View Full Version : first tourney...need advice and drills

03-19-2002, 10:15 PM
ok guys there is a rookie three man tourney coming up......and i am nervous......if it really matters out teams arsenal is consisting of a mag,cocker and a tricked out 98 custom. were all running co2......and we have practiced only a couple of times..... i need some drills....associated with bunkering communicating or any thing else that is very important........ive been to sites and all looking around...but its coming up soon....and i need as much as i can get....... have thought of some good communicating code ill list below tell me if its ok.....i also posted a pic of my gun.

1.dry ice-out of gas
2.dead rocks-out of paint
3.trick or treat(call out the name of bunker)-moving in for the bunkering move
4.tea time(call out name of bunkers)-need cover fire of the bunkers yelled...or shoot at the bunkers yelled
5.bad habit-making a run for the flag
6.if being bunkered or think am being bunkered just scream help :P

and i need more of those too...not too complicated if you are going to help out and give me some....

well i also need drills...........

please reply


03-19-2002, 10:26 PM
i think you just need to stick with the basics, codes are nice, but if your not used to use them, its goin to cause you to hesitate because your thinking about what it means. its a 3 man so its goin to be pretty fast. about bunkering moves, that goes with practice and lots of play, when you do that, you just feel when to move.

03-19-2002, 10:27 PM
if you fill up before each game you won't run out of air unless your shooting 1000+ shots with a 20 oz i think. but for 3 man basic calls are:

think of as a bird. Eagle being the front man, wings being the back players. so if the enemy team sent a guy to the 50 center, youw ould say, eagle center 50. and say you have one guy to the left 35 and one at the right back stand up. you would say wing left 35 crackpipe or whatever bunker and eagle right standup. try to make your call signs short and understandable.

a typical set up is 2 back one on left and one on right stand ups. and usually 1 front thats the flag runner. on the break out have the front man try to get the first flag pull tell him to run low and fast and slide in as soon as possible. the back people need to concentrate on shooting the lanes because if you get an elmination from the begining you'll already have the upper hand. also don't cuss, shoot hot, and watch the tape so you dont get out.

03-19-2002, 10:29 PM
well, i was told that code words/phrases generally fall apart and dont work, but i've never tried them. i've asked this question here before myself, and what i remember is: a.)communication is key
b.)try to have fun above all
c.)walk the fields beforehand
just search "first tourny" and you'll find a lot of good advice. Sorry I couldnt help much, but I have a tourny coming up in a month, and am wondering the same thing. Good luck to ya.

*edit* - the two above were typing at the same time...

03-19-2002, 11:56 PM
where the the 3 man you are entering?

03-20-2002, 05:58 AM
If you really want to make calls, the most important ones to do are your player count calls.

The best method I've seen of doing this is the double-figure count. With this method, every time you eliminate or lose a player, you call out a 2-digit number...

So for example if you've lost only 2 players when they've lost 5, you'd shout 'Fifty Two!'...

There are loads of variations of this rule, but they all seem to work pretty well. I'd reccommend trying it.


03-20-2002, 08:44 AM
Check out these threads.



You might also want to try a search on 3-man tourny's. There's been a few other posts out there as well. ;)

03-20-2002, 08:51 AM
Basic shooting drills all tourney players should do.

1) Long-balling. Set up targets at different ranges. Work on hitting them with as few shots as possible. You need to get used to how to adjust your aim for distance.

2) Point-shooting. Set up behind a bunker and practice popping out and firing a string of 3 balls and popping back in. You should have your marker shouldered and pointed at the target BEFORE you come out. Should be a fluid motion in and out. Should expose as little of yourself as possible. Have team mates watch and critique. Work the SIDES of your bunkers.

3) Target shooting. Make a target. An 18" stick with a 10" round target works great. Have a team mate get behind a bunker with the target and stick it out at random places. Try to hit it as quickly as possible. Do this at different ranges. Do this both left-handed and right-handed.

4) Bunkering. Set up two bunkers. Behind one set up a target (torso sized). Starting from the other bunker, run up and "bunker" the target. Its harder than you think the shoot on the run like that. Practice the "over the top" move where you move into the bunker as you take the target out and the "around the side" move where you run past the target as you shoot and take the next bunker.

Most likely these will be the most beneficial if you don't have much time. The next drill is intended for building team work.

5) Two-on-one. This is an important drill. Two players try to eliminate a single opponent as fast as possible. First you have to find him, then work on getting a wide angle on him. Each aggressor yells "on me, on me" when the defender is shooting at him - the other aggressor should be moving during that time. Two players should be able to eliminate a single very quickly once they know where he is. The defender works on trying to divide his fire between two aggressors and moving to a defensible position.

Work on these. They will do more for your game than most anything else.

