted it to be cool looking too in between. And a nice little loaner for the in between times for kids that come out with my kid. And Red offered to make it look cool for me as well. So why not? However it will always be a Spyder no doubt.

03-19-2002, 12:38 PM
Oh shoot! Yes butter your right its only powder coating I meant to say...fixing now. Thanks!

Actualy I had ment to comment on some Aluminum ones they also showed me that they got Anno'ed to match some markers. Those were nice as well. But not life time hydro and they had dates stamped into them. They are 16 ounce flat bottom Aluminum and they came to them as raw (non finished) aluminum tanks no stickers or anything ready to anno. They have a bunch of those too.

03-19-2002, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
I am still leaning towords the Reptile Green. I hope to have this in the mail to Red in the next few days. We should be able to see this thing completed in a few weeks.

Joy Division Leopard Print!!!!

that would be hella cool!

03-19-2002, 12:57 PM
Ha! Well yes Cliffio that would be cool...but he can only do fades of two colors or single colors that do or don't have crackling technics in them.

03-19-2002, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Ha! Well yes Cliffio that would be cool...but he can only do fades of two colors or single colors that do or don't have crackling technics in them.


cause a jd leopard spyder would be super pimp:)

hmmm, can spyders be anodized?

just wodering, maybe ill start my own project:)

03-19-2002, 01:02 PM
Yes I am certain the main body is Aluminum so at least that part can be Anno'ed. But in this case the guy is a powder coater. And you can powder coat Aluminum as well as Steel. And it's a lot cheaper to do that and looks real nice too.

Sure do it! :D

03-19-2002, 01:05 PM
but i sold my spyder:(
(as you know since u bought it)

i dunno if your heard but did Pro Paintball stop anodizing guns?
because if so then PK is about all thats left in the way of animal prints, and wow are they expensive

but anyways, sounds like a cool spyder, i guess:)


03-19-2002, 01:12 PM
I do not know the connection between PK select and Pro PB. Is there one? I thought they were seperate entities? And It would surprise me to know PKS was going to shut down. They do a lot of industrial stuff other than Paintball.

03-19-2002, 01:16 PM
no i was asking if pro paintball still did anodizing, i heard that they quit doing animal prints

and then i said that pk was the only one left that would do animal prints, yeah i doubt that pk will close they do just about everything with anodizing


03-19-2002, 01:23 PM
OK gotcha!

You will be interested in knowing its your old Spyder that is going for the coating project now. Just got to put a new Striker O ring in it and test fire it before tearing it down tonight. I decided to keep synreals all black one as black as it looked too good to do it to the poor thing. I realy liked the all black look in the Spyder more than the sivler black combo one way more than I thought I would.

03-19-2002, 01:28 PM
stryker O ring?
was something wrong with it??
i thought that it was in perfect order?
just wondering, im really sorry if something didnt work, thats weird!

let me know if i can do anything


03-19-2002, 01:32 PM
It ain't no big thing. It was missing is all. I noticed it when I took it apart to look it over. Those things blow out all the time. Well often anyways or they get cut. Besides I was planning on complete set of new O rings when I re-assemble it after the coating anyway. I mean... why not do it while you got it all apart? Easy to fix. No problem at all.

03-19-2002, 01:55 PM
Way to go Cphilip! Sounds great! I am currently working on making my notorious MB STINGER(upgraded stingray...lol) into an...ELECTRO! I just need to find a cheap booyaah or other spyder electroframe, send it to Fear Factory, and there we go! :D:D!


03-19-2002, 05:47 PM
Spyders are fun.
Thats mine. It now has a Mako Storm frame on it as well. Itz actually a great performer, it runs 285FPS @ 300PSI, and gets +-2 over the chrono. Good luck with your spyder cphilip.

03-19-2002, 05:54 PM
Cliffo ---- I'm about 99% sure that ProPaintball only does simple anno themselves or locally. The complex stuff, like the animal patterns, is sent out, and I wouldn't be suprised if it went to PK.

Anyone know for sure?

03-19-2002, 09:18 PM

Go with the reptile green!

Spyder's, hih? I got me one of those (please don't ask how much $$$ I got into it!)

03-19-2002, 09:55 PM
I remember back when I was a newbie, and thought my Spyder Compact A (that's right aluminum, not plastic - I was a BIG spender!) was everything, I met this guy Dave. Man, he would cut up these Spyders, and turn them into the CBS (closed bolt spyder - basically an Autococker). I even heard a rumor that he was going to try to get into the Spyder Cup with them, but I never verified it. Anyways, these things looked SWEET and performed like a dream! Man, what I wouldn't do for one of those things... bah.


Hope yer spyder turns out good, CP! Have fun with it! Later

03-20-2002, 01:29 AM
here it is...

03-27-2002, 08:31 AM
Spyder parts were shipped out to Redrider yesterday....

