View Full Version : what would you suggest?

03-19-2002, 09:56 PM
hey guys..

i just got my minimag and love it..
i currently have a 68ci crossfire stubby.
12 revvy

my marker is great..

i was thinking of two possible things besides some more basics like gloves, new pants etc..

i was thinking of a new tank or a intelliframe. i wouldnt get either until summer time.

my tank choices would my Melee 68 fiber wrap or AGD flatline.

i rather not spend 280 on tank. what would you guys suggest out of the two tanks? I am looking for consistancy mostly.

on the other side there is the intelliframe which is cheaper, but for the most part i dont shoot extremly fast so i see no huge point to that trigger and frame..

any other suggestions?

03-19-2002, 10:08 PM
You shouldn't set your choices right now. Keep waiting and see what you would like to improve on your gun.

03-20-2002, 05:46 AM
Why not get a 68ci 3000psi fiber wrapped PMI or Crossfire? That would save you alot and you still get great performance.

03-20-2002, 06:08 AM
i already have a crossfire stubby.

i really dont mind about the weight of the tank..

if the regs on those tanks are generally the same and consistency wont be effected by the tank, then i see no point in getting a tank

understand what im saying?


03-20-2002, 10:02 AM
Don't count out a retro valve!!!

03-20-2002, 12:43 PM
The Crossfire tank has one of the best regs available on it. No reason to replace it. I'd get the Intelliframe and maybe a ReTro valve if you need more speed

03-21-2002, 05:20 PM

i knew the crossfire was a good reg, but i thought i nicer tank like a melee would give better consistancy. if not, then im keeping my crossfire!

so whats up wiht the intelliframe?
i really havent done much research on them because i am still deciding on what to get for me gun..
if anything..

i really dont need to shoot much faster then i do right now.. what else with the intelliframe do?

i like the RT valve, but i just got my minimag, and got 4 stars on it. i rather go through some of the stars and then get it..