As for codes - the most important codes are how many players are still in the game on each team (someone has already mentioned this - though I prefer to count LIVE players than ELIMINTED ones) and codes for positions on the field. Telling your team mates where the opponents are is more important than anything. When you get to the field work on a set of names that identify the bunkers.
Beyond that, the next most important code is "shoot at this bunker." Most of the rest is probably not worth worrying about, especially in your first tourney.

My advice for a first tourney is keep it simple, play your bunkers tight, let your opponents make mistakes you can capitalize on. Fancy codes and fancy moves will probably not work until you guys get used to playing together.

Play safe and have fun,


03-20-2002, 11:59 AM
thanks for all the advice....the tourney is in maypearl texas..........not in maypearl but around it........i am not quite sure if we are actually gogin to use code......maybe some easy code.....not sure.......

need mroe drills.....thanks for teh one who posted all the drills....and thank you all who even posted...


03-20-2002, 12:18 PM
Is it the tourney thats in Forney?

03-20-2002, 12:25 PM
cant stress this enough, SHOOT THE LANES!!
taht way they run into your paint and your not trying to lead anyone
the its 2 on 3 from then on

shooting lanes helps more than i can even say

do it and youll realize how important it is, look for the most obvious lanes that they will run throught and off the break just shoot non-stop into that lane, he will run right into it, its harder for 3 man, but on 5 man it works well

03-20-2002, 08:59 PM
i beleive the tournement is in cedar hill.....thats where the field is...the site is www.outlawpaintball.com

thanks for the reply.......tell me more about shooting the lanes......is a lane just where that person is going to run........or are there special areas on the arena....and should i and my bro(front men) go ahead and shoot the lanes at the start or run to a front bunker....or should we have one front one middle and one back.......i think we might try different formations on the field...im always a front though....


03-20-2002, 09:04 PM
Just wanted to say nice setup!Might want to get nitrogen on that mag though.:D

03-20-2002, 09:23 PM
I can't stress that enough, don't be over confident but you need to take chances to get the different angles.

03-20-2002, 09:59 PM
thanks for the comment on the gun....i dont like the looks yet but its gonna be sweet.....heres what im getting soon

pb universal df(blue)
macro kit
benchmark double trigger frame w/ trigger(blue frame)
48 ci nitro tank
a blue revvy(maybe)
blue elbow
32 degrees grips(blue)* only cause i cant find dye blue*
benchmark fore grip(blue)
and im looking for a blue site rail to get something on the body
i think im goign to go blue as a theme color....thats what my setup will be hopefully by the end of the summer(hey im 14 i got no job and there is an expensive tourney coming up if you havent noticed)

well i still need more info on the shooting in the lanes thing.........any one can help id apreciate it...and i think we are going to be as aggresive as can be :P we are getting better in our practices/.....i think the tourney is in 3 weeks....ill let you all know how it goes...cause you helped me so much! :P


03-21-2002, 01:00 PM
ok heres all about lanes:

first thing is to scout the field before you play, look at both ends of the field, the lanes are where you can see the other end of the field, where there is no bunker blocking your view, thats a lane
you wanna shoot these llanes of the break, any other time and its pretty useless
but mainly back people will shoot lanes but if the front people want to do it thats prolly ok as well, BECAUSE if you think about it, there is always that number of seconds when everyone is at their bunker and getting ready to pop back up, it happens before every game, and sometimes it can be to your advantage, so shoot lanes then run as far as you can

thats all i got for now, questions? just ask

03-21-2002, 01:19 PM
lol, srry im laughin man. U are in the same position my team was in last year....going into a tournament totaly unprepared, lets just say we got killed and it wasn't pretty. Practice, know ur teamated play style in and out , and throw alot of paint. just from experience enter at the lowest level available and prepare to get killed, good luck.

soilent green
03-21-2002, 02:30 PM
yea excpect to die my team got 8 out of 9 teams in our division and by the looks of your guns you aren't as experienced as we were but have fun and sweet spot off the break or "shoot the lanes" carry plenty of paint the back player should stay alive as long as possible they are key

03-21-2002, 03:25 PM
ok for the guy who said that we are going to get killed...first of all you dont know how we play or how good we are....i have alot of speedball experience(from rec ball)

and the tourney is only lettig ppl that have been into tournements for less than a year in....ITS A ROOKIE TOURNEMENT.......or novice........the lowest it goes...
well i think we have a damn good chance.....we are still preparing and stuff and its not for like 3 weeks...we are going to the field that is going to host it in a week.....

thanks for the info on shooting the lanes....its just wehre there are no bunkers in your line of fire

_ _ _

_ _ _
_ . _ _

think that hte above little lines are bunkers.... and the period is the back man......he just shoots forward(he is supposed to be in a spot where there are no bunkers in front of him)