Main body
That black round thing on the front of the body...a shroud of some kind?
Bottom ASA
Site Rail
Taso Dropforward
Cro Molly 16 oz CO2 tank

paint king
03-27-2002, 10:41 AM
Hey cphillip can you post pics when you get it back because this sounds very interesting Thanks
:p :p :p

03-27-2002, 10:45 AM
Oh yes sir e bob I will! Only reason for doing it realy is to share the looks. Should be about two weeks maybe less depending on Reds schedule.

04-02-2002, 12:13 PM
Red has recieved the stuff and is beginning to coat them. He tells me he can do milling now. Some types anyway. Not certain I understand what yet. We may even get some on the project Spyder.

paint king
04-02-2002, 05:27 PM
Milling???????In what way. Let me know im intrested in this. Thanks.

04-03-2002, 07:13 AM
I don't know much detail yet but I will find out and post it up when I can.

04-03-2002, 08:54 AM
im jsut wodneirng what drop is on teh spider flash?

04-03-2002, 12:32 PM
Hey Phil. Just checkin in on you. sounds like a good deal with the spyder. You'll have to bring it out to the field when you get it all done. I'll be looking forward to seeing it. Go for the green. I think it would be a nice transition and it's doubtful that you'll show up next to someone with the same gun. Just remember, NOT BLUE!!! If you try to make another smurf I know a certain mag owner who might get a little upset with you.;) Anyway, I can't wait to see the results. Keep me posted.


04-03-2002, 12:47 PM
Oh no Lance there will never be another Smurf Mag nor any other marker. I had a Hell of a time selling THAT one! ;)

Yes we are going Reptile Green. Thats is a go.

BTW: Just kidding ya Charles.

Oh one more thing...

How do you make a small fortune in the Paintball Marker business? Anyone know? I'll tell you the secret later.

04-03-2002, 12:54 PM
anyone gonna answer my question
waht drop is that?
on the flash

04-03-2002, 12:58 PM
I don't realy know for sure. Why don't you PM Russ and ask him directly about it. he may not have checked back in here and saw your question.

04-03-2002, 01:00 PM
hey man sounds good
and i will try to remeber about 1 sig a thread

04-03-2002, 01:04 PM
Good boy! :) I forget too. But I always go back and edit my post if I do and unclick it and take it off.

04-03-2002, 03:05 PM
The Flash belongs to Zeroextreme, and it's in his sig...

The drop on mine is a 2.5" CP Lightning, with a CP on/off ASA.

04-03-2002, 03:13 PM
The drop on the Flash is a NW Paintball spoon[???] drope and one of their Quick Disconnect Blocks. Their site is here (http://www.nwpb.net)

04-03-2002, 08:25 PM
The drop on the Flash is an NW Products Spoon Drop Forward with On/Off :)

04-04-2002, 07:05 AM
I just heard back from Red. The body is going over to the team mate of his that does milling and is going to get something done. I do not know exactly what. We talked fish bone or something but I left it up to them to do whatever they wanted to show off. I think it's being done tonight maybe and then the Powder coating will commense after that.

No one wants to know how to make a small fortune in the Paintball business?

04-04-2002, 07:34 AM
Sure, I wouldn't mind knowing how to make a small fortune. Why not a big fortune while we're at it eh?

04-04-2002, 07:35 AM
Well...because the answer is: Start with a big Fortune! :D

Get it?

04-04-2002, 08:08 AM

Looks like your making a small fortune on this spyder project!

Get it?


04-04-2002, 08:17 AM
You got it! I am spending a lot of money to take a $75 Spyder up to a $150 Spyder. Costing me like $300 to do it! But ain't that allways the way with any Marker upgrades?

04-04-2002, 08:21 AM
no kidding, these things are worse than cars! They do nothing but depreciate. The most you can do is pray that someone really likes what you've done with them and has a big wallet!:D


04-04-2002, 08:23 AM
True enough...I haven't found a cheap hobby yet! Maybe Hobby is a synonym for expensive? :(

04-04-2002, 08:35 AM
How about basketball? Just get a basketball and go to your nearest school and shoot around. :D

04-04-2002, 08:39 AM
Well... thats not realy a hobby but lets see...

Nicest B Ball shoes...$100
Nice jersey...$75
Nice pants....$50
Nice ball and gear bag...$125
Top of the line B Ball...$100
Sports drinks, warm up jacket....

Well you can get there huh? :D

06-12-2002, 02:56 PM
Its back! Reptile Green and some tastefull milling...Hope to get it put together and some picts up late tonight...

Nice shiney glistening green reptillian thingie...

Will still have to take the tank and have the on/off valve put into it yet later this week for it all to be complete but you will get the idea...

06-12-2002, 03:06 PM

looking forward to photos

06-12-2002, 03:07 PM
Somebody say something about a closed bolt spyder? Check out the DeadlyWind RAIL @ www.deadlywind.com It's a complete wase of mony IMO, but it sure is cool.

