View Full Version : Turbo Rev off EMag Battery?

03-19-2002, 12:37 PM
I posted this question on the Wicked Air Sportz website:

I have a turbo rev and wanted to know if the way the batteries are connected to the board is the same as with the old boards. I will be running my hopper off an EMag battery which is 18V. I have friends that have already done this with non-turbo boards and they work fine. If i do the same things that they did will i be fine or will it mess something up. I think i saw somewhere that on a turbo rev one battery is for the moter and one is for the board. I just don't want to fry anything. Thanks.

This was the response from the company:

The TurboRev REQUIRES two 9v batteries. One battery powers the computer and shares it's power with the other battery to run the motor. So, both batteries are used for the motor, but only one is used for the computer.

Does two 9V = one 18v Emag battery or not really? The people on this forum seem darn smart about this kind of stuff. I honestly don't know much at all about electronics and would have Chupas do it for me. I like my Turbo rev board but may just swap it out for my x-board otherwise. Thanks.

03-20-2002, 02:46 PM
Well I asked Wicked Air Sportz (WAS) if the batteries are in series or kept seperate and they said both. I am guessing that one battery only powers the motor and the other powers the boards and then is added to the other batteries power for the motor. I think I know how to do it. I will put a voltage regulator in to go down to 9v and then simply connect it to both battery leads as if it were 2 seperate 9v. If anyone sees a problem with this please post, if not I hope to have it done by Easter.

03-20-2002, 03:09 PM
Well, It sounds like they've got the two batteries in Series and are using a connection between the two batteries for board power. You won't be able to run it off an E_Mag battery without adding a regulator circuit to drop the voltage input to the board, this would likely require some modifications to the board. I'd recommend just getting an X-Board and powering that off the E-Mag battery. Otherwise you would need to build both a +9V reg cct and -9V reg cct in series and place those in parallel to the E-Mag battery, then have a lead off the connection between the two reg ccts also connect to the leads. Really more trouble than it's worth.