View Full Version : your view

03-19-2002, 11:22 PM
what is your view

the people on pbnation say that they wouldn't die for their country or go to war. they would just move somewhere else! what is your view on this!

03-19-2002, 11:29 PM
I would die for my country

03-20-2002, 12:13 AM
If I was called on to defend my great country, there would be absolute cooperation from me! For everything it has given me, I would be willing to give back!

03-20-2002, 12:21 AM
well i'm already in the service so I have no choice. But if I wasn't I still would go with no reservations. Any person who, has, is, or will serve there is a hero in my book.

03-20-2002, 12:27 AM
I would not avoid a draft, but if someone walked into my room right now and said, will you die for your country, if so i am going to shoot you, i would most likely say no. I wouldn't voluntarily join the armed servives, but i wouldnt avoid a draft.

03-20-2002, 08:13 AM
I could only hope that I would not be too much of a wuss as to run from my country when she needs me. That is beneath cowardice. That is a disgrace.

" Until you found something worth dieing for, your not really living"

-I can't remeber who said that but I agree whole-heartidly.

just my two cents

03-20-2002, 09:00 AM
Q: Would I die for my country?

A: Hell NO!

Q: Would I kill someone else for my country?

A: Ummm, what do you think?.....yes!

No point in DYING for your country...I hate that statement or phase.....Id would much rather make my enemy die for his country, No doubt!


03-20-2002, 09:02 AM
i am presently in the service, so I have already taken the oath to defend this great country. No questions; I think it is an honor. But, and s0omeone has this in their sig, as general patton said ( I may misquote, sorry), "our job is not to die for our country; it is to make those other poor miserable bastards die for theirs". Yet another great quote by a great soldier!

03-20-2002, 09:09 AM
im so glad that people here would! over there its just a bunch of wusses that would never do anything for anyone!

03-20-2002, 09:48 AM
Anyone who says they wouldn't fight for this country is pitiful. Its a really sad state of affairs.

I wonder how old they were, though. Most of my friends (early 20's) would go. My brother, however, (18) has said he probably wouldn't.

Its interesting for 4 years or so makes such a difference.

03-20-2002, 10:06 AM
My grandfather died in World War II, on D-Day with the United States Army 4th division landing on Utah Beach. He was part of the Victor movement, attempting to take the beachhead and moving west to rendevous with the United States 82nd Airborne Division landing on the Cotentin Peninsula. Of the American troops landing in Normandy, Utah beach was among the least defended. Omaha beach was far more of a difficult endeavor, but casulties at Utah beach still occured.
I look on my Grandfather as a hero, he is buried at Fort Snelling a war hero, and I am the proud owner of his Bronze Star. It is the most valuable posession I have, and should my home catch fire, would be the first thing I grab. Sorry, but my Mag will have to burn.
Would I die for my country? No. I've got a one year old son and a four year old daughter. I would fight for my country, but I would come back alive, no matter what.

03-20-2002, 02:58 PM
'die' for my country? in a second, no questions asked

i would jointhe services in a second too.

03-20-2002, 03:15 PM
Dont forget, too, that those that have fought and died did so so that those who refuse to can do so in a free country. We are unique in that aspect. I dont like thre fact that people arent willing to defend their freedom; however, I will fight for the right for them to say so.
BTW, soldiers dont die for their country, collective beliefs, or ideals; they die for one another.

03-20-2002, 04:12 PM
I'd be more than willing.

03-20-2002, 05:20 PM
um.....People pay for freedom in America,It is not given to them.....Would I die for this country....no.This Government has oficially proven that it is screwed up.Scandals among every president.Recounts among recounts.And for Us fighting other peoples battles,that is really getting old.This terrorist thing I understand,as they attacked us.But if terrorism occured in somehwere in east bum****,why do we go fight it.I actually consider america the bully.some may say the big brother,this is my opinion,and that,is thiers.

03-20-2002, 05:35 PM
well not before I.... ummm, do a couple things first:D you know what i'm talking about.:p

03-20-2002, 05:43 PM

How is it exactly that people pay for their freedom in this country? Do they charge it? Write a check for it?

I'll tell you how it's paid for--on I.O.U. from the people who sacrifice their lives every day: police officers, firefighters, and of course, our military. Civilians don't understand and can't grasp the concept that their freedoms really are handed to them on a silver platter. In what other countries is it legal for the citizens to burn the flag? Our government isn't perfect, we all know that. But if all you can see are its mistakes, and be pissed off because of them, then it's time to leave. Don't reap the fruits of the greatest country in the world if you aren't prepared to support it.