06-12-2002, 03:15 PM
Actualy Syn your baby was too nice to even consider this for...I let that one go to FatMans B in Law as it was. I used a Silver one for this one.

06-12-2002, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Actualy Syn your baby was too nice to even consider this for...I let that one go to FatMans B in Law as it was. I used a Silver one for this one.

ok, my heart isn't going to rip out of my chest then ;)

tell it's proud owner that i'll always take her back if they ever want to get rid of here (i'd hate for my first marker to fall into the hands of evil) :D

06-12-2002, 03:31 PM
You got it Syn...he is real proud of it. I realy did not want to mess with it as it was so nice...

06-12-2002, 06:10 PM
Hey, cphil, about the rehydro thing, is that for old tanks that have a date on them also?

06-12-2002, 07:24 PM
NO that was for new Cro-Molly (the ones with the rounded bottom) but I still do not believe it as I have never heard it again from anyone else.

OK I got it all together and it looks SWEET! The milling is a series of three slots all the way through the top of the body back where the bolt goes in. Slanting forward and completely through. Three on each side. Down below that is a series of counter slanting groves like fish gills but more of them and not all the way through. Nice deep rich green that is almost irridescent as it twists in the light. Gonna be hard to capture on a picture. Looks real nice with all the stuff I left black. And the X chamber is a nice touch. The Taso drop and ASA are color matched to as well as the tank itself. Nice. Just the right color mixed with the black to not be too much. Leaving the site rail off to show off the milling as it would cover that.

Bad thing is I walked out of the office and forgot the camera so those Picts will be tomorrow.

I still need to have the tank valve installed but I did index it and mark it for antisiphon tube. Might try and run and get it mounted up tomorrow.

Took me about three hours to rebuild it and clean all the insides and polish off the rough stuff left inside from milling and powder coating but it is real nice!

Picts tomorrow!

06-12-2002, 07:34 PM
what are we gonna do with you?!? Get us all excited about seeing this spyder that we've waited oh so long to view and then you leave us with "tomorrow"... Ouch... I'm hurt... I don't think I'll be able to get ANY sleep tonight as I sit up with the greatest of anticipation to be graced with the sheer beauty that is "phil's spyder" But like everything else in this world I guess we'll just have to wait for the good things in life...;)


06-12-2002, 09:26 PM
Well Lance you know where I live! I am bring it to work tomorrow stop by. Hey walt and I are talking about a run to national tomorrow morning. Wanna go? Not sure yet but I want to get the tank fixed up ASAP

06-12-2002, 10:20 PM
pics pics pics pics pics pics pics

06-13-2002, 12:43 AM
pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics

06-13-2002, 07:38 AM

This first one is a close up showing the Milling at the back. The "Gill" type grooves in the top and bottom of the body. Pretty nice representation of the Reptile Green and how it kind of glows with the turn of the light


Next is the full shot of the Marker but without the 16 ounce Cro Molly matching CO2 Tank on it. Which is the same color as the body but I have not been down to have the valve installed yet. That will get an On/Off and a antisiphon tube in it. Shown with a Taso drop and ASA done in same color. Need a shorter SS line to get that turned inward to the grip frame but for now have it coming out the front so I can fire it up. Took this picture with a Stock barrel but do have a Freak base for it and can use 10 or 12 inch tips. Not the best picture in the world but for now it will do. I will take another when the tank is done and the SS line is shortened.


06-13-2002, 07:54 AM
Thanks for the pictures Phil!

I like the green. It is a nice looking setup.

06-13-2002, 08:57 AM
emerald green. i don't care for emeralds, but that puts a nice look from the hum-drum Spyder colors.

06-13-2002, 09:13 AM
Thanks Sam and Otter. Groovey Gilled Reptile Greeness!

A special thanks to Otter for helping me out with this project by finding me a slightly used vert ASA and LP to replace a damaged one and keep this project moving along.

Also to Redrider87 and his pal/partner (do not know his name but I think he is gonna do a Cocker body for me sometime soon) for the Milling and Powder Coating job and the work they did. The milling design ideas were their's based on the Reptile theme. I think the gill work is appropriate. And the green was actualy a choice made by the members here on AO.

06-13-2002, 12:19 PM
my what a big expantion chamber you have...

06-13-2002, 12:25 PM

06-14-2002, 01:04 PM
OK the final Picture of it all complete! Taso site rail to dress it off has similar patterns to the milling notice? And the tank now with an on off guage and antisiphon tube installed.

Drum roll please!........................................... .................................................. ..................................

Ta da!


06-14-2002, 01:06 PM
Very nice looking marker and setup.

Tactical Neural Implant
06-14-2002, 07:07 PM
Hey it looks good! Good luck in your "spider class" tourney!