03-21-2002, 03:39 PM
ok here is the best i can do

red blotches are bunkers black dot is the back player

pretend that this field is only made out of the bunkers shown.

you can see where the people will run to because they all cant stay in the back bunker
so youll want to shoot where the people will be running

and if it works out you have a huge mental and player advantage, cause nothing gets to a team more than losing a player of the break

hmm too big to attach
post your email and ill send it to you


03-21-2002, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by KOP_jedi_master
its just wehre there are no bunkers in your line of fire

but youll need to make predictions on where you THINK they will go, so dont pick a lane that you think no one will be in, obviously:)

anyways, ill send you the pic i made if you post your email

03-21-2002, 03:47 PM
What has worked well for us shooting the lane that the opponent is going to run through. We choose the lane by finding out what the most important bunker will be for the other team. They will either try to get it off the break or try to fill it some time during the course of the game. Get one of your guys to sweetspot this lane off the break.

If the field has bunkers that are too easy to move between you may want to sweetspot the back guy. By keeping him in behind a bunker and he won't be able to cover the guys moving.

I'm not that experienced playing 3-man ball. Last time was down in KY a couple years ago. What I noticed is that most teams ran two guys and one shoots from the back. We did too and it worked well. I didn't send both guys out really far. Since the games are typically short(time limits) I tried to get them into good tape bunkers where they could be up and shooting. Once we determined where the opponents were we started making for the key bunkers or the flag (If there is high points for flag pull).

Other bits of advice:

Try to stay on your feet if you can, 3-man was fast and intense. Although crawling a snake bunker may be important on certain fields.

The team that moves more usually wins.

Always have someone watching the field, don't let them keep all of you behind your bunker.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

03-21-2002, 08:23 PM
my e-mail is kop_jedi_master@hotmail.com ..............i think that we are going to have a good practice this weekend.....we are doing like 5 or 6 vs us three.... and then some 3 on 3 scrimages....after we do out drills.....going to work on running shooting drills....bunkering drils...snap shooting....and more.....but i am only going to waste 200 paintballs on all these drills...... then we are going down to the scrimages........so here is what i am going to do.....

have the back man shoot the lanes while the two front men hit the tapes hard to get good angles on the enemy.....while moving up our tape runners(2) to overwhelm the enemy and hopefully getting some good chances for a bunker move....... but i have a question.....whats a good way to cover all the guys for a bunker move....like what should each player do...i know they should cover but who...should they all just shoot at a guy(one a peice) to keep everyone down.....and then say i run up and bunker someone while my teamates are keeping me covered from other enemy shots.....should i pelt his bunker a couple of times to keep him in his seat...then come over the top...after i shoot him i duck down on his bunker and try to get a better angle on the others........and then i could give the signal for my other guys to move up and maybe bunker a guy....

at our practice this weekend should i scrimage 3 on 3 or 5 on 3 to get used to all te heat and get better at what we need to do...so it will be harder than 3 on 3......

e-mail again is kop_jedi_master@hotmail.com


03-21-2002, 08:36 PM
my advice, hit hard, and hit fast. dont bother with any technical stuff especially if its yer first tourney...plz trust me when I say this, cuz I just went through my 1st tourney, with 2 newbies no less :(.
I realized our plans had no chance, especially with the newbie experience on my team...so I got wiggy and flipped out, runs to the 50 are unexpected.

*shrug* just put all yer heart and game into it...afterwards, ask yerself what you did wrong, and work with it.

03-21-2002, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by PowerFedMag
my advice, hit hard, and hit fast. dont bother with any technical stuff especially if its yer first tourney...plz trust me when I say this, cuz I just went through my 1st tourney, with 2 newbies no less :(.
I realized our plans had no chance, especially with the newbie experience on my team...so I got wiggy and flipped out, runs to the 50 are unexpected.

*shrug* just put all yer heart and game into it...afterwards, ask yerself what you did wrong, and work with it.

thats pretty good stuff too, you cant be intimidated(sp) cause then your already beat yourselves

also, never leave the field thinking "what if..." if u wanna do it do it if you dont wanna risk it, dont
mainly play smart

03-22-2002, 11:53 AM
did you send me the e-mail about shooting lanes? well ill check it right now ok......and btw i just want to thank you all once again you have really helped me out.....i was thinking if my team feels intimidated im just going to talk some smack just so i can get them hyped up....i want my team to know that ill do whatever it takes to lead them to victory......and im not scared of anything...no matter the gun....the gear......the skill....(even though i might be scared a little :P ) im gonna flip out at this tourney....


03-22-2002, 09:27 PM
like this...shoot down the lanes...

03-22-2002, 09:29 PM
i am sending you an e-mail that is mroe descriptive...i still dont quite understand?