I truly don't believe that anyone wants to die for their country; however, there are many people who are willing to die for their country. It is those people that you should thank at night before you go to sleep in the comfort of your bed.

03-20-2002, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
I would not avoid a draft, but if someone walked into my room right now and said, will you die for your country, if so i am going to shoot you, i would most likely say no. I wouldn't voluntarily join the armed servives, but i wouldnt avoid a draft.

if that happened to me...id beat them take the gun and blow their brains out...well i would atleast try.. lol....if i could join the marines now i would...yes i would die for my country....

03-20-2002, 06:18 PM
Would I die for my country? What the hell good would that do? I mean, if some guy came up to me and told me that he would nuke every major city of the U.S.A. unless he got to kill me, hell yeah I would die. My life isn't worth more than anybody elses, whether they be black yellow or blue.

Our country, even though we are the greatest nation on Earth, has are mistakes and regrets as all other countrys do. Not one nation on this planet has absolutely no regrets. We're still working on some of them. Alot of these problems are problems with the entire world.

Would I kill for my country? Yes. Would I die for another person? It depends who. I would not defend the president seeing as how I do not like him. On the other hand, if it was my job to take a bullet for him, I would do it without further thinking, but as of now, being the person that I am right now, no, I wouldn't take a bullet for him.

I would, however, take a bullet for this nation and the freedoms that it defends. Even with the problems we have, it is still the greatest nation and experiment that this world's history has to offer.

03-20-2002, 06:20 PM
I can't join any armed forces, which sucks. I was born with a heart problem, but its ok now. Still, any health problems gets you exempt from the armed forces, but if i could go and serve for the country, i would die for this nation, if i dont die for a worthy cause in the war, then i wont be the only one.

03-21-2002, 04:23 PM
hm.....how do we pay for this "freedom" we supposed to have?hm.,...taxes.And what kind of government is this (i know its democracy)....it shouldnt even be called government,it should be called circus.So many scandals to count,the government lies through its teeth.We pay them to "govern" us,not to get blown by interns.

03-21-2002, 06:53 PM
The taxes that we pay go to help pay for the salaries and new equipment of the police, fire, military; however, you should know that those of us who serve also pay taxes--so for further reference, I don't want to hear you whine about paying our paychecks, because you don't. Taxes also go to fund new public schools--so that kids can go to school for free; build new roads and fix existing ones; go to programs for health care (which isn't the greatest, I admit); and lots of other things.

Do you have a job? How many different taxes do you pay? How much? You get a refund every year, right? You most likely get almost all of what they take out back too. So let me see, you pay your taxes, then the government reimburses you for the money they borrowed (yes, without interest) Why are you complaining? It sounds like you've got it made...

03-22-2002, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by MagMan5446

we are the greatest nation on Earth

Thats debatable sailor.

03-22-2002, 08:15 PM
yes it is. im not saying other countries are bad, but they're just not as good. our government is a little rusty, our policies need a little polishing up on, but besides that, NO ONE is better

03-22-2002, 08:53 PM
It is debateable. Britain is a great country.

I think that the U.S. is better simply because Brits are so pale and can't cook their beef right.

03-23-2002, 11:13 AM
that and people in brittain cant even drink their own sink water! that and they have a system called "socialism" which isnt all that great. america tried it when the country was first being made, and many people died because socialism is the act of sharing EVERYTHING, and no one gets extras under any circumstance so during the winter, the food rations and what not ran out and all these people die, and they try capitolism and it worked out ok so they stuck with it

03-23-2002, 01:52 PM
id die for my country without a doubt

besides, IMO i think just about anything is better then moving to canada......

no offense,just had bad experiences in canada(dont ask)

03-24-2002, 08:19 PM
oh come on! share with us man!

03-24-2002, 08:36 PM
definitely would

03-25-2002, 12:16 AM
I would die for my God, I would not die for my country. I'd move to Canada, or as most people view it "the 51st state" ;). It's like a cleaner, safer version of America. And tehy put butter on everything! :D!


03-25-2002, 06:33 PM
yeah in other words you're just as bad as clinton

03-25-2002, 08:31 PM
No, I'm just not the greatest patriot, I didn't have an affair with Monica Lewinsky :)


03-26-2002, 04:36 PM
It's hard toknow who to trust any more these days. The Vietnam war taught us that.

Young men were being drafted to fight a war that wasn't really a war and that ultimately served no puropse.

If the war being waged was one of pure aggression on our part then I would have to say that I would avoid the draft by any means neccessary.

If on the other hand the war was clearly to help some other nation get out from under the yoke of an oppressor and they desperately needed and wanted out help then I wouldn't wait for the draft.

Again, it really depends on the situation.